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🧧10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leader Liu’s Will

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-10-17 19:10 已读 504 次 7赞  


二零一二年我在SPL Consultants Ltd工作期间,总是怀疑刘健君在背后指使人与我作对,认为她在继续她爸爸的灵魂转世实验。我不明白灵魂转世是怎么回事,但我听说过:这种作法,失败了,被作法的人必死。我认为只有诸佛(成熟的人)的灵魂是一样的,也就是说作法的人必须是佛,而被作法的人必须成佛,才能完成灵魂转世,避免一死。我开始有意地学习佛法。可是,什么是灵魂?什么是佛?什么是灵魂转世?我都不知道,只是盲目地学习佛法,试着写一本关于《禅》的佛学书。
I always suspected that Eve Liu was behind it, and that she was continuing her father's reincarnation experiments. I don't understand what soul reincarnation all is about, but I've heard about it: this kind of practice, if it fails, the person being polished dies. I thought that only the souls of the Buddhas (mature people) were the same, which meant that the person performing the reincarnation doings had to be a Buddha, and the person being polished had to become a Buddha to complete the reincarnation and avoid death. I began to study Buddhism intentionally, but what is the soul? What is the Buddha? What is reincarnation? I didn't know any of it, I just studied Buddhism blindly and tried to write a Buddhist book on meditation.

我患了胃肠溃疡,时常肚子疼,总是喝大量的水来冲淡有刺激的胃肠分泌,以避免胃肠表面被灼伤,和疏通瘴气。2012年夏,一次喝了大量的热水,水不很热,但喝的量大,所以胃肠被烫伤了。我试着混合凉水和热水,用手指试水温来发现合适喝的温度,发现手指有点凉的感觉才适合。这时,我忽然想起了崔凤龙姨父在1991年给我留遗言时对我说的话: “记住!温水,手指的感觉有点儿凉是适合喝的温度(参见4.10节《遗嘱》https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336066)。” 这时,我意识到了那是刘团长留给我的遗嘱。
I suffer from gastrointestinal ulcers and have stomach pains from time to time, and always drink plenty of water to flush out irritating gastrointestinal secretions to avoid burning the surface of stomach and intestines and to unblock the miasma. In the summer of 2012, I drank a lot of hot water at once. The water was not very hot, but I drank a lot, so my stomach and intestines were burned. I tried to mix cold water and hot water and used my fingers to test the water temperature to find the right temperature for drinking. I found that it was suitable when my fingers felt a little cool. At this time, I suddenly remembered what Uncle Dragon said to me when he left me a will in 1991: "Remember! Warm water, the temperature that your fingers feel a little cool is the right temperature for drinking (see Section 4.10 "Will")." At this time, I realized that it was the will left to me by Troupe Leader Liu.

The first will is an ancient story. A man used to be sick with thirst and needed to drink water constantly. A large amount of water would relieve his illness and extend his life. This man always carried two buckets of water with him and carried them on a flat stretcher so that he would always have water to drink. Whenever he arrived at a village or a new place, he first looked for a well. After drinking at the well, he would then fill up the two buckets and pick the two buckets before continuing his journey. I realized that Troupe Leader Liu had systematically set me up, and this is the proof. I was so furious that I was dizzy. After that, when I was drinking water, I often thought of his careful attention to me.

Note 10.4-1, Illustration 10.4.1-3 is a “Seeking Incense” (i.e., Mexico in the Rain Catastrophe, a.k.a. Tlaloc, Gold Boy, and Jaguar, who was active circa C.E. 1325). The green stripe on his right shoulder indicates the constant flow of water into his body. The combination in the upper part of Figure 3 indicates that his life hangs in the balance of constantly drinking large quantities of water to dilute the irritating gastrointestinal secretions.

10.4-2 灌顶 Anointing

2012年冬,我从SPL辞职了,在家编写《四圣谛》(参见第13至16章)。2013年夏, 我的风湿症变严重了,很悲观,认为如果我病了,身体虚弱了,风湿病就会令我丧命。我用气功运气治疗风湿,可是真气少,力量弱。
In the winter of 2012, I resigned from SPL and stayed at home to write my book of Four Cruxes (see chapters 13 to 16). In the summer of 2013, my rheumatism became more serious, and I became very pessimistic, thinking that if I became sick and weak, rheumatism would kill me. I used meditation to treat rheumatism, but I had little “true airs” and their powers was weak.

One day, I was pessimistic and negative, recalling that when Troupe Leader Liu was alive, he took care of me, and I was highly utilized wherever I worked. Six or seven years after his death, I was a nobody, and tears kept flowing out of my eyes. While crying, I was practicing meditation to treat my rheumatism. Suddenly I felt a strong flow of “true air” like a gushing spring at the Bai Hui Cave (see Illustration 10.4.2-2) on the top of my head. I began to formally practice meditation while crying. The strong and warm “true airs” fell from the top of my head like a waterfall, and wherever it passed, some rheumatism was cured.

I realized that it was Mercifulness Sorrowfulness Delightfulness and Renunciation, the power of these four infinite hearts. I looked at the time, it was noon and realized that Zi Wu Mao You (those are midnight, morning 6 o’clock, noon, and evening 6 o’clock) are good times to practice meditation. The strong “true air” at this time was due to my sadness and the fact that it was noon. I designed a “living funeral” for myself. At noon, when no one was home, I burned my own engineering books in the backyard to pay tribute to the death of Luyan, who had wanted to be an engineer, to create a feeling of renunciation and sadness. At the same time, I internalized my intention at the Bai Hui cave on the top of my head to treat rheumatism with anointing.

Subsequently, I also played sad music while meditating for treating rheumatism. In this way, gradually, the rheumatism in my body was treated and controlled. After a few days, only the three acupoints on my back, namely, Gaohuang, Shentang, and Xixi (see figs, 3, 4)) could not be cured.

注10.4-2 Note 10.4-2

二零一四年,我写完《卢岩的回忆录》后研究这条 “足太阳膀胱经” (如图10.4.2-4)。从名字来看,这条经脉主宰阳纲之气。刘团长在我的后背上插了三支金刚降魔杵(如图3),或说刻下了六个字:膏肓,神堂,和嘻嘻。根据造字法,膏肓义为无药可医的死肉。神堂义为上帝的法庭。嘻嘻是前意识适悦的声音。前意识古作夏娃识。我的嘻嘻穴被锁死了,是因为刘健君(玉女,女神,夏娃)对我生气。欢乐的玉女是福,悲伤的玉女是殃,所以我的喜根(即嘻嘻穴)被锁死了。我没办法运用四无量心中的喜心来完全治疗我的风湿症。
In 2014, after I finished writing "Luyan's Memoirs", I studied this "foot sun bladder sutra" (see fig. 10.4.2-4). Judging from the name, this sutra dominates the “Godly Leading Air”. Troupe Leader Liu inserted three “Philosopher-Stone Pestles” (see figs. 3) into my back, or rather carved six hieroglyphics on my back: Gaohuang, Shentang, and Xixi. According to the method of creating hieroglyphics, Gaohuang means dead meat that cannot be cured by medicine. Shentang means the court of God. Xixi is the pleasant sound of the preconscious. The preconscious was called Eve-sense in ancient times. My Xixi cave was locked because Eve Liu (Jade Girl, Goddess, Eve) was angry with me. A happy Jade Girl is a Fortune, and a sad Jade Girl is a Misfortune, so my “Delight Root” (i.e. Xixi acupoint) was locked. I couldn't use the “Delight Heart” of the four infinite hearts to completely cure my rheumatism.

Illustration 5 is Mexico in the rain catastrophe, also known as the Gold Boy, Tlaloc, and the Jaguar, which is the Nezha in Chinese mythology. His right foot is painted as a "mirror that often smokes", indicating that his divine foot is defective. Because he had a fight with the Jade Girl (Chalchiuhtlicue) before, which made the goddess cry, his delight root (i.e. Xixi acupoint) was locked. "Often smoking" means that he is often angry about this, because the "delight root" is locked, without delight, he cannot cure his illness by himself; or because he has no Delight, he cannot climb out of hell by himself. "Mirror" means that he understands Goddess from this incident.

左脚下的轮子表示他的生命悬系于不断地朝着他和翠玉女的婚姻结合前进。在《墨西哥法典》(参见第18章 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4310450)雨劫就是这样定义的,因为墨西哥心中的翠玉女常常哭泣,所以墨西哥的世界里常常下雨。

The wheel under Mexico’s left foot indicates that his life hangs on moving constantly toward his marital union with Chalchiuhtlicue (the Jade Girl). In the Mexican Codex (cf. Chapter 18) “Rain Catastrophe” is defined in this way, as it often rains in the Mexican world because the Jade Girl (Chalchiuhtlicue) of the Mexican heart often weeps.

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