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🧧10.2 大爆炸 Big Bang

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-10-15 16:07 已读 341 次 12赞  


前一节 10.1 刘团长的死讯 News of Liu’s Death-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334698


One afternoon, I suddenly felt a stomach-ache and suspected that Dufferin gang (hostile forces) wanted to kill me and instruct my colleagues to poison my coffee. I went to the police station to report the case, but the police looked at me while I was talking; there is no record, no response. I left the police station and wanted to go to the hospital, but I knew that I would have to wait for more than ten hours to see a doctor in the hospital, which was unbearable, so I went home.

我一直想我和刘团长之间的事,认为自从2004年,他就没再来逗我玩了。我串联起了整个第2章《桃花劫 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2176&tid=4654351》的故事(注,但还没有回忆出第1至3章的事),认为自己想明白了 “前世姻缘,命中注定” 这八个字。我一直对佛教的不见顶智(即上帝之眼)着迷,没想到刘团长用在我身上了。我觉得自己是个畜生,他那么大岁数了,快病死了,三番两次托人捎信让我去看他,而我像个活驴一样,无动于衷;自作孽,不可活!
I have been thinking about what happened between me and Troupe Leader Liu, and I think he has not come to tease me since 2004. I have linked together the story of the entire Chapter 2 "Peach Blossom Catastrophe" (note, but I have not yet recalled the events of Chapters 1 to 3), and I think I have figured out the eight words “Former Generation’s Marriage Factors, Predetermining Fate”. I have always been fascinated by the Buddhist “intelligence of not seeing the top” (i.e. God's Eye), but I didn't expect Troupe Leader Liu to use it on me. I feel like a beast. He is so old and dying of illness. He repeatedly asked people to send me messages to visit him, but I was like a donkey, indifferent, self-inflicted sin, not deserving to live!

10.2-1 肠梗阻 Ileus

忽然,我感觉五脏六腑都在移动,身体里到处都是邪气乱窜。我小时候练过气功(参见第12章 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334676),对这种肢体的触觉幻觉不感觉奇怪,但这邪气发动的规模之大,程度之剧烈,让我震惊。我赶忙躺到了床上,以免晕倒。
Suddenly, I felt my internal organs moving, and “ill air” were running all over my body. I had practiced meditation when I was a child (see chapter 12), so I didn't find this kind of tactile hallucination strange, but the scale and intensity of the “ill air” shocked me. I quickly lay down on the bed to avoid fainting fall.

I felt a diaphragm section appear under my chest (as shown in Illustration 10.2.1-A), with no air circulation and gastrointestinal tract movement (note, this is called intestinal obstruction in modern medicine). I immediately adjusted my breathing and drove “True Air” down along the Ren Mai to impact the middle section. As soon as the “True Air” touched the section, the section collapsed. Soon, the “Ill Air” reshaped and reorganized, blocking the chest (about the Shan Zhong acupoint, commonly known as the middle Dantian). I continued to adjust my breathing and used the Qi (i.e., True Air) down along the Ren Mai to impact the heavy and cold evil Qi (i.e., Ill Air) blocking my chest. After a few minutes, I opened the Ren Mai, my body and the peristalsis of stomach returned to normal. After I calmed down, I thought to myself: I have never experienced such a temporary palpitation before; I can't let my imagination run wild!

10.2-2 大爆炸 Big Bang

After a while, I stopped caring about what happened and started to blame myself again: I am a piece of shit, this is not what a human being does. Suddenly, I felt something moving all over my body, and I quickly lay flat on the bed. My flesh was slightly bumpy and pulsating. The bumpy and pulsating phenomenon was a little more severe. From the Ming Men acupoint (the two kidneys in the lower back), a feeling of electric arcs was emitted along the skin surface, spreading like water ripples; the two arcs collided in the front abdomen. Then, there were multiple large and small electric circles all over my body, which were wrapped around my limbs and my entire body, moving up and down, just like a CT scan, but I was experiencing multiple electric circles moving up and down to scan my body. There were multiple small electric circles moving up and down on my two arms and two legs. Suddenly, Qi (i.e., Air) surged from all parts of my body, accompanied by electric currents, and gathered towards Dantian (as shown in illustration 10.2.1-B) at a speed several times faster than the countdown. After gathering in Dantian, it immediately exploded. With the explosion, the fragmented Qi (i.e., air) spread to all parts of my body.

我高幸地想:哎呀!大爆炸,百脉震开!我小时候在气功书上看过这种现象的描写,会百脉皆开。可是,正在发生的事情和传说的不一样。几秒后,整个身躯,包括脸部的肉都有明显的凹凸式上下跳动的现象,像似沸腾了着的水面;我的全身各处都在沸腾和震动。我对自己说:“镇静!沉住气!别慌!” 全身凸凹跳动的现象持续了几秒后,渐渐地平息了。这时我在床上平躺着,关注着全身各处的异动。
I thought happily: Oh my! Big explosion, all sutras (i.e., the lines in the acupuncture chart, see figs. 10.2.1) are shaken open! When I was a child, I read the description of this phenomenon in a meditation book, that all the sutras will be opened. However, what was happening was different from the legend. After a few seconds, the whole body, including the flesh on my face, had a clear bumpy up and down phenomenon, like the boiling water surface; my whole body was boiling and vibrating. I said to myself: "Calm down! Keep calm! Don't panic!" The bumpy and jumping phenomenon of the whole body continued for a few seconds, and gradually subsided. At this time, I was lying flat on the bed, paying attention to the abnormal movements of various parts of my body.

The air that was scattered all over the body became cool, and as it flowed, it gathered in hundreds of small areas, accompanied by the feeling of electric current, coldness, and uneven beating of diseased air (or evil air). I realized that this was not a good phenomenon! It was not the comfortable and cool feeling described in the book. I felt that dozens of large vagal rheumatic airs did not go through the sutras, but went straight to my heart, gathering as they moved. Some vagal rheumatic airs moved very fast, for example, centimeters per second.

I immediately became nervous. If the vagal rheumatic air invaded the heart, and the heart is a mass of muscle, if it trembled strangely like this, wouldn't it be a myocardial infarction!? I was having a Heart Attack! When I was a child, I heard my grandmother talk about this many times. Once she was angry and fell asleep under the shade of a tree outside. Between half asleep and half awake, she felt as if a stream of air entered her heart. From then on, she suffered from heart disease.

I immediately took action to protect my heart, ignoring other organs. I began to use my “true air” to attack the “vagal rheumatic air” that was close to my heart and moved quickly. Fortunately, those “evil airs” were very fragile, and they dispersed once they were touched by my “true air”. In a short period of time, I defeated more than a dozen “vagal rheumatic air” groups. At this time, I found that several major rheumatic airs moved slowly, and most of the rheumatic airs did not move. I calmed down.

注10.2.2 Note 10.2.2

插图10.2.1-2源自古墨西哥,表明古代的美洲有和中国类似的真气理论(即针灸和气功理论,参见第12章)。插图10.2.1-4是公元七世纪,帕卡尔王(Lord Pacal,亦作金童,特拉洛克,狮子王))的灵棺盖板,刻画了他堕入地狱的前因后果。图上部显示十字架或金刚剑插入了帕卡尔王的腹部,表示他被十字架钉住了,病危了。图底部他的狮子头正处于一个火匣子里,表示帕卡尔王堕入了 “火途” (即地狱,精神病)。火匣子上面是他的神父的棺材,表示帕卡尔王是被 “他神父过世” 的信息打入地狱的。棺材里是空的,只留下了尸体爆炸后遗留下来的三块儿残渣(即三块佛骨舍利,人骨),表明帕卡尔王听到他神父过世的消息后,体内发生了爆炸,所以他堕入了地狱,即患了精神病。棺材上面显示,一根射精的阴茎可以提起棺材,表示帕卡尔王和翠玉女(即玉女)的事实婚姻是治疗他的疾病的正确方法,可以使他脱离地狱。
Illustration 10.2.1-2 originated from ancient Mexico, indicating that ancient American had a similar theory of “true air” (i.e. acupuncture and meditation theory; cf. chapter 12) as Chinese. Illustration 10.2.1-4 is the coffin cover of Lord Pacal (aka. Gold Boy, Tlaloc, Jaguar) in the seventh century CE, depicting the cause and effect of his falling into hell. The upper part of the picture shows a cross or “philosopher-stone sword” inserted into his abdomen, indicating that he was crucified, was critically ill. At the bottom of the picture, his lion head is in a fire box, indicating that King Pakal fell into the "fire path" (i.e. hell, mental illness). Above the fire box is his godfather's coffin, indicating that King Pakal was sent to hell by the information that "his godfather had passed away". The coffin is empty, leaving only three pieces of residue left after the corpse exploded (i.e. three pieces of Buddha's bones, human bones), indicating that King Pakal's body exploded after hearing the news of his godfather's death, so he fell into hell, that is, he suffered from mental illness. The coffin is shown with an ejaculating penis that can lift the coffin, indicating that King Pakal's de facto marriage with Chalchiuhtlicue (aka. Jade Girl) is the right way to cure his illness and save him from hell.

10.2-3 我投降了 I surrendered.

我对刘团长对我做过什么感到迷惑;但我和他的矛盾是我不同意他的 “我卢岩是刘健君的丈夫” 的决定(参见8.2节《死不瞑目https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4337223》)。我真气已经很少了(注,聚集和运送真气需要大量的体力和时间),可这时的我全身都是风湿气。我已经处于面对死亡的状态,投降了。

I was confused about what Troupe Leader Liu had done to me; but the conflict between me and him was that I disagreed with his decision that "I, Luyan, is Eve Liu's husband" (cf. v. 8.2 "Die with Eyes Open"). I had very little “true air” left (note, gathering and transporting “true air” requires a lot of physical strength and time), but my whole body was full of rheumatism. I was already facing death, surrendered.

我跪在床上发誓: “刘健君是我的妻子;刘团长是我岳父;我会去追求她并和她结婚。” 我不断地叨咕着: “刘健君她爸是我的岳父,刘健君是我的媳妇。” 我知道誓言对人的思想有很强的统摄作用。这样出声地叨咕,有助于我集中思想和精力,对不让松散意识抵触和破坏我的主意识,消除心理矛盾大有好处。
I knelt on the bed and swore: "Eve Liu is my wife; Troupe Leader Liu is my father-in-law; I will pursue her and marry her." I kept muttering: "Eve Liu's father is my father-in-law; Eve Liu is my wife." I know that oaths have a strong control over people's thoughts. Mumbling out loud like this helps me concentrate my thoughts and energy and is very helpful in preventing loose consciousness from conflicting and destroying my main consciousness and eliminating psychological contradictions.

I found the acupuncture sutra map I collected. The “true air” will move faster, smoother and stronger in the sutras. I first planned the route of “true air” flow on the sutra map, the shortest and most powerful angle to hit the rheumatism, then used “true air” to attack the rheumatism. After breaking up a few more clusters of rheumatism, I found that the vagal rheumatism moved slower. I moved “true air” along the “Shou Shao Yin heart sutra” (as shown in Figure 10.2.1-C), wrapped my heart with “true airs”. In this way, the weak vagal rheumatism would not have the opportunity to get close to my heart.

At this time, I thought that I must eat well, sleep well, and stay healthy to fight against the vagal rheumatism in my body. If my physical health deteriorated, I might develop rheumatic heart disease at some point, and I would become a disabled person even if I didn't die. I said goodbye to my wife and children, but I didn't say it clearly, they didn't understand. I was afraid that I didn't know to protect my heart in my dreams, so before going to bed, I took a hot bath to balance the body temperature and reduce dreaming. I lay in bed, regulating my breathing and concentrating my intention, then extinguished the preconscious and handed over the control of the mind and body to the unconscious (anciently known as God-sense). The Buddhist scriptures say that in this state, people have extremely strong healing power, equivalent to Gods and Buddhas.

注10.2.3 Note 10.2.3

前面三小节描述的病症在现代的医学中称作皈依失调(Conversion Disorder;如图10.2.3-1所示),是一种罕见的精神疾病。在随后几年与风湿症对抗的过程中,我不断地研究,现在认为此病是这样产生的。我从小就敬畏刘团长,想拜他为师(是一种连自己都不清楚知道的向往),第8章中,遇到刘健君后,更是对刘团长有了深刻的爱恨情仇。随后,我和刘团长的爱恨情仇又持续发展了六年,但我没见过他,所以在我的幻境中他就是一团白色迷雾。那迷雾是现量(参见11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4654681),代表刘团长,是我对刘团长全部感情的和记忆的依附标的物。当我意识到他已经过世了,这信息被我的无意识(古作神识)接收到后,那团迷雾就消失了,因为无意识只处理现量,而刘团长不再是现量了。这样,我对刘团长的全部感情和记忆就失去了所依附的标的物,就引起了大混乱,产生了前文的“皈依失调症”。

The symptoms described in the previous three sections are called Conversion Disorder in modern medicine (as shown in Figure 10.2.3-1), which is a rare mental illness. In the process of fighting rheumatism in the following years, I continued to study and now believe that this disease is caused by this. I have been in awe of Troupe Leader Liu since I was a child and wanted to worship him as my teacher (a yearning that I don’t even know myself). In Chapter 8, after meeting Eve Liu, I had a deep “Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred” relationship with Troupe Leader Liu. Subsequently, my “Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred” relationship with Troupe Leader Liu continued to develop for another six years, but I never met him, so in my mind he was a ball of white mist. The mist is the “Present Quantity” (see 11.4.5 Sense Node), representing Troupe Leader Liu, and is the object of my attachment to all my feelings and memories of Troupe Leader Liu. When I realized that he had passed away, this information was received by my unconsciousness (anciently known as God-sense), the ball of mist disappeared, because the unconscious only processes “Present Quantity”, and Troupe Leader Liu is no longer the “Present Quantity”. In this way, all my feelings and memories towards Troupe Leader Liu lost their attachment, which caused great confusion and resulted in the "conversion disorder" mentioned above.

The illness described in the previous three sections is an extreme form of Hysteria (anciently known as Ghost Illness), called the Holy Ghost. Illustration 10.2.3-2 is from ancient Mexico and is a Tlaloc (Gold Boy) who was in hell. The top of the statue is the ancient Mexican representation of the Holy Ghost. On the front of the statue, the Holy Ghost is attacking Tlaloc with many penises representing vagal rheumatism. The penises represent that the cause of vagal rheumatism in Tlaloc is his marriage dispute with Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl). Illustration 10.2.3-3 is the “Philosopher-Stone Pestle” in Buddhism; the top of (4), (8), and (9) are sculptures representing the Holy Ghost. The essence of the Holy Ghost is shame; in front of Troupe Leader Liu, I always feel ashamed and am a sinner.

前面三小节描述 “死不瞑目”诅咒在我身上爆发的现象。后来我发现那和西方人所说的“三个不可饶恕的诅咒”的意义相同,知道了西方人所说的三个不可饶恕诅咒,“立毙咒,钻心咒,和夺魂咒”正是对死不瞑目诅咒所产生的现象的描述。
The first three sections describe the phenomena of the "Die with Eyes Open" curse erupting in me. Later I found that it had the same meaning as the "three unforgivable curses" mentioned by Westerners. I learned that the three unforgivable curses mentioned by Westerners, "Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus”, are exactly the descriptions of the phenomena caused by the “Die with Eyes Open”.

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