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将军扣儿 General's Buttons

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2025-01-21 12:19 已读 1143 次 3赞  


Mrs. Zhang noticed that since Martial Big Wolf had returned from his grandfather's house, he always found excuses to enter her and Etiquette Salutation's bedroom to watch her and Etiquette Salutation dress. One day, before going out, she deliberately waited for him to peek in, hurriedly put on her coat, and hurriedly fastened her buttons as she walked out the door. She realized that Martial Big Wolf was staring straight at her as she fastened her buttons and was puzzled.

One day, while helping Martial Big Wolf organize his room, Mrs. Zhang rummaged through one of his old school uniforms. Noticing that the collar had been torn, she threw it to the floor, ready to throw it away later. Martial Big Wolf hurried over and picked it up, saying, “This is my voodoo uniform. I want to keep it as a souvenir.”
Mrs. Zhang looked at the uniform again and said, “Since you want to keep it as a souvenir, I'll help you fix it.”

Martial Big Wolf pointed to the badly stubbled fabric at the neckline and said, “It can't be mended, it's all stubbled to the seams here, and there's not enough fabric to go around.”
Mrs. Zhang said, “To mend this uniform, we must first weave this fabric and then mend it.”

Martial Big Wolf strangely chattered, “How do you weave the cloth on the clothes?”
Mrs. Zhang said, “It can be woven! You'll understand if you come with me to the tailor's store. I must ask them to draw a pattern for me first, and they do it fast and well.”

到了裁缝铺后,张夫人先说武大郎要看 “织补”,请裁缝店的人示范给他看。然后她就和一位裁缝开始研究如何修补武大郎的巫毒学院校服。
Upon arriving at the tailor store, Mrs. Zhang first said that Martial Big Wolf wanted to see “weaving mending” and asked the tailor store to demonstrate it to him. And then she and one of the tailors began to work on how to mend Martial Big Wolf's Voodoo Academy uniform.

When the tailor's store returned his uniform, Martial Big Wolf was surprised to find so much extra cloth woven into the neckline of his uniform, confused, but didn't ask. Martial Big Wolf often visited his school uniform and waited anxiously for Mrs. Zhang to mend it.

On this day, Mrs. Zhang went out after mending the school uniform. When she came back, she found that Martial Big Wolf had already put the school uniform on and was catching at fastening the buttons. The buttons on this mended uniform were a bit different from the previous ones. Martial Big Wolf fumbled with it and still fastened the buttons. Mrs. Zhang watched from the side without making a sound. She then took out a gold dumpling and asked Martial Second Wolf to send it to the tailor store and get the rest of the money back.

Martial Second Wolf realizes that there is very little gold left in the take back and wants to check the account as to what cost so much gold. The tailor explained to him that the thread used for that school uniform was the cicada silk thread produced in Chongqing, which was very expensive. And Mrs. Zhang wanted to use gold silk thread with higher silk content to repair it, which was even more expensive, that's why it cost a gold dumpling.


张夫人听见武二郎和武大郎又在屋里打起来了,跑了过来,看见武二郎正在撕扯武大郎的衣服领子。她过去就打了武二郎两巴掌。武二郎哭着跑了。武大郎一边哭一边系扣子,还叨咕,“又被他给扯坏了”。张夫人蹲了下来,一边说“没坏,是你系得顺序不对,”一边解开他系上的扣子。武大郎推开了张夫人的手,一边叨咕着“这怎么没坏呢!?”一边捉摸着自己系扣子,但他怎么也扣不上。张夫人又蹲下了,说:“这是咱们家祖传的‘将军扣儿’是双层扣儿。我来教你怎么系! 你得先系上里面层的一半,然后以这个顺序系外面层扣子,然后在底下一拉!”校服果然没坏,被张夫人给系上了。
Mrs. Zhang heard Martial Second Wolf and Martial Big Wolf fighting again in the house and ran over to see Martial Second Wolf tearing the collar of Martial Second Wolf’s collar. He went over and slapped Martial Second Wolf twice. Martial Second Wolf cried and ran away. As he cried, Martial Big Wolf tied his buttons and muttered, “He tore it again.” Mrs. Zhang squatted down and said, “It's not broken, it's just that you tied the buttons in the wrong order,” while undoing the buttons he had fastened. Martial Big Wolf pushed away Mrs. Zhang's hands, while muttering “How come it's not broken! He fumbled with his own buttons, but he couldn't fasten them. Mrs. Zhang squatted down again and said, “This is our family's ancestral ‘General's Button’ which is a double layer button. I'll teach you how to fasten it! You must fasten half of the inner layer first, then fasten the outer layer buttons in this order, and then pull at the bottom!” The school uniform really wasn't broken and was tied by Mrs. Zhang.

Martial Big Wolf wanted to undo the buttons and practice tying the general's buttons himself, but he couldn't get it undone, so he said, “Mom, you help me undo it, and I'll practice tying the general's buttons again!” Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhang (Mazu) shed tears and said, “To undo the general's buttons, you must pull up them a little before you undo them!” At that moment, she heard Martial Second Wolf, who was peeping from the side, run away and chased after him.

Martial Second Wolf cried, “That Sun Monkey called you mom, and you cried with joy! I always call you mom, and I've never seen you smile!” Mrs. Zhang took him to the vault and pointed to the shelves in the reserve area, saying, 'You remember what this place used to be like! Our family's reserve fund was three years' worth of income, and it was all spent. That gold dumpling just now was taken by me from the liquidity shelf. If you hit your big brother again, our family will go bankrupt! Then we'll all have to live on the street like that circus people surnamed Sun.” Martial Second Wolf got scared and said, “Mom! I'll never hit my big brother again!”

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