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7.4 刘健君给我的印象 My Impression of Eve Liu

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-14 7:42 已读 965 次 3赞  


At noon the next day after our first meeting, Teacher Huang came to my room and asked me: "What did you think of Eve Liu that night? What did it feel like?"
I thought she must look down on me, so I replied: "It doesn't feel like anything, it's just a date. What did she say?"

Teacher Huang continued to ask: "I mean, how do you feel about her appearance? You only met once, and you still have strong feelings!"
I thought for a while and replied: "I can't remember, I didn't see it (Note 1)."

Teacher Huang was angry: "You are such an old man going on a blind date. It's your first time to meet, isn't it just to see how she looks! Why don't you look at her!"
I think what he said makes sense, and I am very angry with myself, why I didn’t see anything! Ask him: "How does Eve Liu feel about me?"

Teacher Huang said disappointedly: "She is about the same as you, she doesn't feel anything. You tell me! Her parents asked me, how does Luyan feel about our daughter? How do I answer! Next time you meet, take a closer look at her.”
I heard that there will be a next time, which makes me very happy.

Note 7.4-1, I saw Eve Liu when I met her, but I forgot about her afterwards and had no memory of her appearance or physical signs. In the days that followed, I tried to recall it many times, but the images I recalled were fragmented. If I look carefully, I will see that those are statues made of wood or stone, and they are not her. If I look more carefully, I will see that there are all kinds of inanimate garbage inside. This phenomenon is shown in the picture 7.4-1 of the Mexican surface goddess Tlalcihuatl (a jade girl aged about 20 to 38.7 years old; Europeans also call it Venus) whose thighs are composed of dry bones.

7.4-2 巴甫洛夫楼 Pavlov Building

The second meeting was an afternoon, sunny, at the main entrance of Medical University again. When I got there, she was the only one standing there straight, like a stone statue, motionless. I walked over to her and asked: "You're Eve Liu, right?"

The stone woman came to life and replied with a smile, "It's me"; but she immediately became expressionless and thoughtful again. When she turned to lead me towards the inside of the Medical University, I could see the right side of her back and felt that she was a wholesale market seller of clothing: medium-sized, wearing a piece of tight jeans, with a BP machine hanging from her waist, and her pants pulled up by the legs. Her ass is big and plump, judging from this, she is physically fit.

She seemed angry with me and didn't say anything as I followed her for a long distance. Suddenly, she pointed to a building and asked me: "This building is called the Pavlov Building. What is this place?"
I replied: "I didn't know when you didn't say, now I do. The sign says: International Medical Exchange Center (Note 2)."

She asked again: "Do you know Pavlov?"
I froze for a moment and answered in a stuttering voice: "From my junior high physiology and hygiene book, the Russian biologist who discovered conditioned reflexes."

我被气得几乎蹦了起来,回答,“啊!” 我站着不动,不跟她走了。
She walked in on me and said: "That's right! That's right! That's what I meant. I'm trying to tell you that there are a lot of organizations or companies in this building that aren't part of the CMU."
I was so exasperated that I almost jumped up and replied, "Ah!" I stood still, not following her.

She walked away for some distance and came back and said to me: "I also realized that I was special today."
I replied: "There are buildings all over the medical school; it's not surprising that your medical school has a building named after Pavlov!"

She said: "Not surprising! Why did I remember to say that? Wait for me to think about it!"
I said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it," but she insisted on discovering why. After a while, she said, "Here's the thing, when I was in high school, I took a study class in this building. I have a good feeling about that class. I've been coming to the medical university for about ten years now, and this building is the only one I have feelings for, so when I walked here, I just casually asked you."

I asked: "Did you take classes in this building when you were in college?"
She replied: "No, I only took classes in it in high school, and maybe attended conferences in it when I was in college and graduate school."

I followed her to the entrance of the school, where she said she had to go feed the mice for her thesis experiment and walked away. I felt exasperated: I'd come all this way, and she'd just lead me on a walk around campus, probably less than 45 minutes.

注解7.4.2,2014年我写完回忆录后,逐渐地明白了。这是刘团长让她告诉我。巴甫洛夫楼是她的高中所在地,是4.5节报纸新闻中所说的女子组集中培训的地方,是这个真人医学实验的指挥中心,是我的第二出生地。我写回忆录时发现巴甫洛夫楼,对我能串联起此前的那些孤立事件极为重要。《卢岩回忆录 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2176&tid=4334755》中的前因后果,和巴甫洛夫狗的条件反射类似,只是事情复杂了些,时间跨度大了些。

Note 7.4.2, which gradually dawned on me after I wrote my memoirs in 2014. This is what Troupe Leader Liu told her to tell me. The Pavlov Building was the location of her high school, the place where the girl's group was intensively trained as described in the newspaper news in Section 4.5, the command center of this real-life medical experiment, and my second birthplace. The discovery of the Pavlov Building while I was writing my memoirs was extremely important to my being able to connect the dots of the isolated events that preceded it. The antecedents in The Luyan’s Memoirs are like the conditioning of Pavlov's dogs, except that things are a little more complicated and span a little more time.

7.4-3 福 Fortune

她忽然跑回来喊我回去,腼腆地笑着说:“我忘跟你说了,你得学英语,学英语得多听录音。以后,我把我学托福、GRE时候的英语磁带给你找出来(注3)。” 说完,她回去了。
She suddenly ran back and called me back. She smiled shyly and said, "I forgot to tell you. You must learn English. To learn English, you must listen to the recordings. Later, I will find it out and give you the English tapes from when I was learning TOEFL and GRE (note 3).” After that, she went back.
I was happy to hear that, but then I felt something was wrong. I didn't know she passed the GRE. She asked me to learn English and go to the United States with her, but we had just met. She thinks of me as another boyfriend. How many boyfriends does she have to have before she gets the wrong guy? Got to be at least five. I can't waste any more time with her.

注解7.4.3,这她是怎么回事?后来有一次,黄老师一再追问我和她之间的事,我提到了这件怪事。黄老师听了,反应强烈:“这是她说的!“ 他站起来就跑了。这是怎么回事?我写完回忆录后,逐渐地分析出了刘团长的用意。黄老师的反应告诉我,刘健君的那个行为是刘团长设计并让她做给我的,“赐福给我”。
Note 7.4.3, what’s going on with her? Later, Teacher Huang repeatedly asked me about what happened between her and me, and I mentioned this strange incident. Teacher Huang listened and reacted strongly: "That's what she said!" He stood up and ran away. How is this going? After I finished writing my memoirs in 2014, I gradually analyzed Troupe Leader Liu’s intentions. Teacher Huang's reaction told me that Eve Liu's behavior was designed by Troupe Leader Liu and asked her to do it for me, "bless me."

The happy Eve Liu is a Goddess and a Fortune; she who is sad and crying is a Misfortune. It was a Misfortune for me, Luyan, when I met her, because she looked down on me and thought it was a shame for her to have a boyfriend like me. When I got angry and argued with her, I was "offending the goddess" and violating natural law, so I became sick. From then on, there was little happiness in my life. Seeing her and thinking about her were disasters. The same thing happened when I wrote my memoirs. Among the impressions Eve Liu left on me, this scene made me feel a little relieved. The way she ran back was that of a girl who doesn't exercise often, with bones and flesh; when she spoke, she looked like a girl in love and pregnant with youth.

Illustration 7.4-3-1 is a symbol of Fortune in Chinese culture. It means that the memory of a person before the age of three is a powerful Fortune. Figure 7.4-3-2 is the symbol of Fortune in Mexican culture. The woman is Chalchiuhtlicue, the mother of Mexico. In real life, the boy was her and Mexico's son. In the legend, the child is Quetzalcoatl, which is used to indicate that she is the mother of all living beings. The eagle on the Mexican flag represents Tlaltecuhtli, Chalchiuhtlicue before enlightenment.

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