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9 青中年 Middle Age

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-10-11 20:04 已读 196 次  


卢岩的回忆录,28-40岁,1998-2010年;Luyan’s Memoirs, 28-40 years old, 1998-2010.
本章目录 Contents of This Chapter:9.1 拓疆房地产公司 Real Estate Ltd;9.2 岩土顾问公司 Soil Engineers Ltd;9.3 黑社会帮我Mafia Helps Me;9.4 我抑郁了I'm Depressed;9.5 桫椤给我改性格 Sal Changes my Personality;9.6 迷惑 Muddles;9.7 社会环境 Social Environment; 9.8 把工程作坏 Job Rip;9.9 觉思失调 Schizophrenia.

In April 1998, I graduated with a master's degree from Northeastern University and became unemployed. I was worried that Liu was doing something bad to me behind my back and that I would not be able to find a girlfriend at my new workplace. So, I was unwilling to work in state-owned enterprises and institutions such as government agencies and schools, thinking that it would be difficult for him to do something bad in private enterprises. I like real estate, but I am color blind and unwilling to practice computer graphics, which made it difficult for me to find a job. At home, I usually took an English-speaking class and also participated in a GRE class, but I found that GRE was too difficult for me and I could not learn it.

9.1 拓疆房地产公司 TJ Real Estate Ltd

In the spring of 1999, Mr. Liu, the chairman of Liaoning Tuojiang Real Estate Company, found me and said that they found my resume in the Shenyang Human Resource Market and asked me to be the manager of the company. At work, Mr. Liu asked me to find projects and make plans by myself, to report to him when the plans were mature. Mr. Liu grew up in the compound of the Shenyang Military Region in the 1960s and 1970s; most of the people I met were children of high-ranking officials in the Shenyang Military Region. My colleagues began to introduce girlfriends to me; I forgot all the unhappy affairs in the past.

Mr. Liu was an accountant by profession and had no complicated experience, but he wrote a memoir and was preparing to publish it (Note 1).
I was often troubled by the fraud in my work, and I was often afraid because of the bad things I did at work. I applied to immigrate to Canada and decided that if I couldn't work well here, I would go abroad to open a new world.
Note 9.1, Mr. Liu's act of writing a memoir had a great influence on me. I wrote my memoir because of his influence.

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9.2 岩土工程师公司 Soil Engineers Ltd

In April 2001, I immigrated to Toronto, Canada, and worked at KFC while learning English. Shortly afterward, I got married and started a new life.

2002年3月,一家岩土工程师有限公司(Soil Engineers Ltd)找到了我,作工程质量检测的技术员。面试我的人说是在人才交流中心发现了我找工作的简历。
In March 2002, I was approached by Soil Engineers Ltd, a geotechnical engineering company, to work as an engineering quality inspection technician. The person who interviewed me said that he had found my resume in a job exchange center looking for a job.

I hadn't been at work for long when some of my coworkers were talking about me saying that I was a child of a big family in China, and that I had run away to Canada on my own after a fight with my father; that my father had commissioned Victor, the owner of this company, to help me arrange this job. Someone said to me: Canada is not a place for people like you, it's time for you to realize that and go back! Or when are you going back to your country! I didn't feel anything about this statement and assumed that they had the wrong person.

2 谣言 Rumors

同事刘加力(Garry Liu),是一位来自台湾的工程师,几次跟我说父子吵架不应该这样。我回答,在大陆,我只是个普通农民家的孩子。
My colleague Garry Liu, an engineer from Taiwan, told me several times that father-son quarrels should not be like this. I replied that in mainland China, I am just a child of an ordinary farmer's family.

Once, Garry CC. Liu got angry with me, accusing me of not calling my dad and saying, "The fact that your dad got you a job means that he already regrets it. What's wrong with that? You still want your dad to apologize to you! The job is for you, whether you are satisfied or not is not the issue. Your dad is a mainlander, he can't do much in Canada! That's the only thing I can't get through to you!"

我开始明白了,这是刘团长指使人在背后制造的谣言,对他说: “我回家就给他打电话。”
I began to understand that this was a rumor created behind the scenes by Troupe Leader Liu's instructions, and said to him, “I'll call him when I get home.”
Afterwards I thought, this old man finally regretted it. But what makes me feel bad is that Troupe Leader Liu knows that I like his daughter Eve Liu, because I don't like him, so I don't want to go out with Eve Liu. The old man understood in his heart, how sad he had to be!

3 窃听 Eavesdropping

At one point, the company put a notice in the envelope of each employee's paycheck saying that someone was listening in on our company's technicians' phone calls and that all employees should refrain from using the company's phones as a medium for exchanging measurement data and negotiating quality ratings. The manager then said at a company meeting that we couldn't figure out why someone was tapping our technicians' phones, but the home office found out about it.

At the time, this didn't bother me. Later, I suspected that my home phone was tapped. The phone's voice was small and unclear, like it was strung up for many calls. I changed phone companies. It was fine at first, but soon after, the sound quality of the phone got worse again. This problem haunted me for the next ten years or so. I had no choice but to think to myself, “I have no secrets, let you hear them”. However, I always felt that my privacy had been compromised; this played a big role in the development and outbreak of my Schizophrenia.

4 糊涂的争吵 Confused Argument

一天在Mclaughlin Rd crossing Derry Rd 西北角的工地,忽然工地的经理和另外几个人怒气冲冲地来和我吵架,指责几件我不知道的事。开始时,他们说我撒谎,还是很生气。后来,他们看我的表情是既没生气也没笑,是在认真地分析他们所说的事。他们几个相互质疑说:“咱们是在和谁打架呢!?他们相互商量,结论是都是从XXX地方,那两个中国人那里听来的,他们在骗我们。”几个人愤愤地离开了。
One day at the site on the NW corner of Mclaughlin Rd and Derry Rd, suddenly the site manager and a couple of other guys came in angry and argued with me, accusing me of a couple of things I didn't know. At first, they said I was lying and still angry. Later, they looked at me with an expression of neither anger nor laughter and were seriously analyzing what they were saying. Several of them questioned each other and said: who we are fighting with! They discussed with each other and concluded that they had heard it all from XXX place, from those two Chinese, and that they were lying to us. They left angrily.

Note 9.2-4: This method of improving my personality by instigating others to fight with me is essentially the same as in Sections 5.2, 9.3, and 9.5.

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