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🧧10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearances

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★卢岩★★☆♂] 于 2024-10-21 9:51 已读 553 次 13赞  


The previous articles described image memory and image thinking patterns are potential qualifications for “fate through” (see section 10.5). The rapid and drastic changes in my emotions during my mental illness triggered my memories before the age of three, which enabled me to obtain the “fate through”, one of the seven divine powers of God. Moreover, I also saw a modern psychology book clearly stating that normal people who can recall affairs before the age of three have not yet been found. How did Troupe Leader Liu know that I would go crazy? What is the cause of my psychosis? Modern psychiatry does not know the cause of mental illness yet.

我在一次复读第13.1.1节《地狱趣》,注意到了五逆罪是对心理机制的反操作,但我对 “出身神身血即堕地狱”一条不理解。我忽然想起了小时候崔凤龙姨父给我讲过的《精神病入门病例》(参见4.8节):甲人在路上,看见对面走来一个人,脸上流着血,匆匆忙忙地从集市上离开。当时,甲人有点儿吃惊,但没在意。走过去后,他忽然想:“哎呀!刚才那个人好像认识。” 甲人却想不起来那人是谁,或者在哪儿见过。过了几天,甲人听说那个脸上流血的人死了,就感觉不舒服。几天后,甲人病了。
Once, I was rereading Section 13.1.1 "Hell Interest" and noticed that the “Five Crimes of Anti” are the reverse operations of the psychological mechanism, but I didn't understand the clause “Bleeding God’s body, instantly fall into hell”. I suddenly remembered that Uncle Dragon told me the story of "Introductory Case to Mental Illness” (see section 4.8). On the way, Man A saw a man walking on the opposite side, with blood on his face, hurrying away from the market. At that time, Man A had a small shock, but he didn't care. When he walked over, suddenly thought, "Oh! That person seems to know him." But “Man A” couldn't remember who he was, or where he had seen him. A few days later, when Man A heard that the man with blood on his face had died, he felt unwell. A few days later, Man A fell ill.

I realized that this is a case of “Bleeding God’s body, instantly fall into hell”. The man with the bleeding face had the appearance of God, and the appearance of God is the “big seed”. The “big seed” is the default model (also known as seed) in the human brain's thinking mechanism, which is used by the human brain to derive and create other similar things. When the “big seed” changes, everything created by it changes accordingly. In other words, when Person A saw "God's face bleeding", the “big seed” of people in Person A's thinking mechanism (that is, the default model of people) was changed, so that many people in Person A's mind had bleeding faces, that is, Person A suffered from mental disorders (also known as falling into hell).

10.8-2 什么是思维机制中的默认模特或种子?What is the Default Model or Seed in Mind Mechanism?

When dealing with objective things, the human brain always simplifies the objective objects autonomously and extracts various default models (called seeds in Buddhism), such as man, butterfly, tree, etc. Then, it uses this default model to recognize other individuals of the same kind. For example, when we see a woman, we may describe her as having big eyes, a high nose bridge, tall stature, and a little thin. These descriptions are all features collected by the human brain by comparing the other party with the default female model (or saying seed woman, goddess) in its own thinking mechanism, and mind uses this default woman model to recognize the other party, or even all women.

此中,默认的女人模特就是女人的定义,亦作女神。人脑通过女神这个默认模特来建立其它的女人,也就是说所有的个体女人都是从女神派生出来的,即女神是女人的种子, 能生出其它女人。
Here, the default model of woman is the definition of woman, also known as goddess. The human brain uses the default model of goddess to establish other women, that is, all individual women are derived from goddess, that is, goddess is the seed of woman, which can give birth to other women. Similarly, we can conclude that the male god is the seed of man, from which all similar men can be derived; the snake god is the seed of snake, from which other snakes can be derived; the tree god is the seed of tree, from which many trees can be produced, and so on.

现实生活中就有和男神女神长的类似的人,就可能会有与神类似的性质。现代心理学描述这种人的长相为 “可以藏在人群里的人” ,比如,他是这种长相,你跟他不熟。他在前面跑,你在后面追他。路边有几个人,他转身往那几个人中一站,你就找不着他了。
In real life, there are people who look like god and goddess, so they may have similar qualities to god. Modern psychology describes the appearance of such people as "people who can hide in the crowd". For example, he looks like God, and you are not familiar with him. He runs in front of you, and you chase him from behind. There are a few people on the side of the road, and he turns around and stands among them, then you can't find him.

The previous paragraph shows that God's appearance is featureless and immemorial. You see him and know he is a man and looks familiar; but after you leave him, you soon can't remember what he looks like.

Chinese Buddhist scriptures describe the goddess like this: neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, neither black nor white, eyes neither big nor small, nose bridge neither high nor low, body temperature warm in winter and cool in summer, doesn’t laugh doesn’t speak, laughs first before she speaks. When a guest comes, she greets at front and enters the house behind; after entering the room, sits down later and stands up the first.

Why does Goddess always laugh!? A happy or joyful Jade Girl (i.e. Goddess, Eve) is a goddess, and a sad or weeping Jade Girl is a Misfortune. In addition, the appearances of goddesses may vary according to ethnicities, regions, and historical periods. Readers can imagine that the appearance of Chinese goddess would be different from that of Arabian goddess.

10.8-3 案例二 Case 2

I recalled the rare affair my mother told me when I was a child. She came back from my second aunt's house and was very excited. She said, "I met your second aunt's Little Second, your second brother. I didn't recognize him. When he spoke and I heard his voice, I and was shocked, recognized him. He lost one-third of his body weight and looked completely different!"

I asked in surprise: "Oh my! What's wrong with him? How is he now?"
My mother replied: "You wouldn't believe it even if I told you! He encountered a Misfortune!"

I didn't understand what my mother was saying! My mother explained, "I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw how thin he was, I couldn't help but believe it! This is what your second brother said himself. On his way to work, he often saw an old man in a place where elderly people gathered. He looked familiar and smiled as if he knew him. He thought the old man was very nice and amiable, so he would occasionally say hello to him and talk to him. One day, he passed by there again, and the old man had died, and the family was holding a funeral. Your second brother had never attended a funeral, so he was curious and went in to look. Two days after he came back, he fell ill. He couldn't eat and sleep, lost one-third of his body weight. He went to major hospitals in Shenyang and Anshan and underwent many tests. The results showed that he had no disease; no one could explain what happened to him. He could only go home and wait to die. There was no other way, so your second aunt went to a big god's house. The big god is a woman. Your second aunt had just said a few words, and the big goddess said: He encountered a Misfortune! He was rude to it; you must do this. The big goddess asked your second brother to apologize to the old man! The big goddess said that when a man takes his last breath, it is a Misfortune. "

Mom said, "At least there is hope. They bought pig head, fruits and other things as the goddess said, and went to commonwealth to the old man's grave. According to the goddess’ sayings, after kowtowed and apologized, your second brother had to walk around the grave three rounds, mumbling apologies as he walked. At that time, your second brother couldn't walk anymore. Two people supported him and walked three rounds. Your second brother said that when he walked the third rounds, he felt sweaty. After walking three rounds, his illness was 70% cured. When he got home, his illness was cured. It took less than two hours, and he was the same as a normal person. Of course, he was still so thin."

10.8-4 我的病因 The Cause of My Illness

The cause of my mental illness was that I had a quarrel with Goddess Eve Liu, which made her cry; that is, I offended Goddess and committed the “Crime of Anti” (see section 13.1.1). So, I became ill at that time (see Section 7.3 "Blind Date").

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