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送交者: gaganow[☆★智创先导★☆] 于 2024-12-07 4:57 已读 1393 次 4赞  



"Notes Written in the Illness Margin": Finding Light of Life in Suffering


Shi Tiesheng's "Notes Written in the Illness Margin" is a unique collection of essays, distinct from common sickbed memoirs or spiritual chicken soup; rather, it contains profound philosophical thoughts from a wise man contemplating life through illness. With his characteristic calmness and wisdom, the author uses his pen to sketch out reflections on ultimate questions about life, fate, and faith during the intervals between his suffering.


The book unfolds in scattered essays, yet each piece contains profound thoughts. While Shi Tiesheng starts from his own experience with illness, he doesn't limit himself to personal narrative but extends his gaze to broader life contemplations. When discussing fate, he compares life to a drama where everyone plays an irreplaceable role. This perspective is quite novel, allowing us to transcend the limitations of personal gains and losses and view life's ups and downs with a more open-minded attitude.


What's particularly moving is that Shi Tiesheng never lost his love for life or depth of thought despite his illness. He views illness as a special kind of "journey," a perspective that feels refreshingly new. In his view, although illness comes fiercely, it is also a way to understand life and experience existence. By comparing life experiences in different states, he grasps a simple yet profound truth: we are fortunate at any moment, because any disaster could be preceded by the word "even."


The author's reflection on faith is particularly profound. Through interpreting the story of Job in the Bible, he explains the true meaning of faith. In his view, faith is not a transaction of seeking favors from deities, but rather the ability to maintain hope in the midst of suffering. This perspective has both philosophical depth and spiritual enlightenment. He believes that life's suffering is not a mockery of faith, but precisely the reason why faith exists.


The author's unique way of thinking is evident throughout the book. He excels at extracting philosophical thoughts from daily life and expressing profound philosophical issues in simple language. For instance, he uses a broken vase as a metaphor for the relationship between humans and the universe, illustrating that humans are an inseparable part of the world's entirety - a metaphor that is both vivid and convincing.


Shi Tiesheng's writing style is crystal clear, without flowery embellishments, yet possesses a touching power of its own. Even when discussing his most painful experiences, his pen maintains a rare serenity and rationality. This restrained narrative style actually touches readers' hearts more deeply. For example, when he describes his feelings while watching blood flow in the dialysis room, the contemplation revealed in his calmness carries more power than emotional accusations.


It's worth noting that the author's attitude toward life is neither negative nor excessively optimistic. He neither avoids the existence of suffering nor wallows in painful emotions. This attitude is particularly precious in today's inspirational literature. He tells us that when facing suffering, we need neither be overly optimistic expecting all problems to be perfectly resolved, nor fall into despair - maintaining hope is what matters most.


The precious value of this work lies in its transcendence beyond personal fate to contemplation of universal human nature. Although the author's experience is unique, his reflections carry universal significance. Whether healthy or ill, readers can find inspiration in it. He tells us that life's meaning lies not in the external circumstances we face, but in how we view and confront these circumstances.


"Notes Written in the Illness Margin" is not merely a collection of notes written during illness, but a life guide about maintaining dignity and hope in adversity. It reveals that life's value lies not in whether it's perfect, but in how we find and create meaning within imperfection. This reflection holds special significance for the anxiety and confusion prevalent in today's society.


Overall, "Notes Written in the Illness Margin" is a rare excellent book that combines philosophical depth with readability, provoking readers' thoughts while providing spiritual comfort. In this fast-paced era, a work that encourages us to slow down and contemplate undoubtedly holds special value. It not only helps us face life's ups and downs with a more open mind but also inspires us to reflect on the essence and meaning of life. Such a work deserves careful reading by every confused modern person.
贴主:gaganow于2024_12_07 9:09:00编辑
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