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送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2025-01-01 10:50 已读 945 次  


According to Mexican legend, Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli, aka. Huitzilopochtli) selected and sacrificed six young girls to the ancient goddess Chalchiuhtlicue (see illustrations to 8). His own seventh daughter Chalchiuhtlicue was also selected. Illustrations 1 to 3 are similar traditional customs of selecting Chalchiuhtlicue (aka. Buddha Mother, Eve) in modern South Asia.

纳瓦特语的翠玉女(Chalchiuhtlicue,佛号战斗胜佛,又名卡特莉),义为 “她,绿玉裙” ,说是总有水从她的裙子上流出(如图5所示)。卡特莉(Tlaltecuhtli)是对约23至38.7岁阶段的翠玉女的称呼。她还有个瓶子,象征着她女神的法界,常把瓶子里的水倾泻于峡谷和河流之中。
Chalchiuhtlicue (juristic fame Invincible Buddha, aka. Tlaltecuhtli,) in Nahuatl means "she, the green jade skirt". It is said that water always flows from her skirt (as shown in Figure 5). Tlaltecuhtli is the name of the Jade Girl at the age of about 23 to 38.7. She also has a bottle, symbolizing her goddess’ juristic boundary, and often pours the water in the bottle into valleys and rivers.

2. 玉女的特质 Traits of Jade Girl

Jade Girl is said to be selected to be groomed to become the mother of all beings, costing the same amount of jade as her weight. What are their conditions for selecting a Jade Girl? Author, I believe that the main ones are the appearance of the goddess, the voice thinking model, and strong trait of conscientiousness and extroversion, as shown in the middle-aged Jade Girl trait portrait in Figure 6. Goddess appearance is the default model for women in the human brain's thinking mechanism, see section 10.8. In Figure 6, the brain is an antennae rod (called Escalatory-Language Feeler in Buddhism) and a flying bird, indicating that she is a phonological (textual) thinker. The neat apron indicates that she has a strong trait of conscientiousness. Sharp claws on both hands and feet indicate that she is good at “500 Majesties 108,000 Charms” (see section 16.2) and can pose harm to others with every move.

3. 玉女的选拔 Selection of Jade Girl

According to Mexican legend, when selecting the Jade Girl, the candidate girl is placed alone in an empty room, and suddenly a monster pounces on her. Unlike the selection of the Golden Boy (see Section, the girl is not afraid, and "not crying" symbolizes auspiciousness. What characteristics of the Jade Girl are being identified? Not being afraid of monsters means that there is no evil in the girl's inner world, and she is immaculate. It also tests her extroversion to a certain extent, and she is not afraid of strangers.

这被选中的6位童女对翠玉女(Chalchiuhtlicue)宣誓后,进入女神集中培训营(亚马逊)学习和训练。发奥林心就是立下此四宏誓言:众生无边誓愿度;烦恼无尽誓愿断;法门无量誓愿学;佛道无上誓愿成。翠玉女是战斗胜佛。此四宏誓言被古代的墨西哥人称作奥林心,如图4左下角花盆里的红圆点所示,在佛教中称作菩提心(参见16.0节),是觉悟的种子。 图4左表示翠玉女的菩提树是从奥林心发芽长大的。
After the six selected girls swore the four great oaths to Chalchiuhtlicue, they entered the Goddess's concentrated training camp (Amazon) to study and train. To make the Ollin Heart is to make these four great vows: Sentient beings are edgeless, I vow: I ferry them all! Annoyances are endless, I vow I sever them all! Juristic doors are limitless, I vow I study them all! Buddha’s path is non-upper, I vow I endeavour to succeed! Chalchiuhtlicue is the Invincible Buddha. These four great vows are called Ollin Heart by the ancient Mexicans, as shown by the red dot in the flowerpot in the lower left corner of Figure 4. In Buddhism, the oaths are called Bodhi Heart (i.e. Enlightenment heart, see Section 16.0), which is the seed of enlightenment. Figure 4 shows that the Bodhi tree of Chalchiuhtlicue sprouted and grew from Ollin Heart.

4. 龟长毛和兔有角Turtle Grows Hairs and Rabbit Has Horns

According to Mexican legend, on the day when the six Jade Girls were selected, the children also went to a black box to pick the gifts. Coyolxauhqui got a rabbit with horns on its head (see figs. 12 and 13); and Chalchiuhtlicue got a turtle with green hairs. Later, "the turtle with green hairs" became a symbol of a man with an unchaste wife. That is, people are saying that Chalchiuhtlicue is the "tortoise's wife" (see Figure 14), but this was caused by her own extramarital affairs. Tlaltecuhtli (aka. Chalchiuhtlicue) is the same position goddess as the European Venus and is also a champion in the field of love affairs.

5. 玉女的培养 Cultivation of Jade Girl

图9中, “玉女坐在人造的台阶上,头旁边有个类似灯罩的东西” ,表示从她出生开始,就生活在一个 “与世隔绝” 的环境中,她所看见的和经历的事都是 “人为设计好的” 。她吃的食物中有灵丹,代表传说中翠玉女生活中的事件(法案)。灵丹是由一个类似羽毛球的东西来代表的。羽毛球的羽毛代表 “灵”;羽毛球的头代表 “丹”。
In figure 9, “the girl is sitting on an artificial step with something like a lampshade next to her head”, indicating that she has lived in an “isolated” environment since she was born, and everything she sees and experiences is “artificially designed”. The food she eats contains Spiritual-Elixirs, which represents the events (juristic cases) in the life of Chalchiuhtlicue in the legend. The Spiritual-Elixir is represented by something like a badminton. The feathers of the badminton represent "spirits"; the head of the badminton represents "Elixir".

In Figure 9, there is a red dot at the bottom of the bowl (also a Spiritual-Elixir), which represents Ollin Heart, indicating that she has made the four great vows many times without realizing it. So much so that the young girl Chalchiuhtlicue (as shown in figure 10) has the desire to become a superhero; she wants to create a tree that can produce many Spiritual-Elixirs so that children all over the world can eat the Spiritual-Elixirs.

Figure 11 shows that the young Chalchiuhtlicue is confused about what the Gnostic Eye (the third sun) and the Juristic Eye (the fourth sun) are. The virus ball on her head shows that she is confused about how to write the Book of Life and become the mother of all living beings.

6. 牺牲 Sacrifice

This article opens by stating that being the chosen Jade Girl means sacrifice, that is, she must sacrifice a portion of her mundane pleasures of life to become a goddess, a public figure, an idol of religious worship. In illustration 7, the upside-down woman indicates that the Jade Girl died; her buttocks (representing the foundation, the reason) are on the sun, and the blood is splattered, indicating that she sacrificed herself to recreate the Sun God. The Jade Girl's sacrifice was to become the mother of all living beings, Chalchiuhtlicue; that is, when she was about 38.7 years old, she married the Golden Boy naked in public and became the new Sun God (as shown in Figure 8, also known as Ometeotl, the two-body god, and the two-body Buddha).

如果到那时玉女拒绝跳入火堆与金童(新的特拉洛克)结合,将被绑在枯树桩上。太阳神战士对她万箭穿心,先射掉她的奥林心(即菩提心),再拨皮取骨。她的皮肤是女人皮,亦作黄金甲(参见16.2节),属于皮主(即红藏,戒藏)。代表红藏的沙门用她的头颅骨做碗,用她的骨做鼓槌,皮做鼓,留着培训下一组玉女时,喂食新玉女和敲边鼓。剩下的尸体被火化,漫撒到世界各处。这样被处死的玉女就成了女死神,名作 “扬灰” 。女死神扬灰也有个死神丈夫,名字是 “被砸碎的脸” 。如最终选中的金童(新的特拉洛克)拒绝跳入火海与玉女(新的翠玉女)结合,脸部会被砸碎。
If at that time, the chosen Jade Girl refuses to jump into the fire and unite with the Golden Boy (new Tlaloc), she will be tied to a dead tree stump. The Sun God warriors will shoot thousands of arrows through her heart, first shooting out her Ollin Heart (i.e. Bodhicitta), then peeling off her skin and taking out her bones. Her skin symbols the woman skin, also known as Golden Armor (see Section 16.2) and belongs to the Skin Master (i.e. Xipe Totec, Red Tezcatlipoca, Covenant Ark). The Xipe Totec (red cloak Sharman) use her skull to make a bowl, her bones to make a drumstick, and her skin to make a drum, which they will use to feed the new Jade Girls and play the drums when training the next group of Jade Girls. The remaining bodies will be cremated and scattered all over the world. The Jade Girl who was executed in this way becomes the death goddess, namely "Spreading Ashes". The death goddess "Spreading Ashes" also has a husband, the god of death, namely "Smashed Face". If the finally selected Golden Boy (the new Tlaloc) refuses to jump into the sea of fire and unite with the Jade Girl (the new Chalchiuhtlicue), his face will be smashed.

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