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🍎※Touch of Class 茶香玫瑰 ※🧧

送交者: 红苹果生活花园[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-10-16 9:00 已读 1245 次 38赞  



动听歌曲/音乐视频联播欣赏 (八首)

In shades of blush, so soft, so bright,
The pink hybrid tea rose takes flight.
Her petals curved like whispered dreams,
Awash in dawn’s first tender gleams.

She rises tall, with graceful pose,
A queen among the garden’s prose.
Her scent, a promise on the air,
Of love and beauty, pure and rare.

Through morning mist, she proudly shows
The secret every petal knows:
That even in the fading light,
A rose in pink is pure delight.

Though autumn winds may come to play,
And summer’s warmth will drift away,
The pink tea rose, in regal bloom,
Brings sweetness to the season's gloom.

Her petals fall, but in their wake,
A trace of joy they still will make.
For in her bloom, the heart can see
A timeless grace, eternally free.

谢谢光临 🌹

贴主:红苹果生活花园于2024_10_16 20:51:34编辑
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