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10 宿命通 Fate Through

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-10-14 15:22 已读 154 次  


《卢岩的回忆录》 41至46岁,2011-2016年;Layan’s Memoirs, Ages 41-46, 2011-2016
本章目录 Chapter Contents:10.1 刘团长的死讯 News of Liu’s Death;10.2 大爆炸Big Bang;10.3去找刘健君结婚 Went to Marry Eve Liu;10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leader Liu’s Will;10.5 宿命通 Fate Through;10.6 治疗心病的原则 Principles of Curing Mental Illness;10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence;10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearances;10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity;10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of Reincarnation

10.1 刘团长的死讯 News of Liu’s Death

二零一一年五月,我到高德联合公司(Golder Associates Inc.)的实验室工作。高德是家上市了的国际性岩土工程公司。我只在实验室里工作,不下工地,接触的人少。
In May 2011, I went to work in the laboratory of Golder Associates Inc. Golder is a publicly traded international geotechnical engineering firm. I only worked in the lab, not went to the job site, had little contact with people.

The lab manager, Mary, had a long name that I couldn't spell. When I was interviewed, she agreed to let me call her Mary. She was from a country I didn't know where. She explained again; I still couldn't figure it out, so I was too embarrassed to ask again. After working for a while, I realized that people called her Maria, Mario, or whatever, and again asked what I should call her. She replied that that was how it was in her life; different people called her different names and got used to it. I often observe her. She is a standard, strong white woman of European descent. She behaves in a dignified and proper manner, has a traditional Western worldview, a leisurely personality, no local accent, and no ethnic or regional characteristics. I cannot analyze where she is from.

The first two months were fine, but at work, I met people and business from Davroc and Dufferin, and gradually my schizophrenia worsened. I had conflicts with my colleagues, and I became more and more worried about the black society. Eve Liu studied soul reincarnation and hired black society people. If those mafias failed to get tasks done, lost face, or someone lost their composure, there might be murders.


One day during a coffee break, I listened to my colleagues chatting. Afterwards, for some reason, I recalled Mary's talk about the video she watched in the meeting.

Eve Liu answered the person sent by Sal Fasullo to investigate me: "Luyan's psychological social environment is different from others. When he was a graduate student, the person he shared a room with was arranged by my father. They lied to him together; he believed it."

The investigator asked, "Where is your father now?"
Eve Liu replied, "Dead! What my father did has nothing to do with me. I was not in China at that time, I was in the United States studying for my doctorate!"
The investigator asked, "Then why didn't you tell Luyan?"

Eve Liu replied, "My dad said that Luyan was very stubborn. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe anyone who told him, so he could only think about it when others chattered next to him or people on the road chattered, and he heard it. Little by little, he figured it out, and then he was fine."

The investigator asked, "What did your father want Luyan to do?"
Eve Liu replied, "He said that I had no husband in my life, and that no one else would do except Luyan. He said that I am not his daughter and Luyan is his son. He then wanted me to marry Luyan. My dad said he can't see me marry Luyan, he dies with eyes open. You see! I am not superstitious and don't believe in this."

我回忆起来玛丽亚所说的话之后,感觉奇怪:如果这是我以前想过的事,想象与现实混淆了,那不应该有我根本不知道的事。我回忆起了本书第2章中《桃花劫 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2176&tid=4654351》的故事,是我妈妈给我讲的。她不记得 “前世姻缘,命中注定” 这八个字了。那玛丽亚说的这八个字是从哪里来的(注2)!?而且玛丽说的是英语,她的用词和我英语用词的习惯根本不一样。我回忆、分析刘团长已经五、六年没对我做过什么了,认为他真的已经过世了。

After I recalled what Marry said, felt strange: If this was something I had thought about before, and imagination was confused with reality, then there shouldn't be something I didn't know. I recalled the story of "Peach Flower Catastrophe" in Chapter 2 of this book, which my mother told me. She didn't remember the eight words “Former Generation’s Marriage Factors, Predetermining Fate”. So where did Mary's eight words come from (Note 2)!? And Mary spoke English, her word usage was completely different from my English verbal habits. I recalled and analyzed that Troupe Leader Liu had not done anything to me for five or six years, thought he was dead.

Note 10.1-2, after the environment is formed, the related language will appear. In the previous chapter 2, when I was two years old, I didn’t understand such words and I had very little memory, but now there is a related environment, so the words pop up.

I thought that Troupe Leader Liu had really passed away a long time ago. I was in a very bad mood and seemed to be sick for two or three days. I suspected that Eve Liu bribed my wife and entrusted someone to take care of my children. I always found that they were changing.

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