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10.5 宿命通 Fate Through

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-10-19 10:20 已读 169 次  


In the spring of 2014, I completed the Four Cruxes in English, a prototype of chapters 13 through 16 in this book, but there was no place to publish it, and it was poorly written. I learned a lot about Buddhism and laid the foundation for later study and enlightenment.

I reminisced and went back to visit the places where I had lived and worked since I came to Canada and realized that the people there were the same as they had been when I first came to Canada, still looked the same, acted the same, and worked the same way. I realized: the world hadn't changed; it was me who had changed. I felt that my mental illness has been cured and I can work again.

The crazy experiences of the past years have made me realize the phenomena that the objective environment is affected by the subjective heart (i.e. mind). Karma is the accumulation of behavioral habits of body, speech and heart, that is, the habits of body, speech and heart. Karma is created by the heart, and the environment changes with karma. The heart is maculate or immaculate, so the environment is self-sufficiency and being detained. The maculate heart is detained by karma, then environment can’t be self-sufficient. Immaculate heart has nothing to worry and hinder, then environment goes along heart as it is. God sees a precious majestic land, while fish see it as a ruined house; people see it as cool water, while ghosts see it as a pus river and fierce fire, all due to the difference of karmic reasons.

10.5-2 宿命通 Fate Through

二零一四年五月,我到Thurber Engineering Ltd工作。没几天,我就听到了这个工作是我以前Davroc的老板桫椤给我联系的。一个月后,工作和生活中,我又认为刘健君在背后和我做对了。有些工地的场景让我触景生情,偶尔感觉肚子里到处都在动,偶尔感觉肚子疼。这让我感到解决和刘健君的恩怨情仇已经迫在眉睫。
In May 2014, I started working at Thurber Engineering Ltd. A few days later, I heard that my former boss at Davroc, Sal Fasullo, had helped me for this job. A month later, at work and in life, I thought that Eve Liu was doing something behind my back. Some scenes at the construction site made me emotional, and sometimes I felt my stomach moving all over the place, and sometimes I felt a stomach-ache. This made me feel that it was urgent to resolve the gratitude resentment love and hatred disputes between Eve Liu and me.

My mood became very unstable. I would laugh when I thought of happy affair in the past, and cry when I thought of sad affair in the past. One day, in the company's laboratory, I was testing material samples, and a colleague suddenly jumped from a high place excitedly and ran behind me. I was shocked, my hair stood up, and my voice changed. In that moment of surprise, I seemed to hear Troupe Liu talking about me in another room, introducing what I was thinking to others. I recalled the scene when he blindfolded me when I was about one year old and recalled the engagement between me and Eve Liu at that time (see “Children Marriage Contract" in Chapter 1).

后来,我仔细辨认,觉得那个声音不是刘团长的。我从小就在找他。在我六七岁的时候,我以为我奶奶的一个侄子是刘团长,我听到的声音就是他的声音。十几岁的时候,我发现我要找的人并不是他。那时,不知道为什么,我就是觉得自己在找一个人。后来,我一心想找一位在沈阳的大神级算命先生,并且拜他为师。1996 年,我遇到了刘健君,就知道了我要找的人是她爸爸(即刘团长)。但那时,我并不记得我在约一岁时已经和她订婚的事。我甚至不知道自己为什么要找一个人,要找谁,又怎么知道她爸爸就是我要找的人?我找她爸爸只是一种无意识的兴趣感觉。我是从和刘健君的谈话(参见7.5节)知道她爸爸懂佛教的。
Later, I carefully identified the voice and felt that it was not Troupe Leader Liu's. I have been looking for him since I was a child. When I was six or seven years old, I thought one of my grandmother's nephews was Troupe Leader Liu, and the voice I heard was his voice. When I grew up to a teenager, I found that the person I was looking for was not him. At that time, I didn’t know why, but I just felt that I was looking for someone. Later, I was determined to find a great fortune teller in Shenyang and worship him as my teacher. In 1996, I met Eve Liu and knew that the person I was looking for was her father (that is, Troupe Leader Liu). But at that time, I didn’t remember that I was engaged to her when I was about one year old. I didn’t even know why I was looking for someone, who I was looking for, and how did I know that her father was the person I was looking for? I was looking for her father just out of an unconscious interest. I knew that her father understood Buddhism from my conversation with Eve Liu (see Section 7.5).

注10.5-2 Note 10.5-2

After recalling the affairs before my age of three, I realized the fate mission that Troupe Leader Liu had left for me, which was to complete the "Experimental Report". For the content of the experiment, please refer to section 4.5 "Newspaper News of Real Human Medical Experiments". This is called “Fate Through” in Buddhism. This is difficult because when people are about 3 years old, as language ability is formed, memory patterns and memory retrieval patterns change. Normal people cannot recall affairs before the age of 3; but it is not uncommon for mental patients to recall affairs before the age of three.

古墨西哥人用尖顶帽(有山的含义)来表示 “宿命通”的困难和重要意义(如图10.5)。图2是一位在地狱(即患有精神病)的特拉洛克(又名金童,美洲狮)。手中拖着个孩子,表示他回忆出了约一岁时,他的神父给他做肉眼通(参见第3章),使他患上了 “婴幼儿神经发育失调症” (如图4所示)。
Ancient Mexicans used pointed hat (with meaning of mountain) to represent the difficulty and significance of “Fate Through” (see Figure 10.5). Figure 2 shows Tlaloc (also known as Gold Boy, Jaguar) in hell (i.e. suffering from mental illness). He is holding a child in his hand, indicating that he recalls that when he was about one year old, his godfather made him “flesh eye through” (see chapter 3), which caused him to suffer from “infant neurodevelopmental disorder” (see Figure 4).

图3是雕像2的侧面。左面,特拉洛克在他神父的怀里取暖表示他接受了他的神父,接受了人神契约(参见16.2节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4334943)。右侧头顶着无字墓碑的人是古代的特拉洛克。特拉洛克在古代特拉洛克的怀里取暖,表示他已经意识到了自己是金童(即新的特拉洛克),发现了自己前世的足迹,知道了自己的宿命。

Figure 3 is a side view of statue 2. On the left, Tlaloc warms himself in the arms of his godfather, indicating that he has accepted his godfather and the contract between man and God (see Section 16.2). The person on the right with the wordless tombstone on his head is the ancient Tlaloc. Tlaloc warms himself in the arms of the ancient Tlaloc, indicating that he has realized that he is a Gold Boy (i.e. a new Tlaloc), has discovered the footprints of his previous life, and knows his fate.

10.5-3 更多证据 More Evidence

2014年6月,我决定第四次专程回国去找刘健君。回国前,我和朋友肖汉杰谈起了1996-1997年,我在东北大学时的事(参见8.4节)。那时他是东北大学机械系的老师。他惊讶地说: “哎呀!那时候我就听说你们研究生宿舍那儿有人琢磨人(注,义为上帝在打磨它选中的人)。十来年了,我都不知道。原来那个被琢磨的人就是你!你疯得和别人不一样!你回去,找着那帮人,把事情说清楚,病就好了。”
In June 2014, I decided to return to China for the fourth time to look for Eve Liu. Before returning to China, my friend Hanjie Xiao and I talked about my time at Northeastern University in 1996-1997 (see Section 8.4). At that time, he was a teacher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Northeastern University. He was surprised and said, "Oh! At that time, I heard that someone was polishing people (note, meaning that God was polishing the people had been chosen) in your graduate dormitory. It has been more than ten years, and I didn't know. It turns out that the person being polished is you! Your psychosis is different from others! Go back, find those people, explain the affair clearly, and your illness will be cured."

After I returned to my parents' home in Shenyang, my mother and sister helped me contact the recently discharged Principal Wang of the Shenyang Artillery Academy. He said that the teacher Huang I mentioned, the introducer of Eve Liu and I in Chapter 7, had long since immigrated to Canada, and that he had long since passed away. Principal Wang said that their school had only one principal with the surname Liu before; the Principal Liu I mentioned (that is, Troupe Leader Liu) was not the same as the Principal Liu of their school. He was a senior cadre, and the situation did not match, so the news could not be disclosed. He also said that Principal Liu had long since passed away, and he had not heard that his daughter had received a full scholarship to study for a doctorate in the United States. He had been in this school for more than 30 years, and if this had happened, he should have heard about it. Principal Wang also said that I was deceived, and that someone else had impersonated their Principal Liu.

10.5-4 部分核实了我的回忆录Partially Verified my Memoirs

I remember in Chapter 2, when Uncle Dragon told me a story, he said that among the medicines that Ninth Uncle gave to Constant Fair (see Section 2.3 "Peach Flower Catastrophe 2"), there was a medicine whose main ingredient was white stone. I went to Liaoning Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and found a professor-level Chinese medicine doctor. The female professor, who was in her forties, listened to my description of my illness and the Chinese medicines that were mostly stone. She smiled and said, "That is an ancient prescription called Shenling Baizhu San, which is just suitable for your illness. But there is no stone in the medicine, just people heard the story and said so. There is a medicine in it that is difficult to dissolve in water, precipitates, and tastes like stone powder."

写回忆录时,我注意到了1996年冬(参见8.3节),黄老师在谈刘团长促成我和刘健君婚姻的计划时,他帮我憧憬未来,提到了上文的王校长,是个大个子,是当时沈阳炮兵学院的组织部长。我和王校长谈话时,他自己介绍说,“1996年时,我是组织部长,他们去东北大学读研究生,还是我联系的呢。” 这和当时黄老师讲的一样。而且,黄老师说了他后面三、四任的校长继承人,就有我见到过的这位王校长。这继承人的安排正是刘团长的办事风格。
When I was writing my memoirs, I noticed that in the winter of 1996 (see Section 8.3), when Teacher Huang was talking about the plan of Eve Liu and I to get married, he helped me look forward to the future and mentioned Principal Wang mentioned above, a big man who was the Organization Minister of Shenyang Artillery Academy at that time. When I talked to Principal Wang, he introduced himself, saying, "In 1996, I was the Organization Minister. They went to Northeastern University for graduate studies, and it was me who contacted for them." This is the same as what Teacher Huang said at the time. Moreover, Teacher Huang mentioned that the three or four successors to the president after him included Principal Wang, whom I had met. The arrangement of this successor is exactly the working style of Troupe Leader Liu.

黄老师移民来了加拿大,这事和前文9.3节 《黑社会帮我打架》经历的怪事对应了。也就是说,那些怪事是黄老师在背后做的。
Teacher Huang immigrated to Canada, which corresponds to the strange affairs that happened in Section 9.3 of the previous article, "Mafia Fight for Me". In other words, those strange affairs were done by Teacher Huang behind the scenes.
10.5-5 结论 Conclusion

我就是4.5节《真人医学实验的报纸新闻》中男孩儿组中的一员;在1996年秋,8.2节 《死不瞑目》中,被刘团长最终选中了作为实验中的男孩儿。
I am one of the boys in the boy group in section 4.5 “Newspaper News of Real-Life Medical Experiment”; and in the fall of 1996, in section 8.2 "Die with Eyes Open", was ultimately chosen by Troupe Leader Liu to be the boy in the experiment.

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