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10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Principles of Curing Mental Illness

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★卢岩★★☆♂] 于 2024-10-19 22:30 已读 416 次  


我的家庭医生大卫博士,台湾人,跟踪着我的病情发展。约在2013年,他对我说: “我虽然不是精神病专业的,但我喜欢精神病学,现在我也常看他们的论文,跟随着精神病研究的发展。我觉得我有资格对你的病给你一个总的说法。”
My family doctor, Dr. David, a Taiwanese, followed my disease progression. In 2013, he told me, “Although I am not a psychiatrist, I like psychiatry. Now I often read their papers and follow the development of psychiatric research. I think I am qualified to give you a general statement about your disease.”

大卫博士说: “我都听得很清楚,你的病的治疗办法就是:你回国,找着你的仇家,和解,把那些陈芝麻、烂谷子的事能解决多少,就解决多少。你那些事,如果发生在北美,人家那些精神科的医生,一听,如果认为是那么回事。他们就帮你找要找的人,撮合你们见面和谈。你这点儿事儿,他们很快就能办来。他们北美有一个系统,可好了。咱说这个没用,再好也用不上,因为你的事发生在中国,就只能靠你自己了。”
Dr. David said, "I heard it all very clearly. The treatment for your illness is: go back to China, find your enemies, reconcile with them, and resolve as many of those old issues as you can. If your issues happened in North America, once the psychiatrists there heard about it and thought it was the case, they would help you find the people you were looking for and bring you together for a meeting and a talk. They can do your job very quickly. They have a great system in North America. We say it's useless, no matter how good it is, because your issues happened in China, so you can only rely on yourself."

Dr. David continued, "The rest is to take one step at a time and see what happens. Mental illness can cause many other diseases. Your future is unpredictable, so this is the best option. What does it mean? Let me give you an example. Your stomach and intestines are not in good condition now. The stomach and intestines are the organs that best reflect emotions. You had such emotional experiences in the past, and your stomach and intestines have the current performance. It is not surprising. It is not inevitable, but it can be said to be a comorbidity of mental illness. The way to deal with it is to drink more water now. Drinking water is really a good way! More water can dilute those irritating gastrointestinal secretions and reduce the corrosiveness of irritating secretions. If you have drunk enough and don't want to drink more water, we will have a comprehensive examination to find out which irritant is causing you unbearable pain. Prescription, like acid-base synthesis, uses medicine to remove the irritation of the irritating secretions. When you have taken enough medicine and don't want to take medicine anymore, we will perform surgery and use a knife to cut off the bad organ. You have to understand with the current medical level, medicine cannot make bad organs better."

I felt despair after hearing that! Even if I had surgery to dig my belly empty, it wouldn't solve my Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred against Eve Liu and her father.

2 治疗心理疾病的原则 Principles of Curing Mental Illness

在2014年,我写完了《卢岩的回忆录》后,确立了治疗精神病的三条原则。一,我的病要从过去54年,现在和未来综合考虑,因为无意识和前意识没有前后顺序性和时间性,还因为无意识的无覆性和异熟性(参见第11.4.5节《识蕴》和 第11.6.1节《异熟果》)。
In 2014, after I wrote “Luyan’s Memoirs”, I established three principles for treating mental illness. First, my illness needs to be considered comprehensively from the perspective of the past 54 years, the present and the future, because the unconscious and the preconscious have no sequence and time, also because of the non-coverable nature and mutant nature of unconsciousness (see Section 11.4.5, "Sense Node" and Section 11.6.1, "Mutant Fruit").

二,心的本质是事;心病也叫恩怨情仇病。其本质是不正当的人际和社会关系,治疗就是修补人际或社会关系。无意识只处理现量(参见11.4.5节《八识与三量的关系》),就是刘健君说的,“人不见面,病治不好”(参见7.5节) 的原因。所以我要找到刘健君,和她面对面地公平解决我,她,和她爸爸三人之间的恩怨情仇。
Second, the essence of the heart (i.e. mind) is affair; mental illness is also called “gratitude resentment love and hatred illness”. Its essence is improper interpersonal and social relationships and treatment is to repair interpersonal or social relationships. The unconscious only deals with “Present Quantities” (see Section 11.4.5 "The Relationship between Eight Consciousnesses and Three Quantities"), which is why Eve Liu said, "If people don't meet, the disease can't be cured" (see Section 7.5). So, I will find Eve Liu and face to face with her to fairly resolve the “gratitude resentment love and hatred disputes” between me, her, and her father.


Third, when painful experiences have significances, the pain disappears. This is the theory of modern psychology; the ancients also thought so, that is, thoughts and feelings follow meanings. According to this principle, I will write this “Reincarnation Experimental Report” to commonwealth with all sentient beings the research results of the ancient story “Peach Flower Catastrophe” (see section 2.1) by the three of us, Troupe Leader Liu, Eve Liu, and me, Adam Luyan, to pass it on to the future generations, so that Troupe Leader Liu's sacrifice will be well deserved and will be honored for eternity.

3 阻碍精神病治疗的因素 Impediment to Treat Mental Disorder

这个前女朋友(参见8.7节《出故事的人》https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4337201)给我的两条关于精神病治疗的忠告是正确的。第一,不要相信医院的精神病医生,85-95%的精神病医生不懂精神病。第二,自己买书看,自己治疗。“85-95%的精神病医生不懂精神病” 这个说法,我小时候,崔凤龙姨父也对我说过多次。我在查找精神病治疗方法的时候发现,心理学书中只要说到精神病的治疗,就会推荐我前一小节所说的治疗原则。

The two clauses of advice this ex-girlfriend (see Section 8.7, "The Person Who Produces Stories") gave me about mental illness treatment are correct. First, do not trust the psychiatrists in the hospital; 85-95% of psychiatrists do not understand mental illness. Second, buy books and treat yourself. "85-95% of psychiatrists do not understand mental illness" was something my Uncle Dragon told me many times when I was a child. When I was looking for treatment methods for mental illness, I found that whenever psychology books talked about the treatment of mental illness, they would recommend the treatment principles I mentioned in the previous section.

The most difficult part of my treatment of my mental illness was to completely overturn the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The DSM-5 is the collective work of thousands of American psychiatrists. How could it be wrong? The DSM-5 is based on the statistics of the diagnosis and treatment measures of thousands of psychiatrists, rather than the psychological principles and clinical treatment effects. How could they not decide whether the treatment measures are correct based on the effects they produce? Because there is no satisfactory treatment effect based on their treatment measures. They serve Song-Profit Kings, not the mentally ill.

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