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送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2025-01-20 9:31 已读 1273 次 1赞  


15.5.1 三郎 Three Wolves

One day when Third Wolf Zhang was nine years old, he had just returned from his grandfather's house when his older brother Martial Second Wolf came running to him and said mysteriously, "Monkey Brother is back! His clothes are very strange. He also has a sky book. The paper of the sky book is white and is full of strange symbols. No one can recognize them! Only Monkey Brother can read it." 武大郎和武二郎 Big Wolf and Second Wolf

Third Wolf Zhang didn't believe it and said, "You're lying to me! Where did this monkey brother come from!?"
Martial Second Wolf replied, "Our eldest brother was fostered in someone else's home since he was young. He looks like a monkey. That family said, "If they don't send him back to foster the relationship among our family, he won't recognize us as brothers when he grows up. So, his foster parents sent him back. As a result, he really doesn't call our mother mom now!"

Third Wolf Zhang came to Martial Big Wolf’s room and greeted him. Martial Big Wolf reluctantly showed him the textbook he brought back from the Voodoo Academy. As soon as Third Wolf Zhang opened the book, Martial Second Wolf came over. Martial Big Wolf immediately took the textbook back and stopped them from reading it.

One day, Martial Big Wolf came to Mrs. Zhang (also known as Mazu) with a book and said, "You bad woman!"
Mrs. Zhang got angry and said, "You don't call me mother, but you still scold me." She beat him and asked, "Why do you say I am a bad woman?"

Martial Big Wolf cried and showed her the book, saying, "Look at how your son has torn my book!"
Mrs. Zhang saw that half a page had been torn from some parts of the book, and a whole page had been torn from others. She called Martial Second Wolf over and gave him a beating as well.

Someone told Mrs. Zhang, "You can't hit your child. The more you hit him, the more alienated your mother-son relationship will be! You should talk to him and solve the problem."
Mrs. Zhang asked Martial Big Wolf, "Why do you say I'm not your mother?"

Martial Big Wolf said, “You're so tall and I'm so short!” He also drew diagrams and used the principles of genetics to explain. Publican Etiquette Salutation and Mrs. Zhang then invited experts in the field, such as a face reader, to debate with him. As a result, the invited expert could not win over Martial Big Wolf. Soon after, the story spread, and no such expert could be found in the neighborhood, because if people came, it would be a bad reputation if they lost. Mr. and Mrs. Zhang then spent a lot of money to bring in experts from far away places. Martial Second Wolf saw that just because of this monkey brother, parents a box, a box of gold and silver to others, angry. According to legend, this debate lasted for a long time, and finally Martial Big Wolf lost the debate.

自从武大郎回来了,礼敬公夫妇就带着孩子们走亲戚,到处给亲戚朋友送礼。到爷爷家时,爷爷看了武大郎打猴拳,高兴的不得了,大叫:“这是我孙子!”爷爷还领着他们去到了一家姓孙的,马戏团家庭。武大郎看见那家人的身高都和他差不多,高兴了,和他们一起玩起了马戏团的杂耍。武二郎也和他们一起玩。武大郎爬到了高杆的顶端。礼敬公看了,害怕了,喊:“危险,快下来!” 张夫人说:“没事,我在这接着他。老张公把儿子拉出了院子,对他说:“孩子的母亲都不害怕,你怕什么!” 过了一会儿,张三郎也出来了。爷爷问:“和他们一起玩呗!出来干啥!?”张三郎回答:“看着都害怕!”
Since Martial Big Wolf came back, Publican Etiquette Salutation couple have taken their children to visit relatives and give gifts to relatives and friends everywhere. When they arrived at the grandfather's house, the grandfather saw Martial Big Wolf doing monkeyish martial art and was very happy. He shouted: "This is my grandson!" The grandfather also took them to a circus family surname Sun. Martial Big Wolf was happy to see that the family members were about the same height as him, and he played circus acrobatics with them. Martial Second Wolf also played with them. Martial Big Wolf climbed to the top of the high pole. Publican Etiquette Salutation saw it and was scared. He shouted: "Danger, come down quickly!" Mrs. Zhang said: "It's okay, I'll catch him here. Old Zhang pulled his son out of the embankment and said to him: "The child's mother is not afraid, what are you afraid of!" After a while, Third Zhang also came out. Grandpa asked: "Play with them! What are you doing out!?" He replied: "It's scary just to see it!"
According to legend, after this trip, Martial Big Wolf accepted that Publican Etiquette Salutation was his father, but still did not accept Mrs. Zhang (i.e. Mazu) as mother. Martial Second Wolf called him Monkey Sun from then on.

一天,爷爷,老张公来找张夫人说,“我有了一个计划,让武大郎和我玩一段时间。” 老张公给武大郎讲:“传说我们这种小人源于一个已经灭亡了的国家,邓国,所以现在人们都称呼我们为邓人。我们的祖宗也曾经姓邓。人们一听说姓邓,就知道我们是小矮人,所以我们的祖宗就改成了姓孙。我曾祖父忽然有了一个奇怪的想法,娶一位具有将军血统的大个子媳妇,改良遗传基因。他研究发现你妈家她们张家的闺女具有很强的将军遗传基因,于是他就改姓张了。他还建立了一个特别的基金,攒钱,娶一位张家的闺女做媳妇,培养出一位将军。他的理想被我我实现了。我的儿子娶了你妈,生出了你和武二郎。你们俩都有将军的特质。”
One day, Grandpa, Old Zhang Publican, came to Mrs. Zhang and asked, "I have a plan! Let me play with Martial Big Wolf for a while." Old Zhang Publican told Martial Big Wolf, "Legend says that we, the little people, originated from a country that has been destroyed, the Deng State, so people now call us Deng people. Our ancestors also had the surname Deng. When people heard the surname Deng, they knew we were dwarfs, so our ancestors changed their surname to Sun. My great-grandfather suddenly had a strange idea, to marry a tall wife with the bloodline of a general to improve his genetic genes. He found out that the daughters of your mother's family, the Zhang family, had strong general genes, so he changed his surname to Zhang. He also set up a special fund to save money, marry a daughter of the Zhang family as a daughter-in-law, and train a general. His ideal was realized by me. My son married your mother and gave birth to you and Martial Second Wolf. Both of you have the genetic traits of a general.”

Martial Big Wolf asked: "What qualities are the genetic traits of a general?"
Old Zhang Publican suddenly called out to several children on the roadside: "Come here, whoever can climb to the third branch of this tree, I will buy him a string of candied haws." Several children quickly climbed up the tree and got candied haws when they came down. Old Zhang Publican asked Martial Big Wolf: "Can you climb up?" He quickly climbed to the top of the tree and got candied haws when he came down. Several children tried but couldn't climb up. Old Zhang Publican asked them: "Don't you want candied haws? Why don't you climb up?" The children all answered: "Yes, but I can't climb up!" Old Zhang Publican also bought candied haws for them, turned around and told Martial Big Wolf: "I and your father are just like these children; we can't climb trees!"

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