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送交者: 桂花酒[♂★★★和气生财★★★♂] 于 2025-01-16 8:33 已读 872 次 1赞  



回答: 是试了很多次之后出现了满意的效果吗?那我以后也多试几次。 由 尘凡无忧 于 2025-01-16 8:06

Kawagoe Snow Mountain is the highest peak in Yunnan,
and is recognized as the most beautiful snow mountain in the world.
It is known as the "God of Snow Mountains" with an altitude of 6,740 meters.
In Tibetan Buddhism, it is said that Kawage Bozan is the patron saint of the Kagyu sect
and ranks first among the eight sacred mountains in Tibetan areas.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists from Yunnan, Tibet, Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu, and even Nepal
and other countries visit believers go to pilgrimage mountains to pray.

后来他的Kawagebo发音越来越好,我才回去试验 My heart is lost in Shangri-La。

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