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18.2.4 恩怨情仇 Gratitude Resentment Love and Hatred

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-01 17:37 已读 1604 次  


随着时光流逝,翠玉女到了婚嫁的年龄,青松石王子就开始安排她和金童的候选人相亲了。在青松石王子组织的这次奥林运动中,那被献祭给特拉洛克(狮子王)的500童男被看作是玛雅(Mayahuel)的500个兔子儿子。翠玉女挖出金童的心(即创伤金童)的宿命任务被表达成了 “逮兔子”(如图18.2.4-2右侧所示)。而那些兔子在努力表现出自己是狮子王特拉洛克(如图2的左侧所示)。
As time passed, Chalchiuhtlicue reached marriageable age, and Turquoise Prince began to arrange blind dates between her and the Gold Boy candidate. In this Ollin Movement organized by Turquoise Prince, the 500 boys sacrificed to Tlaloc (Jaguar, the Lion King) were regarded as the 500 rabbit sons of Mayahuel. The fateful mission of Chalchiuhtlicue to dig out the heart of the Gold Boy (i.e., to traumatize the Gold Boy) was expressed as "catching rabbits" (as shown on the right side of figure 18.2.4-2). And those rabbits tried to show that they were the Jaguar Tlaloc (as shown on the left side of figure 2).

18.2.4-1 女大当嫁 Daughter Grown up Should Be Married

The lower part of figure 3 shows that when the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl met, Chalchiuhtlicue was very hurtful and hurt the Golden Boy. The upper right part of Figure 3 shows that Chalchiuhtlicue’s mother Coatlicue often gave advice to her daughter on "how to dig out her boyfriend's heart". The upper right part of figure 3 shows that the Turquoise Prince was like an old devil, always rubbing pepper on the wounds of the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl. Figure 8 shows below that Turquoise Prince's goddaughter, the jade girl Coyolxauhqui, saw that he liked to add fuel to the fire, so she sent him a basket of chilies. The two turquoise stones shown in Figure 8 are the jade stone that grew the tree of life on the modern Mexican flag, representing Turquoise Prince.

Figures 5 and 6 show that many Golden Boy candidates felt unworthy of Chalchiuhtlicue due to their lack of real talent and were so ashamed that the Turquoise Prince confiscated their flints that represented their eligibility to participate in the Ollin Movement.

图7显示玉女苦尤姬在布道她的 “生命之树生长在兔子头上”的学说,很受欢迎。苦尤姬的纳瓦特语是Coyolxauhqui,义为 “画成的铃铛” 。图8上面显示,常来偷吃灵水的苦尤姬想破坏青松石王子的造太阳(神)的计划,偷走了被青松石王子废除了的金童的候选人名单。
Figure 7 shows the Jade Girl Coyolxauhqui preaching her doctrine that "the tree of life grows on the head of a rabbit", which is very popular. Nahuatl word Coyolxauhqui means "painted bell". Figure 8 shows that Coyolxauhqui, who often steals the spiritual water, wants to destroy Turquoise Prince's plan to create the sun (God), and steals the list of candidates for the Golden Boy who was abolished by Prince Qing Turquoise (see fig. 9).

18.2.4-2 牺牲 Sacrifice

According to Mexican legend, the creation of the sun (god) requires sacrifices from gods and humans. The monster in the lower left corner of Figure 10 is Chalchiuhtlicue, who saw with her own eyes that her father, Turquoise Prince, worked hard to create the sun (God). Why is the Chalchiuhtlicue painted so ugly? It is a traits painting. In addition, she believes that she sacrificed herself (as shown in Figure 11) for Tlaloc (i.e. Golden Boy) and Turquoise Prince, which caused her to lose her marriage life, and she is resentful of Turquoise Prince and Tlaloc. The ancients used the head down to represent the dead, and the buttocks on the sun to represent that she sacrificed for the cause of creating the sun. Figure 12 shows that Aztlan (i.e. Tlaloc) sacrificed. The circles on his body represent confusions, that he does not know why many strange things happened to him. Figures 13 and 14 show that arranging those blind dates between Golden Boy and Jade Girl is like killing his own child with his own hands, and he became ill because of this. The top of Figure 10 shows that Prince Turquoise's father has always encouraged and burned his son to become the sun god, so he has also paid a lot for this. In short, these three generations devoted their entire lives and made sacrifices for the cause of creating the sun. Among them, Turquoise Prince and Tlaloc (Aztlan) lost ten years of the life of the solar light world.

18.2.4-3 翠玉女哭了 Chalchiuhtlicue Cried

That day, Chalchiuhtlicue suddenly got angry (as shown in Figure 18.2.4-3-1), cried and complained to her mother: "Mom, that Nicknamed Peccary Eight Precepts (i.e., Aztlan), Big Bachelor of the Dragon Plan House, is a dumb. I read in his personnel profile that he often fights with others. I asked him what those fights were about, but he replied that he had never fought with anyone. He behaves like a child, and his face turns red with shame when he speaks. He knows nothing."

After hearing this, queen Coatlicue became angry immediately: "A fool has sneaked into our Dragon Plan House. Everyone in the capital has known about this a long time ago! He didn't even know that he had a fight! He behaves like a child, blushes when he speaks! This guy is a fool! Someone introduced him to our daughter! When did our daughter offend anyone from Dragon Plan House? "After hearing this, king Turquoise Prince said: "I will send someone to ask, let them investigate first, and then report back!"

The people sent by king Turquoise Prince asked the organizers of Dragon Plan House: "How did you think of introducing a boyfriend to Princess Chalchiuhtlicue?"
The organizers replied that it was Queen Coatlicue who asked us to do it. She said: "The king is so tired of Princess Chalchiuhtlicue's marriage that he is sick. Finding a husband for the princess is like choosing a side pulling horse for the state carriage. You have the most talents here, and you should take the initiative to help the king solve the problems."

国王的使者问: “公主说,她看见阿兹特兰的人事档案里写着,他常和人打架。但问他为什么打架?他回答,‘他从来没和人打过架’,你们怎么看?”
The king’s messenger asked: "The princess said that she saw in Aztlan's personnel file that he often fought with others. But when she asked him why he fought, he replied, 'He never fought with anyone.' What do you think?"

An organizer said: "I know that Aztlan believes that 'those who are often teased and scolded by others are actually the ones who are liked by others.' Somehow, many people like to tease him, and Aztlan's reaction is like a fight. As a result, many people use traps to trap him, and he has become one of the most popular person here."

国王的使者叨咕,“啊!那些打架是有策略和智慧的,但那是小伎俩!”问: “如你们所说,为公主选丈夫是在为国家车选驸马;他有什么主要的优点让你们认为他有能力担任驸马?”
The king's messenger muttered, "Ah! Those fights were with strategy and wisdom, but they were just tricks!" Asked: "As you said, choosing the husband for princess is like choosing the side puller horse for the state carriage; what are his main advantages that make you think he is capable of being the side puller horse?"

An organizer said: "After we received instructions from Queen Coatlicue, we immediately organized a bachelor party. During the party, we declared the news that we would select a bachelor to go on a blind date with Princess Chalchiuhtlicue. The party immediately became lively. Later, our leader Ninth Uncle of Dragon Plan House asked, 'What did Peccary Eight Precepts say?' People answered, 'He has been sitting on the eastern bed and eating all the time, said nothing. Ninth Uncle suggested, ‘I see we can send him’. "

The king's messenger asked, "What is he eating? Where do you get the money to buy delicious food!?"
An organizer replied: "The queen asked the kitchen of Ministry of Internal Affairs to make it for us; Peccary Eight Precepts is the biggest beneficiary of the queen's reward!" As shown in Figure 18.2.4-3-3, faced with this big pie falling from the sky, other rabbits thought it was a good opportunity to enter the royal family, get promoted and make a fortune; but Aztlan (as shown on the right) thought it was a good opportunity to obtain the secret of the Tree of Life.

The king's messenger asked Ninth Uncle: "What do you think of Aztlan as the husband of Princess Chalchiuhtlicue?"
Ninth Uncle said, "He doesn't attach much importance to the princess's status and material wealth, which is conducive to their equality and harmony after marriage. Generally, when a scholar comes to our Dragon Plan House, he will start to form cliques and seek backers. Aztlan does not flatter anyone and does not belong to any party. I see that he is good at ghosts and gods. According to his personality, I suggest that he learn ‘Strange-Door Aegis-Armor’, so that he can become a military general and have 80,000 Node Soldiers (God’s Army) in his chest. But he likes to study the trunk of the tree of life, so I helped him contact the Theoretical Religious Department (called Dharma Institute in Buddhism and Laojun Office in Daoism). Later, Xipe Totec (Red Robe Shaman, Archbishop) told me, 'Aztlan is a young man with good gnostic root. Drawing the trunk of the tree of life is an old research topic of our Shamanism for hundreds of years. No one knows whether the tree of life can really be drawn. This research project is very large. Even if he succeeds, it will take ten or twenty years; but if you need it, we can first grant him a master's degree in one or two years. ’”

The king's messenger exclaimed: "Ahh! Aztlan is indeed a talent (as shown in Figure 18.2.4-3-2), with outstanding advantages. What are his shortcomings?"
Ninth Uncle replied: "It may be that he was traumatized in his childhood, so he is clumsy, a little mentally retarded, slow in understanding affairs and learning, and has multiple personalities."

The king's messenger chimed in, "Princess said he is a dumb, is right!”
Ninth Uncle replied: "You can say that, or you can say he is that type of person. His multiple personalities make him naturally consider issues from multiple perspectives. When he grows up, he may be more intelligent than ordinary people in some respects. In addition, his inner world is rich and not monotonous. Some nobles and rich people like this type of person when they are looking for a son-in-law, and their lives are colorful."

国王的使者说:“公主说他害羞,一说话就脸红! 我倒是觉得那是农村的孩子,朴实!”
The king's messenger said, “The princess says he's shy and blushes when he talks! I rather think that's a country boy, plain!”
Ninth Uncle replied, “Shyness is the nature of honoring sages. The two of them are close in age, and the Princess, in every walking standing sitting and lying, all possesses 500 majesties and 108,000 charms; Aztlan should be ashamed.”

The king's messenger said, "The princess said he knows nothing!"
Ninth Uncle replied, "People like the princess mature early. With her family environment and the influence of her parents, she is well-educated and knows broadly. People like Aztlan mature late. He is a child of a peasant family. The growth environments of the two are very different! This is why they are so different now. The princess is angry and says he knows nothing. I think it is acceptable."

The king's messenger said: "From this point of view, what the princess said is correct; but this Aztlan is indeed a talent!"
The messenger reported the conversation with Ninth Uncle to the king Turquoise Prince, Coatlicue, and Chalchiuhtlicue. Turquoise Prince said to Chalchiuhtlicue: "You see! There is something wrong with your looking at people, you are opposite of the people in Dharma Institude and Dragon Plan House!" Chalchiuhtlicue was speechless. King said to Coatlicue, "I think we should arrange for them to meet again so that Chalchiuhtlicue can have another good look at Aztlan."

18.2.4-4 阿兹特兰和翠玉女的相亲 Aztlan and Chalchiuhtlicue's Blind Date

阿兹特兰和翠玉女相亲时发生了什么事?把翠玉女气哭了。插图18.2.4-2显示了他们俩见面时的场景。图右下显示了翠玉女的动机和目的,那只像似虱子的虫子名作腐尸虫,北欧文化中称作 “雷音的魔鬼”,古埃及文化中是太阳神的吉祥物蜣螂,中国南方人称作蛊,代表被夏娃的五百威仪十万八千魅力刺伤后所引起的胃肠溃疡,皮肤病,风湿症等疾病。图右翠玉女头顶的燧火石表示她是此奥林运动的发起者之一,将向阿兹特兰放腐尸虫,把他推向地狱。然后他们俩将各自撰写自传,即《死亡之书》和《生命之书》。两本书合在一起就是上帝赐予众生的精神食粮。插图18.2.4-2的左下显示了阿兹特兰的动机和目的很单纯,即通过和翠玉女的谈话,从青松石王子和蔻忑鹠鸺偷取一盒子灵丹。
Chalchiuhtlicue was so angry that she cried. What happened when Aztlan and Chalchiuhtlicue went on a blind date? Illustration 18.2.4-2 shows the scene when the two of them met. The lower right side of the picture shows the motive and purpose of Chalchiuhtlicue. The louse-like insect is called the carrion beetle, which is called "Thor's Devil" in Nordic culture, the dung beetle, the mascot of the sun god in ancient Egyptian culture, and the southern Chinese call it Gu (蛊), which represents gastrointestinal ulcers, skin diseases, rheumatism and other diseases caused by being stabbed by Eve's 500 majesties and 108,000 charms. The flint on the head of Chalchiuhtlicue on the right indicates that she is one of the initiators of this Ollin movement and will release carrion beetles to Aztlan to push him into hell. Then the two of them will each write their own autobiography, namely "The Book of the Dead" and "The Book of Life". The two books together are the spiritual food given by God to all living beings. The lower left corner of Illustration 18.2.4-2 shows that Aztlan's motive and purpose are very simple, which is to steal a box of spiritual elixir from the Turquoise Prince and Coatlicue through a conversation with Chalchiuhtlicue.

The top center of Illustration 18.2.4-2 indicates the topic of discussion between the two people, Equality Arousal, i.e., Buddha's Intelligence, God's Intelligence (God's eye). That eye favors Aztlan indicating that Aztlan is slightly superior.
So, Chalchiuhtlicue got angry and accused Aztlan, “You screwed me! You asked me a question and you ended up saying it better than I did.”

Aztlan waved his hands and said, "You misunderstood. Before I heard you, I didn't understand. After you explained it, I understood!"
The Chalchiuhtlicue muttered, "Yes! This is the first time we met. Why are you teasing me? What's wrong with me? I have been listening to my parents talk about this since I was a child, but I have always misunderstood it. Now even you understand it, but I still don't understand it!" Then she started crying.

18.2.4-5 《太阳石》的主题线索 Thematic Thread in The Sun Stone

The arrow in Illustration 18.2.4-2 is pointed, indicating that at this time both knew little about the Eye of God. Aztlan's gnostic root (i.e. his experience of meditation, see Chapter 12) is good; but Chalchiuhtlicue is much better than Aztlan in the application of Aggregate-Arousal Intelligence (cf. v. 14.1).

Aztlan made Chalchiuhtlicue cry. The joyful Chalchiuhtlicue is a goddess, a Fortune, while the sad and crying Chalchiuhtlicue is a Misfortune; so, he encountered Misfortune. That is, in the process of creating the sun (God), Chalchiuhtlicue succeeded in traumatising the golden boy. Subsequently, every once in a while, Turquoise Prince would stimulate Aztlan with Chalchiuhtlicue, which was used to induce the carrion Beatles (i.e., Thor’s Devils, psychotic incubus) in his body to grow successfully.

The story of God creating man is difficult to understand, so this article reiterates the theme of "The Sun Stone" here. God created man for the purpose of creating the "Book of Death" and "Book of Life", the two crystallizations of human civilization (as shown in Figure 18.2.4-3-6). The process of creation is to create Adam and Eve in real life, that is, the Golden Boy and the Jade Girl. Then, according to the treatment principles of mental illness (see Section 10.6), in order to eliminate mental trauma, the two will compile a book about God's sacrifice to save mankind, so that God will live forever in the hearts of all living beings. The Golden Boy and the Jade Girl are interdependent and grow upward (as shown by the DNA chain in Figures 7 and 9). This DNA chain was called Ollin by the ancient Mexicans and was also called the fishing line used by the Turquoise Prince to fish for his son-in-law Tlaloc (i.e. Aztlan, Mexico), as shown in the small picture on the right end of Figure 18.2.4-3-8-15. Illustration 18.2.4-3-8-11 shows Chalchiuhtlicue’s face hanging on a fishhook, and the smiling, crescent face next to it represents Tlaloc (Aztlan).

18.2.4-6 流放流沙河 Exile to Quicksand River

Aztlan went on a blind date with Chalchiuhtlicue and learned a lot of knowledge, but he felt uncomfortable all over (note, he was traumatised by her), and felt that he was not worthy of Chalchiuhtlicue. When he recalled the scene of meeting Chalchiuhtlicue, he could not remember her appearance (as shown in Figure 18.2.4-3-4; the lion represents Aztlan). The appearance of the goddess is memoryless. When you see her, you know she is a woman, but when you turn around, you can't remember her appearance. Aztlan remembered many different rough images of Chalchiuhtlicue. After careful identification, they were all lifeless garbage (as shown in Chalchiuhtlicue's thigh in the lower left corner of Figure 18.2.4-1-10), which was very scary. That was the phenomenon of Chalchiuhtlicue's 500 majesties and 108,000 charms to unfamiliar people. Aztlan thought that there was something wrong with his eyes at that time. In Figure 18.2.4-3-4, the lion’s head is sunken, indicating that he cannot imagine marrying Chalchiuhtlicue because men have no sexual desire for the goddess.

阿兹特兰听说翠玉女对他们俩相亲的反应是 “受到侮辱”了,很沮丧。经过许多同事领导的劝说,同意和她继续谈恋爱了,但是两人还是合不来,见面就吵架。
Aztlan was upset when he heard that Chalchiuhtlicue responded to their blind date as "insulted". After much persuasion from colleagues and leaders, he agreed to continue dating her, but the two still didn't get along and quarreled whenever they met.

一段时间后,阿兹特兰感觉和翠玉女的婚姻没什么成功的希望,却耽误了自己的婚事,因为自己是公主的男朋友,没其他的年轻女孩儿愿意接近自己,想着如何结束和翠玉女的恋爱关系。这天他却听说国王又因为自己和公主翠玉女吵架了。那天,翠玉女叨咕,“阿兹特兰只不过是个猪一样的农民!人们都说他是猪八戒,那不是在说他什么都不太懂,却虚张声势地表现他自己很行!” 国王大叫道:“猪八戒这个外号是我给起的(参见18.2.2-3节);他是我儿子!” 阿兹特兰感觉威胁增大了,想离开京城,就去找领导,要求去外地教书。
After a while, Aztlan felt that his marriage with Chalchiuhtlicue had no hope of success, but the affair delayed his marriage because he was the princess' boyfriend, and no other young girls were willing to approach him. He was thinking about how to end his relationship with Chalchiuhtlicue. But one day he heard that the king had quarreled with Princess Chalchiuhtlicue again because of him. That day, Chalchiuhtlicue muttered, "Aztlan is just a pig-like peasant! People call him Peccary Eight Precepts, which means he doesn't know much, but he pretends to be very good!" The king shouted, "It is me who gave him the nickname Peccary Eight Precepts (see Section 18.2.2-3); he is my son!" Aztlan felt that the threat was increasing and wanted to leave the capital, so he went to his leader and asked to teach in other places.

时间飞逝,半年过去了,阿兹特兰的婚姻困境没有改变。这天他又去向主管请求去外地教书。主管回答,“知道了”,继续和同僚唠嗑。他出来的时候听见主管对同僚叨咕:“你走了!若是国王又让我们找他讨宝贝女儿欢心的东西,我们还上哪儿去找你这样儿的宝贝!” 阿兹特兰听后,越想越生气,就去古董储藏室砸碎了青松石王子心爱的绿玉宝莲灯。结果他被抓进了牢房,等待被处斩。藏宝阁,龙图阁,和达摩院的同事师长们几次向国王求情,最后国王给了她女儿翠玉女一个面子,赦免了死刑,被发配去流沙河,作为一名沙僧教书(如图14.2.4-3-5)。
Time flies, half a year has passed, and Aztlan's marriage dilemma has not changed. That day he went to ask his supervisor to teach in other places again. The supervisor replied, "I know," and continued to chat with his colleagues. When he came out, he heard the supervisor muttering to his colleagues: "You left! If the king asks us to find something to please his precious daughter again, where can we find a treasure like you!" After hearing this, Aztlan became more and more angry, so he went to the antique storage room and smashed the Green Jade Lotus Lamp that Turquoise Prince loved. As a result, he was arrested and put in a cell, waiting to be executed. The colleagues and teachers of Treasure House, Dragon Plan House, and Dharma Institude pleaded with the king several times, and finally the king gave his daughter Chalchiuhtlicue a face, pardoned the death penalty, sentence to exile Aztlan to Quicksand River to teach as a Shamanic Monk (as shown in Figure 14.2.4-3-5).

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