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10.10 灵魂转世的本质 The Nature of Reincarnation

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-10-24 16:07 已读 238 次  


This memoir consists of ten chapters that describe my experiences as a subject of medical experimentation by Troupe Leader Liu, from the age of one to the age of fifty. In terms of the reincarnation of the soul, the essence of the heart is affair, and the soul of a human being is a long story of what he or she has experienced in a lifetime, and this book is my soul, which is made up of one event after another. An event is a spirit, or a case in this memoir, which the ancients called a spirit, a Spiritual Catholicon, and a Sky Pearl.

Illustration 10.10.1-1 is the Nahuatl hieroglyph for the Spiritual Catholicon. The feathers on top represent spirits, and the ball on the bottom represents the Catholicon. When a person eats the Spiritual Catholicon, the Spiritual Catholicon will slowly grow into a spirit (as shown in Figure 2), becoming part of the person's soul. Figure 3 shows the young Jade Girl; her parents secretly mixed the Spiritual Catholicons into her rice for her to eat. The red dot at the bottom of the bowl is a Spiritual Catholicon, representing the Ollin Heart (called Bodhicitta in Buddhism, see Section 16.0). When Jade Girl grew up, the Ollin Heart had grown into a Bodhi tree (i.e., an enlightenment tree, as shown in Figure 4, left), so Jade Girl became Chalchiuhtlicue, the mother of all livings (as shown in Figure 4).


Figure 5 shows the young Mexico (also known as Gold Boy, Tlaloc, and Jaguar); he inadvertently ate many Spiritual Catholicons secretly given to him by his godfather. When he grew up and became a scholar, he ate a very large Spiritual Catholicon (as shown in Figure 6, right, representing Aggregate Crux, also known as the intelligence of equality arousal), so when he was forty years old, he became the rain god Tlaloc (as shown in Figure 7).


Figure 8 shows that after Chalchiuhtlicue and Mexico got married, they compiled 1,001 Spiritual Catholicons and tied them into a tower called Dragonfly Eyes Tower. Figure 9 shows that they compiled Spiritual Catholicons based on cure for carrion beetles. Carrion beetles represent about 300 fundamental annoyances in life (see section “Fundamental Annoyances”) or 84,000 diseases (see section 14.3.1 “84,000 Dust Labors”).

10.10-2 故事线索 Storyline

本回忆录的故事线索就是插图10.10.2-15右端的那根线绳,代表刘团长用它把我和他的女神女儿刘健君捆绑成了夫妻。那根线也被称作金线和黄连(黄连的英文是Goldthread, 金线义,如图38),在中华文化中被称作经,书,和困龙锁,是升天必备的四件法宝之一,能串联人生所需的全部灵丹。
The storyline of my memoir is the string on the right side of illustration 10.10.2-15, represents that Troupe Leader Liu ties me and his goddess daughter Eve Liu together as husband and wife. The thread is called Gold Thread or Goldthread (shown in Figure 38). In Chinese culture, it is called Sutra, Book, and “Detain Dragon Chain”. It is one of the four juristic treasures necessary for ascension to sky, can cluster all Spiritual Catholicons needed in life.

插图1至22是墨西哥(又名特拉洛克,美洲狮,金童)约在1325年画的。金线的纳瓦特语为墨西(Mexi),义为 “这就是” ,是太阳神左翼蜂鸟钓墨西哥的渔线。插图11中被挂在鱼钩上作为饵的脸代表他的女儿翠玉女(玉女)。旁边笑眯眯的,不咬钩的半月脸就是墨西哥。
Illustrations 1 to 22 were drawn by Mexico (also known as Tlaloc, Jaguar, and Gold Boy) around 1325 CE. The Nahuatl word for the storyline is Mexi, which means "this is it" and is the fishing line that the sun god Huitzilopochtli used to fish for Mexico, the “gold turtle son-in law” (as shown in fig. 37). The face on the hook as bait in Illustration 11 represents Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl). The smiling crescent face next to it that does not bite the hook is Mexico.

此故事线索在日耳曼文化中称作 “雷音的带子”(如图35所示),是雷音(佛教中称作大日如来)用来拘禁降伏教子德意志(又名阿尔维斯,睚眦,释迦摩尼)的绳子。当时德意志已经向雷音投降了,接受雷音的女儿紫蕗德(佛号磨牙)为妻子了,所以带子被打成了捆,放在了一边。图中的女人是芙蕾雅(佛教中称作南海观音菩萨),猪代表德意志。图表现的是芙蕾雅在去见国王紫蕗德的路上,她怕紫蕗德派人刺杀德意志,就让他扮成了护卫,跟着自己。
The storyline is called "Thor's belt" in Germanic culture (as shown in Figure 35). It is the rope that Thor (known as Great Sun Tathagata in Buddhism) used to detain and tame his godson Germany (also known as Alviss, Gold Boy, Adam, Tanngnjóstr, and Shakyamuni). At that time, Germany had surrendered to Thor and accepted Thor's daughter Thrud (also known as Jade Girl, Eve, Tanngrisnir) as his wife, so the belt was tied into a bundle and put aside. The goddess in the picture is Freya (known as “South-sea Guanyin Bodhisattva” in Chinese Buddhism), and the pig represents Germany. The picture shows that Freya was on her way to see king Thrud. She was afraid that Thrud would send someone to assassinate Germany, so she asked him to pretend to be a guard and follow her.

此故事线索也被称作 “打神鞭”(如图36所示),传说是真主安拉送给教子须弥颅(又名亚当,黑头人)的。
The storyline is also called "Beating God Whip" (as shown in Figure 36). Legend has it that it was given by God Allah to godson Sumeru (also known as Adam, Blackhead Man).

10.10-3 显灵 Epiphany

Chapter 9 and the previous chapters of this book tell that for more than thirty years after I was born, Troupe Leader Liu has been secretly “making laws” on me, that is, feeding me “Spiritual Catholicons” behind my back. Those juristic cases (events, affairs) were the spirits of the Buddha in the past, but I did not understand them at the time and accumulated a lot of Muddles. In Chapter 10, when I heard the news that Troupe Leader Liu had passed away, I immediately fell into hell (i.e., suffered from mental illness). I was panic-stricken and pondered the reasons for those strange affairs every day (as shown in Figures 10.10.3-1 and 2).

According to the legend, I was in a state of time reversal during those years because I was thinking about the strange affairs in the past every day. Those strange affairs that Troupe Leader Liu had done to me were his spirits. Those spirits that constantly attracted me to think and occupied my mind were the spirits that Troupe Leader Liu constantly manifested to me. Troupe Leader Liu and I became inseparable companions, so my time moved in reverse, from Liaoning TJ Real Estate Company to Graduate School, to Shenyang Heping Housekeeping Bureau, to college, High School, Junior High School, and Childhood.

在二零一四年春,我的回忆终于突破了三岁的障碍,回忆出了在我一岁时,刘团长为我和刘健君订婚时的情景(参见第一章《娃娃婚约 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4277625》),粗略地知道了此真人医学实验(参见4.5节)的前因后果。

In the spring of 2014, my memory finally broke through the three-year-old barrier, and I recalled the scene when Troupe Leader Liu arranged the marriage between me and Eve Liu when I was one year old (see Chapter 1 “Children Marriage Contract”), and I roughly understood the cause and effect of this real-life medical experiment (see Section 4.5).

10.10-4 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of Reincarnation

2014年,我写完回忆录后,就懂得了灵魂转世的本质。从唯心主义来谈灵魂转世,佛教不相信人有灵魂,但承认灵魂转世。作者我认为他们是从异生性(参见11.4.4.2-5 异生性),即个体性,来考虑的:{异生性} = {烦恼} + {所知}
Talking about soul reincarnation from the perspective of theism, Buddhism does not believe that humans have souls, but it recognizes soul reincarnation. Author me believes that they consider it from the perspective of Mutant Nature (see Mutant Nature), that is, individuality: {Mutant Nature} = {Annoyances} + {Knows}.

Both Troupe Leader Liu and I became ill because of this experiment. We are different people, and his illness is different from mine, but both of our illnesses were formed from a series of events in this experiment. In this respect, we both have the same illness and the same {Annoyances}. Because of treating my own illness, I learned the Four Victorious Cruxes (see Chapters 13 to 16). In this way, Troupe Leader Liu passed on his knowledge to me, and we both had the same {knows}. The demise of one and the arising of the other formed the phenomenon that I was the reincarnation of Troupe Leader Liu's soul, his next life.

插图10.10.4-1和2源自公元七世纪的古墨西哥。图1是帕卡尔王(Lord Pacal,亦作金童,特拉洛克,美洲狮))的灵棺盖板,刻画了他听说神父过世的消息后,体内发生了爆炸(如他屁股下的棺材内所示),堕入了地狱(即患了精神病)。图上部显示十字架或金刚剑插入了帕卡尔王的腹部,表示他被十字架钉住了,病危了。十字架代表四胜谛。
Illustrations 10.10.4-1 and 2 are from ancient Mexico in the seventh century. Illustration 1 is the coffin cover of Lord Pacal (also known as the Gold Boy, Tlaloc, and Jaguar), depicting that after hearing the news of godfather's death, his body exploded (as shown in the coffin under his buttocks) and he fell into hell (i.e., he suffered from mental illness). The upper part of the picture shows a cross or a “philosopher-stone sword inserted into King Pacal's abdomen, indicating that he was nailed by the cross and was dying. The cross represents the Four Victorious Cruxes.

Figure 2 shows that King Pakal has figured it out and has been reborn; his new body (Tlaloc) is the Four Victorious Cruxes. Among the Four Cruxes, the Bitter Crux is the biggest and can represent the other three Cruxes, so the Four Victorious Cruxes in Illustration 2 are represented by a vertical rod. The image of the little girl on his chest indicates that he has accepted godfather’s daughter, Chalchiuhtlicue, as his wife and is willing to write a new "Codex" (called "Sky Book" in Chinese culture) with her (as shown in Figure 3).

10.10-5 灵魂转世的表现 Phenomena of Reincarnation

三岁之前的记忆力量强大,据传说有起死回生的力量,华人文化中称作 “人身果” 和 “福”,佛教中称作儒童(梵语Manava),基督教、伊斯兰教、和埃及文化中作亚伯(Abel),日耳曼文化中作马格尼(Magni),古墨西哥文化中作灵龙(Quetzalcoatl)。我的病情并没有想象得那么悲观,也从那时起,逐渐地好转了。
The memory power before the age of three is very powerful. According to legend, it has the power to bring the dead back to life. In Chinese culture, it is called "human body fruit" and "fortune", in Buddhism, it is called Genius Children (Sanskrit Manava), in Christianity, Islam, and Egyptian culture, it is called Abel, in Germanic culture, it is called Magni, and in ancient Mexican culture, it is called Quetzalcoatl. My condition was not as pessimistic as I imagined, and it gradually improved from then on.

June 2014, after I understood the essence of the soul reincarnation mentioned above, I was very angry. It is just a theoretical statement, and this experiment destroyed my family and career. Afterwards, I often hated Eve Liu and imagined eating her meat but hating her caused me to have breathing difficulties and gasp for air. Because hating her would aggravate my psychological contradictions and cause my gastrointestinal ulcers, I had to give up hatred and take action to edit my memoirs.

Gradually, I forgot my previous life and began to like this reincarnation experiment. I felt that it is Troupe Leader Liu who gave me a soul and made my life meaningful. Since 2016, I realized that his wisdom and achievements had reached the level of God. For many years, I would cry when I thought of him. For example, I would cry five times a day when I thought of him five times. This seems to have become a trait of mine. By 2020, with the successful progress of my memoir writing, my nostalgia for Troupe Leader Liu has weakened, but sometimes I still cry when I think of him.

Compiled on October 25, 2024, CE., Auspicious!
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