金童 Gold Boy
自从谷伯(即谷神,燃灯佛)为金童启蒙,就成了他的好朋友,常与金童一起玩,给他讲故事。 如插图15.4.1.6-1-1所示),在喂食金童橡子。那橡子是什么?图1下显示,那橡子是灵水里生长出的橡树结的果实。图3显示那些橡子似的带有象形文字的玉石,能够转动太阳石历(如图2,是表明天道轮回的劫历)。那些大字,每个字是一个传说故事,是一个自然法的经典案例。图4显示,由于吃了那些橡子,长大后的金童吸收了很多灵水,生出了许多灵,变成了黑色,成为了北方之神。他头上的羽毛代表灵。
Ever since Uncle Maize (Centeotl, Maize God, Lamplighter Buddha) unfolded the Gold Boy’s eyes, had become his good friend, often playing with him and telling him stories. Figure shows Uncle Maize in feeding the Gold Boy acorns. What is that acorn? Figure 1 lower part shows that the acorns are fruits of an oak tree that grows out of the spiritual water. Figure 3 shows that the acorn like jade stones with hieroglyphics can turn the Sun Stone Calendar (i.e., “Catastrophe Calendar” showing godly cycle, as in Figure 2). Those large hieroglyphics, each a legendary, is a classic case of natural law. Figure 4 shows that because of eating those acorns, the grown-up golden boy absorbed a lot of spiritual water, gave birth to many spirits, and became black, the god of the north. The feathers on his head represent spirits.那些复杂的大型象形文字,现在全世界都没有人类学家和宗教学者懂,青松石王子(又名左翼蜂鸟)却让谷伯教那些大字给一个不到三岁的孩子!但读者你看图1,金童觉悟得像似个旋转的蜡烛台!这是在夸金童聪明?还是在表明谷伯教子有方?读者你看那些蜡烛的根,那是金童的眼睛明白了,耳朵懂了,鼻子感觉到了,舌头兴奋了,身体觉悟了;那些器官都是所见即是,从来就不缺乏觉悟。最应该觉悟的器官大脑却没觉悟!
Those large, complex hieroglyphics that no anthropologist or religious scholar in the world now understands, and yet Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli, aka. Huitzilopochtli) had Uncle Maize teach those big words to a child less than three years old! But look at Figure 1, reader, the Gold Boy was enlightening like a spinning candlestick! Is that a compliment to the Gold Boy's intelligence? Or is it showing that Maize God taught his godson well? Look, reader, at the roots of those candles; that's the golden boy's eyes understanding, his ears getting it, his nose feeling it, his tongue getting excited, his body becoming enlightened; all those organs are what they see, and there is never a lack of enlightenment. The brain, the organ that should be most enlightened, is not enlightened!谷伯在想什么?天那!这孩子没脑!我折戟沉沙,一世英明尽毁,没什么大不了的;可耽误了青松石王子实现纳瓦特人再造太阳的计划,我可是死有余辜!
What was Uncle Maize thinking? Oh, my God! This boy has no brain! It's no big deal that I've lost my juristic fame, but I deserve to die for ruining Turquoise Prince's hundred years project of recreating sun.青松石王子是怎么想的,怎么让谷伯教一些连正常的成年人都不懂的东西给一个不满三岁的孩子?图1中那些觉悟的器官,眼根、耳根、鼻根、舌根、和身根是五行,就是本心,亦名五色。行是说眼耳鼻舌和身,这五识在移动,但没有移动者。色在唯心主义中是变碍义,参见11.4.1节《色蕴》。 青松石王子在向金童的本心输送知识。
What was Turquoise Prince thinking? How could he let Uncle Maize teach something that even normal adults don't understand to a child under the age of three? Those organs of enlightenment in Figure 1, eye root, ear root, nose root, tongue root, and body root are the five migrations, which are the original heart, also known as the five colors. Five Migrations are said to be the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, these five senses are moving, but there are no movers. Color in theism is the meaning of change and obstruction, see section 11.4.1, "Color Node". Turquoise Prince is channeling knowledge to the Gold Boy's original heart.那些橡子所表示的象形文字到底是什么意思,有如此强大的力量?佛教中也有类似的说法,比如地水火风就是四大种(参见11.2节)。《佛学次第统编》中说,界(即地)这一粒大种就值一尊佛。
What exactly are the meanings of the hieroglyphs represented by those acorns that are so powerful? There are similar statements in Buddhism, such as that the earth, water, fire, and wind are the four Big Seeds (see Section 11.2). The “Unified Compilation of Buddhism” says that the one Big Seed of the Boundary (i.e., the earth) is worth one Buddha.2. 狮子吃了巨人 Jaguar Ate Giants墨西哥传说的虎劫中到处都是巨人(注1),他们以橡子为食(注2)。后来,那些巨人都被狮子吃了(注3),虎劫就结束了。
The legendary Tiger Catastrophe in Mexico was filled with giants (Note 1) who fed on acorns (Note 2). Later, all those giants were eaten by the Jaguar (Note 3), and the Tiger Catastrophe came to an end.
Note 1, This story is a memoir of Mexico (a Tlaloc, Shakyamuni). The tiger catastrophe happened before he was three years old. Most readers don't remember it. In the eyes of infants and young children, normal young people and adults are giants. Therefore, Mexico's recollection became this sentence. 注2,此中的橡子除了固体食物外,还有意思食义。意思食,墨西哥人作玉米,英文作Mana,参见11.5节《四食谛》。这句话的意思是,不但谷伯常来给我讲故事,教我大字。那时,青松石王子还密密地派人来我家附近说书,父母抱着我去听故事。人们吃着橡子,谈论着像似橡子一样的符文。
Note 2: In addition to being a solid food, acorns also have the meaning of Mana. Mexicans call Mana as corn; Buddhism calls it as “food of intent and mean” (cf. section 11.5 Four-Food Crux). This sentence means that not only did Uncle Maize often come to tell me stories and teach me the Seed Words, at that time, Prince Turquoise also frequently sent people to tell stories near my home, and my parents held me to listen to stories. People ate acorns and talked about runes that looked like acorns.注3,特拉洛克绰号美洲狮。“狮子吃了巨人”,是说虎劫里的事物都被特拉洛克忘了。他怎么都忘了?人刚出生时,都是用图像进行思维的。随着语言的形成,婴幼儿的记忆模式,记忆提取模式,和思维模式都发生了变化。人会随着这种三岁左右时的改变,忘记三岁前的事物,正常的人不能回忆出三岁前的记忆。那特拉洛克怎么回忆出了那么多?现代心理学说,精神病人中回忆出三岁之前事物的不罕见。
Note 3, Jaguar is a fame for Tlaloc. "Jaguar Ate Giants", it means that Tlaloc has forgotten everything in the Tiger Catastrophe. How did he forget everything? When people are born, they think in images. With the formation of language, infants' memory patterns, memory extraction patterns, and thought patterns change. One forgets things from before the age of three with this change at around three years of age, and a normal person cannot recall memories from before the age of three. Then how did Tlaloc recall so much? Modern psychology says it's not uncommon among psychopaths to recall affairs before the age of three.既然青松石王子知道人长大后,会忘掉三岁之前的事,他怎么还花费那么大的人力物力去教金童?三岁之前的事虽然被忘了,可记忆还在无意识(古作神识)里发挥着作用,习气犹在。例如,金童会对特拉洛克和翠玉女感兴趣,感觉似曾相识。当金童遇到了与古代特拉洛克类似的经历,那些三岁之前的记忆就发挥作用了,他就可能感知该怎么做了,如有神助。而那个帮助他的“神” 正是青松石王子。
Since Turquoise Prince knew that when a person grows up, he would forget what happened before he was three years old, why did he still spend so much labor and resources to teach the golden boy? Although the events before the age of three were forgotten, the memories were still playing a role in the unconscious (anciently God-sense), and the habits were still there. For example, the Gold Boy would be interested in Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, feeling déjà vu (already seen). When the golden boy encounters an experience like that of ancient Tlaloc, those memories from before he was three years old come into play, and he may perceive what to do, as if he were helped by God. The "god" who helped him was Turquoise Prince (i.e., Xiuhpilli, and later Huitzilopochtli) exactly.插图15.4.1.6-2右图中,带着尖顶帽的人是在主持奥林运动的青松石王子。左图是太阳石,中心的带着尖顶帽的圆脸代表奥林·托纳修。尖顶帽在太阳石历中被看成了指北针,为什么?就是说本文,位于虎劫和风劫之间的道理,在理解上帝的秘密中占有重要位置。
Illustration on the right, the man with the pointed hat is the Prince of Turquoise who is presiding over the Ollin movement. The picture on the left shows the Sun Stone Calendar, the round face in the center with the pointed hat represents Ollin Tonatiuh. The pointed hat is seen as a compass in the Sun Stone Calendar, why? It is that this article, the reasoning that lies between the Tiger Catastrophe and Wind Catastrophe, holds an important place in understanding God's secrets.↪️ 返回太阳石的目录↪️Back Catalog of The Sun Stone↪️
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