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10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★卢岩★★☆♂] 于 2024-10-20 10:07 已读 192 次  


In the summer of 2014, because the civil engineering work made me feel emotional, it was too stimulating for me, so I decided to give up the construction career and work as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. After reading my memoirs, my parents and siblings didn't believe it. How could a person recall things from such a young age! They thought I confused my fantasy experiences with real experiences.

I realized that I could recall things that happened before I was three years old, proving that “Fate Through” is possible. But what is the fate-intelligence that leads to fate-through? Is it reliable? I was puzzled.

10.7-2 宿命智 Fate Intelligence


In the spring of 2016, I was re-reading my memoirs and realized that when Aunt Cui Fenglong left me a will in 1991 (see section 4.10), he was acting it out for me and said that I could “not forget passing through my eyes”. I realized that Troupe Leader Liu knew that I am an image-thinker, looking up the modern psychological image-thinker trait.

According to modern psychology, before newborns develop language skills, they use image thinking, such as understanding their mother's smile, movements, and emotions. Gradually, as language is formed, thinking patterns, memory patterns, and memory retrieval patterns all change. People use language for basic thinking after the age of three, but they can still be divided into three types: (1) image thinking type, accounting for 30% of the population; (2) text thinking type, accounting for 25% of the population; (3) a mixture of the first two types, accounting for 45% of the population. Kinesthetic thinking type and other thinking styles account for less than 1% of the population.

People with image thinking are more dependent on vision. Since image memory saves memory, it can be said that such people have endless memory and can remember everything they have experienced from birth to 70 years old. The memory retrieval mode is simple, and the range of retrieval is wide. The leader of migrating animals and migratory fish are both images thinking models.

People with text-based thinking are more dependent on hearing. Because the storage and retrieval methods of this type of memory are complex, the effective time of long-term memory is shorter, and the range of memory retrieval is smaller than that of people with image-based thinking.

I concluded that the image thinking mode is the potential of Fate Intelligence. But how big is the potential of this Fate Intelligence, and can it be trusted in real life? My question is, what is the probability of success of Troupe Leader Liu's experiment? Is he kidding himself and my life!?

10.7-3 宿命是性格使然 Fate is Formed from Personality

我回忆起了我9岁时,我奶奶曾经对我做过的事。一次奶奶看着我,突然嚎叫:“这孩子(在说我)这么老实,将来可怎么活!” 她和我大伯因此吵起来了。大伯走后,奶奶呸的一声,吓得我一跳,她叨咕:“这点儿事都看不明白,还自认为聪明呢!” 对我说:“你的命运,奶奶看得清清楚楚!是这么回事,你给我记住了!”
I recalled what my grandmother did to me when I was 9 years old. One time, my grandmother looked at me and suddenly howled: "This child (talking about me) is so honest, how will he live in the future!" She and my uncle quarreled about this. After my uncle left, my grandmother made a sound of "Pooh", which scared me. She muttered: "You can't understand such a small thing, but you still think you are smart!" She said to me: "Your fate is clearly seen by your grandmother! This is what happened, you remember it!"

Grandma said: "You are timid and narrow-minded. You dare not fight with others when you are bullied. But you still remember it and get angry when you think about it. After a long time, you will get sick. If you are sick, it doesn't matter if you die! But people like you can understand before they die: I was bullied by someone, so I got sick, I was bullied to death! You want revenge, but you are going to die, you can't live anymore, how can you take revenge! People like you hate yourself and torture yourself. You can cut your own flesh with a knife and poke out your own eyes! That is the most terrible way to die, and this is your fate! This kind of fate has existed since ancient times, and the older generation see it clearly. Your uncle can't understand this little theory!"

Grandma said, "There is a solution to your fate. Grandma tells you, 'As long as you have a breath left, don't torture yourself, go find your enemy and take revenge.' If you are sick, you must crawl to your enemy's house and fight him; if you want to die, die in your enemy's house. The solution to your fate is to insist on revenge; if you fight, you will live, if you give up revenge, you will die."

Grandma said, "The old people said that no one wants to kill anyone. You insist on seeking revenge on your enemies; they will understand and let you vent your anger. You also must understand that you still must reconcile in the end. The conflict is resolved fairly, and your illness will be cured. This is the solution to your fate. If you know this, don't let others bully you, and you won't get sick. Isn't that better!"

In 2015, I remembered what my grandmother said. She was right. My illness was caused by the bullying of Troupe Leader Liu and his daughter. At that time, my grandmother's words encouraged me to insist on seeking justice from Eve Liu. So how did my grandmother see my fate?

Grandma said, "Your fate is like this. It's all my fault! To be honest, I was the one who took your dad to the blind date with your mom. When we got to your grandma's house, I saw it as soon as I walked in: a family of red-faced Guan Gongs. On the way back, I said to your dad: Fengling (my mom) is not ugly, she can talk and laugh and is an honest person. Your dad believed me. You know, at that time, why didn't I think ‘both parents are honest people, how can their child live!’"

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