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8.4 大惊失色 I was Shocked.

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-10-01 14:36 已读 171 次  


Afterwards, every day I saw two rows of more than 100 young people in their twenties standing next to our dormitory building, watching us coming and going. My classmates and I would guess: Who are these people? What are they doing? They looked at us like visitors to a zoo looking at animals. I always thought: There was a fight somewhere. These people were lying in ambush here.
8.4-1 示威者冲进了楼里 Demonstrators Stormed the Building.

第四天的晚上,我和室友从食堂买饭回来,发现那些人不见了。我问他:“依你这个国务院的警察来看,他们是什么人?要干什么?” 当我们俩走进八舍的门厅时,惊讶地发现:门厅、两翼走廊和楼梯间到处站满了人;那些人冲进楼里了。一群人正围着门卫在那争吵呢。我们进不去,就站在大厅的门口。
On the evening of the fourth day, my roommate and I came back from the cafeteria after buying food and found that those people were gone. I asked him, "As a police officer from State Council, who are they? What are they doing?" When we walked into the lobby of the Eighth Dormitory, we were surprised to find that the lobby, the corridors on both wings, and the stairwell were full of people; those people rushed into the building. A group of people were arguing with the guard. We couldn't get in, so we stood at the door of the lobby.

室友说:“你站在这看着,看我这个国务院警察是怎么调查打架的。” 说着,他挤进了人群,去门卫的地方了。
My roommate said, "Stand here and watch how I, a State Council police officer, investigate a fight." Then he squeezed into the crowd and went to the guard post.
I saw that the crowd was very dense, and I couldn't find space to walk over, so I waited there. Soon, he came back and asked me, "What do you think happened?"

他尴尬地笑着说:“我怎么没发现你还这么能掩人呢!” 转回脸又对我说:“我才明白为什么我们领导总是拒绝我下现场的请求。” 说完,他自己挤进了人群,开始上楼了。
I said, “Two groups are fighting somewhere, and these guys are trying to pester the janitor to keep him from calling the cops.”
He laughed awkwardly and said, “Why didn't I realize you were still so good at pinching people!” Turning his face back to me, he added, “I just realized why our leader always denies my requests to come down to the site.” With that, he squeezed himself into the crowd and started up the stairs.

8.4-2 八百年出不来一个 The Only Person for 800 Years

我跟在他的后面,从坐在楼梯上的人身上跨过去,走得很慢。他在楼上对我喊:“三楼就没人了,我先自己走了。” 我们的寝室在东翼六楼的东边尽头。楼梯间的三、四、五楼都没人。
I followed him, stepping over the man sitting on the stairs, walking slowly. He shouted to me from upstairs, “There's no one on the third floor, so I'll go ahead by myself.” Our dorm room was at the eastern end of the sixth floor of the east wing. The third, fourth, and fifth floors of the stairwell were empty.
When I went up to the sixth floor, I was surprised to find a person sitting on the floor at the entrance of the corridor, with one leg across the corridor, staring at me with big eyes.

I stepped over his legs carefully, thinking: There aren't many people with eyes this big. At this time, we were the only two people in the entire corridor on the sixth floor.

我走到走廊的中间时,突然发现一个人翘着二郎腿坐在寝室的门口。他的腿伸出来很长,我不得不绕着走。那人对寝室里的喊:“你快过来看!这就是那个 ‘八百年出不来一个’。” 当时,我认为这些人都是在职的研究生,都不认识,没有来往。大部分时间,六楼的这些房间都是空的。
When I walked to the middle of the corridor, I suddenly found a person sitting at the door of the dormitory with his legs crossed. His legs were stretched out very long, so I had to walk around him. The person shouted to the people in the dormitory: "Come and see! This is the ONLY PERSON FOR 800 YEARS (cf. v. 8.3-4)." At that time, I thought these people were all working graduate students, and I didn't know them, had no contact with them. Most of the time, these rooms on the sixth floor were empty.

过去七八米后,我忽然意识到他们是在说我呢!“八百年出不来一个” 是几天前(参见8.3-4节),黄老师和我谈话时,一个站在门口的人说的。一股冲动从我的下部身体向上涌,直冲天盖骨。我失重了,撞到了走廊的墙上,听见后面有人说话,“他怎么了?怎么撞在墙上了?”另一个说,“让咱们给吓得,快,别看了!”
After passing seven or eight meters, I suddenly realized they were talking about me! “THE ONLY PERSON FOR 800 YEARS (cf. v. 8.3-4), it was said by a man standing at the door when Teacher Huang and I were talking a few days ago. An impulse surged upward from my lower body, straight to my skull. I lost weight and hit the wall of the corridor, heard someone behind me talking, 'What's wrong with him? Why did he hit the wall?' Another said, "He is scared by us, hurry up! stop looking!"

I felt light-headed. After returning to the dormitory, I put the lunch box on the table and sat on the bed, trying to calm down. However, my mind was hot, and my heart was in a mess, so I couldn't think of anything. At this time, my roommate came back and asked, "What's wrong with you? Have you guessed what those people do?"

他诧异了:“嗯?你咋那么想呢!我再去问问!” 说着,他转身又出去了。
I replied: "I feel like Eve Liu's dad is angry and is coming toward me."
He was surprised: "Huh? Why do you think so? I'll go ask again!" Then he turned around and went out again.

8.4-3 他们在走廊里争吵 They Quarreled in the Corridor

After a few minutes, my roommate didn’t come back, so I decided to go to the bathroom to wash my face, sober up, and then eat.

当我从水房回来时,黄老师的室友站在走廊里看着我,对屋里的黄老师喊,“这回套住了!XXX(国务院警察的名字)还在那屋说呢,‘可把卢岩吓坏了!’ 快来看!卢岩那脸,五颜六色的!我才知道人害怕是这个样子!”
When I came back from the bathroom, Huang’s roommate was standing in the corridor looking at me and shouted to Teacher Huang in the room, “This time we’ve trapped him! XXX (name of the State Council police) is still in the room saying, ‘Luyan is so scared!’ Come and see! Luyan’s face is full of colors! I just know that this is what it means to be scared!”

室友转身对屋里说:“那你说,这事儿不好笑么!咱那些人天天站在那儿向他示威, 人家天天看热闹! 老头子算得可真准,说今晚卢岩该害怕了!他是真害怕了!”
Teacher Huang in the dormitory said, "What trap? Are we hunting? Come in!"
The roommate turned and said to the room, "Then tell me, isn't this funny? Our hundred people stand there every day to demonstrate to him, but he watches the fun every day! The old man (i.e., Troupe Leader Liu) was really accurate in predicting that Luyan would be scared tonight! He really is scared!"

8.4-4 大祸临头 Disaster is Coming

我进屋后,开始吃饭。室友回来了,说:“你还有心思吃饭!那些人都是你那个女朋友她爸派来的。” 说着,他走到窗边,向外看。
After I entered the room, I started to eat. My roommate came back and said, "You still have the mood to eat! Those people were sent by your girlfriend's father." Then he walked to the window and looked out.
I asked, "I know we live on the sixth floor. Is there anyone there?"

He replied: "It's OK! You know we live on the sixth floor. There's no one here, but I think if someone jumps from here, they won't die, but they'll be in pain in the hospital! Then you don't have to worry about finding a partner anymore!"
I said: "Don't pretend! I am confused, but not to the extent that I would open the window and run."

He turned around and sat on the bed, smiling and asked, "Do you have any ideas or plans? I am still a policeman, and I have the professional ethics of a policeman. You may want to tell me what's going on first. If you want to call the police, I'll go with you."

我说:“你别想太多。去年这个时候,我堂兄卢勋卧轨自杀了,就是因为一个女朋友老是缠着他,和我现在的情况类似。我去参加葬礼,叔叔和姑姑们都对着他的遗像骂他。我娶刘健君,现在也看不出吃亏。事情还没发展到那一步,我可不想死后还挨骂;现在只是老头子生气了。” 我抬头看室友,他的脸色眼看着在变化,惊奇地问:“你怎么了?自杀还有基因遗传因素?”
I said, "Don't think too much. At this time last year, my cousin Lu Xun committed suicide by lying on the railway tracks because a girlfriend kept pestering him, which is like my current situation. I went to the funeral, and my uncles and aunts all cursed him in front of his portrait. I don't see any disadvantage in marrying Eve Liu now. Things haven't developed to that point yet, and I don't want to be scolded after I die; now it's just that the old man is angry." I looked up at my roommate, and his face’s color was changing. I asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you? Is there a genetic component to suicide?"

He was silent for a while, then said with a gloomy face, "Just now I felt funny, and was thinking that I couldn't tell anyone about this, because they would think I was crazy. Now, I can't laugh anymore, this is all true. I don't know whether suicide is related to genetics, but your cousin's case is related to you. I learned this when I was in college. I understand what you mean, it's good! This is not a life-threatening moment, don't be impulsive, don't let anything happen, we can talk it over if there is anything. Otherwise, why don't you go beat up Teacher Huang first? Let off your anger!"

I said, "What are you talking about! There are so many of them, and I still want to provoke them! I want to tell you that this is how I prepare to be beaten. After a while, they will come, and we will start arguing. You just watch from the side and don't move forward. If they want to hit me, they will push me, and I will fall to the ground or bed and curl up in a ball. After they hit me a few strokes, you come over to persuade them not to beat me to death. It is easy for a group of people to beat one person to death; in the end, no one knows how the person was beaten to death."

他感叹地说:“哎呀!你这现场知识可比我强多了!是这么回事。你放心,这工作我能做好。他们打你几下后,我再过去劝说,‘行啦行啦,打几下完成任务就行呗!你们老头子可没让你们打死他。’ 这我确信!那老头子没想打死你。费了这么大劲;人死了,不全白费了!那老头子是绝对不会做亏本生意的。现在,活着才能解决问题,等过几天你再去打那老头子!’”
He sighed and said, "Oh! Your on-site knowledge is much better than mine! This is what happened. Don't worry, I can do the job well. After they hit you a few times, I went over to persuade them, 'Okay, okay, just hit him a few times to complete the task! Your old man didn't ask you to beat him to death.' I'm sure of this! The old man didn't want to beat you to death. He put in so much effort; if you die, it all be in vain! The old man will never do business at a loss. Now, only by staying alive can you solve the problem. Wait a few days before you go and beat the old man!'"

I replied, "I've thought about it. The old man lives in the military compound and we can't get in. Even if we get in, we can't beat him because the guards have guns. Besides, her parents are quite old, and I can't beat up an old man or an old woman!"

他说:“我现在感觉好多了。我去那屋看看。我不走远了,就到隔壁那几个屋。有人来了,我立刻回来。” 说着,他出去了。
He said, "I feel much better now. I'll go to that room and look. I won't go far, just to the next few rooms. If someone comes, I will come back immediately." After saying that, he went out.

晚上七点多钟,黄老师找我谈话,“那些人都是老头子让我安排的。前几天,老头子让我跟你说的那个计划(参见8.3节),你考虑得怎么样了?” 我刚要说话,他又说了:“不着急,你再考虑一晚上,明天早上给我答复。”
Around 7pm, Teacher Huang talked to me, "The old man asked me to arrange those people. A few days ago, the old man asked me to tell you about the plan (cf. v. 8.3). How have you thought about it?" I was about to speak, but he said, "Don't worry, think about it overnight and give me an answer tomorrow morning."

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