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18.3 雨劫 Rain Catastrophe

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-12 8:45 已读 1078 次  


雨劫的目录 Content of Rain Catastrophe:18.3.0 序言 Preface;18.3.1 落难五行山 The Fall of Five-Migration Mountain;18.3.2复活石 Resurrection Stone;18.3.3 王者归来 Return of the King;18.3.4 地表女神 Earth Surface Goddess;18.3.5 蛇山 Coatepec;18.3.6 唤醒墨西哥 Awakening Mexico;18.3.7 苦尤姬之乱 Coyolxauhqui's Chaos; 18.3.8 邪恶的诱惑 Evil Temptation;18.3.9 欢喜佛 Consummation Buddha

18.3.0 序言 Preface

The Rain Catastrophe in the Mexican Codex mainly talks about Aztlan (also known as Tlaloc, Mexico) in the third quadrant of the Sun Stone Calendar (period, as shown in Figure 18.3.0-9-3). The word "rain" in the Rain Catastrophe means that there are always many clouds above Tlaloc's head, and it often rains in his world (as shown in Figure 9-3). The Rain Catastrophe begins when he learns of the death of the Turquoise Prince and falls into hell (that is, he suffers from mental illness), and ends with his marriage to Tlaltecuhtli (Chalchiuhtlicue in the Rain Catastrophe).

在神话故事中,一般此劫被转换成太阳历500年,被说成特拉洛克被压在五行山下500年。那是说特拉洛克不明白为什么青松石王子一直强迫他娶翠玉女。他的答案在虎劫,即在太阳石历的第一象限。虎劫里的事发生在特拉洛克三岁之前,一般正常人回忆不出三岁之前的记忆,因为人在三岁左右时,记忆和思维的模式发生了变化。这个障碍,古墨西哥人是用青松石王子和太阳神的 “尖顶帽” 来表示的,如图9右上所示,中华文化中称作五行山。五行是说眼识、耳识、鼻识、舌识,和身识是人的本心,但这总是在移动的五识却没有移动者。
In mythology, this catastrophe is usually converted into 500 years of the solar calendar, and it is said that Tlaloc was pressed under the Five-Migration Mountain for 500 years. That is saying Tlaloc does not understand why Turquoise Prince keeps forcing him to marry Chalchiuhtlicue. His answer was in the Tiger Catastrophe, which is in the first quadrant of the Sun Stone Calendar. The events in Tiger Catastrophe occurred before Tlaloc was three years old. Normal people cannot recall memories before the age of three because the memory and thinking patterns of people change around the age of three. The ancient Mexicans represented this obstacle with the "pointed hat" of the Turquoise Prince and the Sun God, as shown in the upper right of Figure 9. In Chinese culture, it is called the Five-Migration Mountain. The Five-Migration refer to the eye-sense ear-sense nose-sense tongue-sense and body-sense as the original heart, but these five senses that are always moving have no movers. 青松石王子病世 Turquoise Prince Ills and Dies

Turquoise Prince was born around 1240 CE, and his father taught him from an early age to sacrifice for the creation of the sun (God) (see Figure 1). When he was about 40 years old, he became enlightened and was able to initiate the Olympian Movement; but he had no hope of success. The darkness in the incense burner on the left side of the center of Figure 10 below indicates that Turquoise Prince felt he lacked an heir, because once he began to sacrifice the golden boys and the jade girls, he would become sick, and his earthly life would not be long enough to complete the project of creating the sun.

When Turquoise Prince saw his wife, his father had arranged for him, the spiritual girl Coatlicue (as shown in the middle right of Figure 10), he became more determined to create the sun. The red ropes on Turquoise Prince and Coatlicue's ankles indicated that his father had arranged this marriage when they were about one year old. This memory before the age of three was called Quetzalcoatl by the ancient Mexicans and Abel by the Europeans, which is invincible in the mundane world and can serve as the support of God’s Eye. Readers, please see Figure 11, the expression of the girl Coatlicue when she saw Turquoise Prince; her desire for Turquoise Prince reached a crazy level. The reason why Turquoise Prince saw the success was that he could install the Gnostic Eye, the Juristic Eye and the God’s Eye directly into the body of Coatlicue, so that after his death, she would be able to continue the career of creating the sun.

Picture 2 shows as wife, Coatlicue, carefully supporting her husband, Turquoise Prince, in his endeavor to create the sun (to manipulate dragon). Picture 3 shows Turquoise Prince sacrificing himself to create the sun; at the same time, he is the sun, shining and giving off heat! Figure 4 shows that Turquoise Prince died of illness at the age of about 70, but his intelligent life will continue to be the Sun (God).

Figure 6 shows the first burial of Turquoise Prince. The coffin is supported by stones, indicating that he refused to enter the earth and died with his eyes open. "Dying with eyes open" is his curse to his wife Coatlicue, his daughter Chalchiuhtlicue, and his godson Aztlan, meaning “I have done my job, if this project of creating the sun fails, it is you who murdered me!” Figure 7 is the Great Painted Tower in the Middle Earth District of modern Mexico City. There are two tombs on the top of the tower, one is the Turquoise Prince (also known as Hummingbird of the Left) and the other is Aztlan (also known as Tlaloc, Mexico).

Figure 8 shows that the life of the Turquoise Prince is like a meteor sliding across the sky, lighting up the land of Mexico. According to Mexican legend, after the death of a warrior, his soul will follow the sun for four years and then reside forever in a hummingbird (as shown in the lower right of Figure 9). Therefore, this book will call the Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli) the Hummingbird of the Left (Huitzilopochtli). 重生之母的重生 Rebirth of the Reborn Mother

The ancients used an upside-down person to represent the dead. The lower half of Figure 10 shows that Turquoise Prince (Xiuhpilli) sacrificed himself to raise the Golden Boys and the Jade Girls and turned into the Hummingbird of the Left (Huitzilopochtli) with Coatlicue’s body as its head. The upper half shows that Turquoise Prince's death made Coatlicue's heart and body burn; and this fire made her become steel tendons iron bones, lost feelings. Only when the hummingbird came to her head to collect honey did she feel that she was still alive. Her arms are two snakes, indicating that she has the Gnostic Eye of the golden boy and the Juristic Eye of the jade girl, and she can use them at will.

Figure 11 shows the memories of Coatlicue. As a young girl, she fell deeply in love with Turquoise Prince as soon as she saw him. Figure 12, after marriage, she curiously followed her husband to raise the golden boys and the jade girls, but she was often scolded by her mother-in-law for making things worse. Figure 13 shows that she no longer poisons the Tree of Life and has become a red-robed shaman (archbishop), able to supply the Tree of Life with red blood.

Figure 14 shows that the loss of her husband has made Coatlicue, who is about 50 years old, suddenly feel old. She was left alone with the job of running the country and feeding the golden boys and jade girls (shown at the bottom of Figure 14), as if she were walking on the edge of a thorn-strewn cliff and struggling forward.

图15显示,蔻忑鹠鸺感觉丈夫仍然活在自己的心中;可是时间久了,这件事让她发狂。她剖开了自己的胸膛,发现,那个一直在指导她的不是她的丈夫,而是她自己的 “悉知悉见之眼”(上帝之眼)。图16显示,她已经成为了真正的大自在天蔻忑鹠鸺。图17,现代人在瞻仰蔻忑鹠鸺的典型雕像,聆听她的事迹。
Figure 15 shows that Coatlicue felt her husband still alive in her heart; but over time, this droves her crazy. She cut open her chest and found that the one who had been guiding her was not her husband, but her own "Eye of All-Knowing and All-Seeing" (Eye of God). Figure 16 shows that she has become a true “Great Self-Sufficient Sky”, Coatlicue. Figure 17 shows modern people looking at a typical statue of Coatlicue and listening to her story.

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