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🧧18.2.3 世界第一位 World No. 1

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-08-28 16:26 已读 4189 次 8赞  


Chalchiuhtlicue (as shown in figures 18.2.3-37, 42, 43, 44) is the primogenitor mother of the Mexicans, an Eve (i.e., Jade Girl), the first in the world. Why is Eve the first in the world? The conch on the right side of Illustration 15 represents the first ancestor of mankind, Eve, for example, Athena in section 15.2 is the first ancestor of the Greeks, and Tanngrisnir in section 15.3 is the first ancestor of the Germans. The conch is the first of the four elements of religion, indicating that only Eve can speak on behalf of God. All religious teachings about God must be reviewed and approved by Eve, otherwise those will not be recognized as religious teachings. I think there are three main reasons why Eve is called the first in the world.

First, Eve likes to be the best in the world. For example, in Deer Vehicle religion (cf. v. 16.2), Artemis (i.e., Eve, Aphrodite, Venus, Athena) and Actaeon (i.e., Gold Boy, Adam, Hephaestus, Apollo) competed in archery under the moonlight, and she cried after losing. The joyful Eve is a goddess, a fortune; the sadly crying Eve is a misfortune. So Actaeon encountered a Misfortune and fell into hell because of the misfortune. In other words, whoever wants to defeat Eve should think about the consequences first.

Second, Eve is the initiator of the world-destroying flood, and the author of the reference book on circumcision and baptism, "Arrival Ark" (Prajnaparamita in Sanskrit).

三,夏娃很高傲,如图49中眼睛长在了头顶所表示的;她还喜欢善意地劝导别人,所以伤害了很多人。诤是好意劝谏义,是一切暴乱的起因。如图35,翠玉女的母后,蔻忑鹠鸺(Coatlicue)就是个夏娃类的女人。她的身后白骨堆积如山,就是她不小心,挖了他们的心造成的。所以在《金刚经》(参见17.2节)中,释迦摩尼佛(即一位世界末日判官)赐予了夏娃一顶大帽子, “无诤住最为第一” ,来限制她喜欢诤的特质。
Third, Eve was very arrogant, as shown in figure 49, where her eyes were on top of her head. She also liked to give good advice to others, so she hurt many people. Expostulation means good-intentioned advice and are the cause of all riots. As shown in Figure 35, Coatlicue, the mother of Chalchiuhtlicue, is a woman like Eve. The pile of bones behind her was caused by her accidentally digging out their hearts. So, in the Diamond Sutra (cf. v. 17.2), Shakyamuni Buddha (i.e., a Doomsday Judge) gave Eve a big hat, "Non-Expostulation Dwell the Upmost No.1", to restrain her trait of liking to expostulate.

18.2.3-2 观音大士 View-Sound Great Warrior

Jade Girl or Eve is called “View-Sound Great Warrior” (Avalokiteshvara, Guanyin Bodhisattva) in Buddhism. View-Sound means that she is a person of voice (i.e. word) thinking type. Great Warrior means that she is a top-level warrior (as shown in figures 47 and 48 below). View-Sound Great Warrior is a strong woman who can lift the earth, which means that she can make people around her weightless and float in the air. This power comes from her Woman Precepts, so she is also called “Thousand-hand Thousand-eye View-Sound” (as shown in Figures 44 and 45). Illustrations 35 to 44 depict the process of Coatlicue teaching the Jade Girl the Woman Precepts.

Woman Precept has many aliases, such as the Human-God Contract, 500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms (cf. v. 16.2), Golden Armor, Goddess' Shield, and Woman's Skin. In Figure 38, Coatlicue is showing her Golden Armor to the Jade Girl. In Figure 43, Chalchiuhtlicue is showing her Woman's Skin, which is 500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms.

18.2.3-3 女神集中训练营 Goddess Concentrated Training Camp

Illustration 36 shows that Coatlicue established Amazon (i.e., the goddess concentration training camp) in Coatepec (Holy Mountain). In the picture, she is much larger than the Jade Girls, and even much larger than Apollo, the Seven-Color Deer Buddha, indicating that she is the guardian goddess of godly cycle, and has the highest status among the gods. In illustration 40, Coatlicue reveals that the source of her thousand hands and thousand eyes is that the skull on her belt is the skull of Turquoise Prince, and together with the snake skirt, it represents the future new sun god, Huitzilopochtli (i.e., Hummingbird of the Left). Huitzilopochtli is the name of the new sun god after Prince Turquoise's death. Other goddesses in this position include the Germanic goddess Freya, Nuwa in Chinese culture.

In Figure 41, the goddess on the right wearing a snake skirt is Coatlicue. The red rope on her ankle represents that her marriage with Turquoise Prince was arranged by the ancient god, Prince Turquoise's father. She is more than 20 years younger than Turquoise Prince; the purpose is she will continue Turquoise Prince's career of creating the sun (God) after his death. In Illustration 38, the skull on her belt represents Turquoise Prince's skull, which represents her destiny to inherit the career of creating the sun (God).

Figure 37 shows the purpose of establishing the Goddess Concentration Training Camp. The first fateful mission of the Jade Girl Chalchiuhtlicue is to dig out the heart of her fiancé Aztlan (i.e. Tlaloc, Mexico) (i.e., to traumatize him, as shown in the little boy on the ground in Figure 37) and send him to hell (i.e. suffering from mental illness) on their first date. The red strings on Chalchiuhtlicue and Aztlan's ankles represent the engagement of the Turquoise Prince to them when they were children. Why is the Jade Girl much older than the Gold Boy in the picture? Aztlan and Chalchiuhtlicue are of similar physical age, but when they first met, Aztlan felt ashamed, and his shyness made him lose his social function, so he behaved like a child. As shown in the two pictures on the upper left corner of Figure 54, Chalchiuhtlicue swallowed Aztlan and strangled him with dragon tendons (the theme clue of the Mexican Codex scriptures). Readers should know that the pictures do not show a physical fight, but a contest of knowledge and momentum between the two sides.

女神训练的第二个目的是让玉女能够讲出这个青松石王子造太阳(神)的故事;古代的墨西哥人是用 “翠玉女口吐燧火石(如图37)”来表达这个概念的。燧火石代表此次奥林运动的发起者青松石王子。这要求翠玉女达成什么成就?只有佛才有能力讲出上帝的故事。那她成佛了吗?图49是25至38.7岁期间的翠玉女的特质浮雕。她肚子里的太阳代表无住涅槃(参见15.1.1节),代表她已经证得了佛智。佛智就是等起智,亦作一切智智。
The second purpose of the goddess training is to enable Chalchiuhtlicue to tell the story of the Turquoise Prince creating the Sun (God); the ancient Mexicans expressed this concept by Chalchiuhtlicue spewing flint from her mouth (Figure 37)". The flint represents the Turquoise Prince, the initiator of the Ollin Movement. What does this require Chalchiuhtlicue to achieve? Only Buddha can tell the story of God. So, has she become a Buddha? Figure 49 is a relief of Chalchiuhtlicue's characteristics from the age of 25 to 38.7. The sun in her belly represents Non-Dwell Nirvana (cf. v. 15.1.1), and she has attained Buddha intelligence. Buddha Intelligence is intelligence of Equality Arousal, also known as All Intelligent Intelligences.

The third purpose of the goddess training is to let Chalchiuhtlicue complete the Mexican Codex as the chief editor. The two ears of corn in Illustration 37 and the two books on Chalchiuhtlicue's head in Illustration 51 represent Chalchiuhtlicue's autobiography, the Book of Life, and Aztlan's autobiography, the Book of the Dead. These two books together are the Mexican Codex. Chalchiuhtlicue holding the Mexican Codex on her head in Illustration 51 means that she believes that completing the book is her destiny.

18.2.3-4 守护菩提心 Protecting Bodhicitta

Bodhicitta is the Four Great Vows (cf. v. 16.0) that these jade girls made when they joined the Goddess Training Camp, and is the seed of enlightenment (i.e., the second small picture from left to right in Illustration 15). Illustration 52 shows that Bodhicitta needs to be nurtured. Illustration 53 shows that if Bodhicitta is infected by the edges or tempers of people, the Bodhi tree will not grow healthily.

In the goddess training camp, Chalchiuhtlicue understood her destiny, which was to ride on the back of the Gold Boy and install the sun (God, which is her father Huitzilopochtli) in the sky of Mexico (as shown in Figure 50). Why did the Gold Boy dress up as a carp? In the process of earthly people going to Middle-earth, they all must pass through a holy river (also known as Connection-to-Sky River), that is, they must go through circumcision and baptism, but the Gold Boy does not need "Arrival Ark". He is good at swimming and can swim upstream to Middle-earth. The "Arrival Ark" created by Chalchiuhtlicue is made with the Gold Boy as the theoretical framework. The big cloud on Illustration 56 is the portrait of Tlaloc (i.e. Gold Boy, Aztlan, Mexico), but Tlaloc is not good at speaking, so Chalchiuhtlicue needs to turn Tlaloc's experience into text and compile it into the "Mexican Codex" (as shown below the cloud in Figure 56 and Figure 57).

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贴主:Adam_Luyan于2024_08_28 16:43:24编辑
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