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15.3.3 雷音与西芙 Thor and Sif

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-07-25 22:21 已读 3259 次  


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北欧传说中有这么一段喜剧。雷音一觉醒来,发现他的金刚萨锤不见了。奇怪了!前文说金刚萨锤是雷音的头,怎么还能丢了呢!?他自己认为是丢在了某地遇见的两个女人西芙(Sif,如图15.3.3-3)和她的姐姐那里了,告诉络基说:“没有别人知道锤子被偷了!” 俩人去向女神芙蕾雅(Freyja,如图4左)请求为找回锤子提供帮助。雷音询问是否可以借用她的羽毛斗篷。什么是羽毛斗篷?答:芙蕾雅的女人皮!
There is such a comedy in the Norse legend. Thor woke up and found that his “philosopher-stone sentient hammer” was missing. Strange! How could the Philosopher-Stone sentient Hammer be lost when it was said earlier that it was Thor's head! He himself thinks he lost it to two women he met somewhere, Sif (as in Figure 15.3.3-3) and her sister and tells Loki that “no one else knows the hammer was stolen!” The two went to the goddess Freyja to ask for help in retrieving the hammer. Thor asked if she could borrow her feathered cloak. What is the feathered cloak? Answer: It is Freyja's woman's skins!

The Woman Precept is a woman's contract between humans and gods, is woman’s Precept Ark (see section 16.2), is also known as 500 Majesties 108,000 Charms, woman’s skin, is woman’s correct sequential liberation path, can promote women to move up, so it is also known as the feather cloak. Thor's hammer, i.e., his head, was lost to Sif, indicating that he fell in love with Sif. Thor wanted to borrow the feather cloak from Freya, that expressed his hope that Freya could use the power of her goddess to make Sif fall in love with him. How does Freya make love? If she, as a goddess, shows her love for Thor in front of Sif, the people present will feel that all women in the world love Thor, so Sif will fall in love with Thor imperceptibly.

金刚萨锤意味着雷音制造羊乘教的事业。“锤子丢在了西芙那里” 表示西芙是雷音制造羊车的关键人物之一,为什么?雷音想和西芙结婚,生个女神女儿(即玉女,夏娃),名作紫蕗德(Thrud,佛号磨牙)。他再用女儿紫蕗德为饵来钓前文所说的骑骥(即阿尔维斯,佛号睚眦)。如果紫蕗德和阿尔维斯结婚了,那女儿女婿为自己拉车是自然的事;就完成了羊乘教的制造,羊乘教就是这个故事。类似的故事或宗教线索如前文15.2节的《鹿乘》,宙斯造了个美神女儿维纳斯(Aphrodite),维纳斯就把七色鹿给迷住了。这父女俩就把七色鹿佛给逮住了,训伏了,成为了上帝三人组,所以宙斯就造出了由女儿女婿拉着的飞天雪爬犁,成为了圣诞老人。
The “philosopher-stone sentient hammer” represents Thor's undertaking to create the Goat Vehicle. "The hammer was lost at Sif" indicates that Sif was one of the key figures in Thor's creation of the Goat Vehicle, wherein? Thor wanted to marry Sif and give birth to a goddess daughter (i.e., Jade Girl, Eve), namely Thrud (Buddhist fame: Tanngrisnir). He then used his daughter Thrud as bait to catch the Strange Hobbyhorse mentioned in the section 15.3.1 (i.e., Alvis, Buddhist fame Tanngnjóstr). If Thrud and Alvis were married, it would be natural for the daughter and son-in-law to pull the vehicle for him; the creation of the Goat Vehicle would be completed, and the Goat Vehicle religion is this story. Similar stories or religious clues are in Section 15.2 of the previous article, "The Deer Vehicle", where Zeus created a goddess daughter Venus (Aphrodite), who fascinated the Seven-Color Deer. The father and daughter caught the Seven-Color Deer Buddha, subdued him, therefore they three became a Godly Trinity, Zeus created the sky flying sleigh pulled by his daughter and son-in-law, which became Santa Claus.

芙蕾雅回答: “同意!即便羽毛斗篷是金子、银子做的;不过,我要当磨牙的教母!?” 雷音毫不犹豫地承诺了将来由芙蕾雅负责教育磨牙。读者可能会有疑问,怎么磨牙的教母工作职位还成了交易的商品?
Freya replied: "Agree! Even if the feather cloak is made of gold or silver, but I want to be the godmother of Tanngrisnir!?" Thor promised without hesitation that Freya would be responsible for educating Tanngrisnir in the future. Readers may wonder, how come the position of Tanngrisnir godmother has become a commodity for trading?

Thor wanted to create the Goat Vehicle Religion, that is, to create the primogenitors of the Germanic people, Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir. Tanngrisnir is the mother of all livings, has the appearance of a goddess, word thinking pattern, and a strong trait of conscientiousness, which are all inherited from the mother's side, so his mother Jord helped him find a wife, Freya. When Thor was still a teenager, Jord took him to visit this little cousin, and the two had a good relationship. As shown in Figure 1, there is a statue of Jord holding her son Thor and goddaughter Freya in her arms.

可是,当芙蕾雅长大些后,在一次聚会上爱上了表哥奥德(Odur),后来俩人常在奥德回家的假期中约会。图4左边坐在由两只猫拉着的车上的是芙蕾雅,表现出了对奥德的高度渴望。乔德和芙蕾雅的父母都坚持她要嫁给雷音,为此雷音和芙蕾雅都受到了很大的压力。就在这建造羊乘教的困难时期,雷音说他爱上了另一位 “磨牙母亲” 的合适人选,西芙,所以,芙蕾雅就同意了雷音的计划:由芙蕾雅做法,让西芙爱上雷音,而且将来作为磨牙的教母来把磨牙培育成众生之母。
However, when Freya grew up, she fell in love with her cousin Odur at a party, and later the two often dated during the vacations when Odur went home. On the left side of Figure 4, sitting in a cart pulled by two cats is Freya, who shows a strong desire for Odur. Both Jord and Freya's parents insisted that she marries Thor, therefore Thor and Freya were under great pressure. During this difficult period of creating Goat Vehicle religion, Thor said that he fell in love with another suitable candidate for " Tanngrisnir Mother", Sif, so they two had the deal that Freya would make Sif fall in love with Thor, and in the future, she would be the godmother of Tanngrisnir to train her to become the mother of all living beings.

络基寻找西芙到了约顿海姆。当地的部族首领婆罗门正坐在一辆古董车上,为他的母狗编金项圈。聊了几句后,落基说:“有个坏消息,雷音的锤子丢了!” 婆罗门说他将金刚萨锤(即西芙)藏在了八忍地(即忍渡,参见17.3-9至18),雷音只有把芙蕾雅带来作为他的妻子才能拿回他的锤子。
Loki went to Jotunheim in search of Sif. The local tribal leader Brahman was sitting in an antique car, weaving a golden collar for his female dog. After chatting for a while, Loki said, "Bad news, Thor's hammer is lost!" Brahman said that he hid Thor’s Philosopher-Stone Sentient Hammer (i.e., Sif, who is the crucial for Thor’s creation of Goat Vehicle at the time) in the Eight Countenance Lands (i.e., Ark of Countenance, cf. section 17.3-9 to 18), only Thor brings Freyja as his wife can he get his hammer back.

络基和雷音回到芙蕾雅身边,就催促她换上新娘妆,然后送她去约顿海姆做婆罗门的妻子。芙蕾雅听了,勃然大怒,扯断了自己的项链来拒绝雷音的请求,整个大厅都在颤抖。雷音为什么这么着急?因为婆罗门说 “把西芙放在了八忍地”,那是婆罗门在要挟雷音,“我现在正在教西芙忍渡,用训练金童(即亚当)的方法来训练她;你要抓紧时间,因为几个月后,西芙不再适合作为玉女(即夏娃)的母亲了!”
When Loki and Thor returned to Freya, they urged her to put on her bridal makeup and send her to Jotunheim to be the wife of Brahman. Freya was furious and tore off her necklace to reject Thor's request, causing the whole hall to tremble. Why was Thor so anxious? Because the Brahman said, "having put Sif in the Eight Countenance Lands", that was the Brahman threatening Thor, "I am now teaching Sif the Countenance Ark, using the method of training the Gold Boy (i.e. Adam) to train her; you have to hurry up, because in a few months, Sif will no longer be suitable to be the mother of the Jade Girl (i.e. Eve)!"

The gods discussed and thought that Thor should put on bridal makeup (see illustration 15.3.3-2-2) to go to marry Brahman instead of Freyja; and arranged an army to help him to retrieve his hammer. The reader may wonder why it is necessary for Thor to dress up as a woman when he is just robbing Sif back? Answer: this story is the doctrines of the Goat Vehicle religion, which tells of the knowledge and deeds of God Thor, and dressing up as a woman can somewhat prove that Thor has the appearance of God, i.e., that he has no distinctive outward features.

Where did the army come from? Odin arranged for Thor to be in a foreign country, and he served as the godfather to train him to become a god. Certainly, that region was manageable by Odin. However, at that time, Thor did not know that Loki was his father Odin's sworn brother, and that his father arranged him to help him. Thor still believed that he was an illegitimate child at this time, only knew that Jord was his mother's maiden name, did not know her real name at this time is Queen Frigg (as shown in Figure 15.3.3-2-1).

Freya, impersonated by Thor, and Loki arrive at Jotunheim by car (Figure 15.3.3-2-2). Brahman recounts his treasured animals and objects, stating that Freyja is “Woman Treasure” all that he was missing in his wealth.

当婆罗门的姐姐领着手持 “擂鼓瓮金锤(雷音设计的宗教仪式用的权杖)”的西芙和她姐姐来为芙蕾雅进行“圣化”时,雷音扯下了新娘的头饰。婆罗门的姐姐看到被欺骗了,很生气,过去殴打雷音。雷音愤怒地反击,并把她推下了主席台。婆罗门看见雷音在打自己的姐姐,愤怒了,拔出了剑,要去杀雷音。洛基朝着婆罗门的护卫大喊,“有刺客”。婆罗门的护卫立刻过去抓住了婆罗门,抬着他离开了婚礼现场。这时,洛基请来的军队闯了进来,占领了礼堂。
When Brahman's sister led Sif and her sister, who were holding a “thunder drum-urn golden hammer” (a scepter designed by Thor for religious ceremonies), to “sanctify” Freya, Thor tore off the bride's headdress. Seeing that she had been deceived, the Brahman's sister became angry and went over to beat Thor. Thor fought back angrily and pushed her off the podium. Brahman saw that Thor was beating his sister, became angry, drew his sword and went to kill Thor. Loki shouted towards Brahman's guards, “There is an assassin!” Brahman's guards immediately went over, grabbed Brahman and carried him away from the wedding site. At that moment, the army invited by Loki broke in and occupied the auditorium.

当士兵清理战场时,发现婆罗门的姐姐被摔死了。整个礼堂立刻安静了下来;人们才真正地意识到 “出事了”!军队的首领对雷音说:“你们带着属于你们的东西立刻离开,我让一队士兵带着这两个女人(西芙和她的姐姐)作为人质护送你们。我们尽可能停留在这里长些时间,以便当婆罗门发现他姐姐已经死了,追赶你们时,你们已经走远了。
When the soldiers cleaned up the battlefield, they found that the Brahman's sister had been killed. The whole hall immediately fell silent; people really realized that "something happened"! The leader of the army said to Thor: "You should take your belongings and leave immediately. I will send a group of soldiers to escort you with these two women (Sif and her sister) as hostages. We will stay here as long as possible so that when Brahman finds out that his sister is dead and chases you, you will have gone far away.

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