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MiRiNN SHoW曼谷的 Mirinn 剧院将为您带来精彩绝伦的现场娱乐表演

送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-12-13 19:41 已读 33 次  



在您游览泰国期间,曼谷的 Mirinn 剧院将为您带来精彩绝伦的现场娱乐表演——歌舞表演。由才华横溢的人妖表演者为您献上令人眼花缭乱的歌舞表演。这场一小时的表演结合了文化舞蹈、令人着迷的音乐、充满活力的灯光和奢华的装饰,保证为您带来娱乐。您可以尽情享受一份令人愉悦的套餐,晚餐将在演出期间直接送到您的餐桌上。

准备好欣赏才华横溢的歌手、舞者和音乐家的表演,他们将把他们独特的魅力和艺术融合到舞台上。曼谷的 Mirinn 歌舞表演汇集了一些世界上最有才华的变性表演者,他们受过歌唱、舞蹈和杂技的训练。享受为所有类型的观众表演的超级有趣的舞蹈和国际歌曲。

停留地点:MiRiNN SHoW,31 6 Soi Phetchaburi 47,บางกะปิ Khet Huai Khwang,Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10310,泰国

准备好欣赏才华横溢的歌手、舞者和音乐家的表演,他们将把他们独特的魅力和艺术融合到舞台上。曼谷的 Mirinn Cabaret 表演汇集了世界上最有才华的跨性别表演者,他们受过歌唱、舞蹈和杂技的训练。享受为各种观众表演的超级有趣的舞蹈和国际歌曲。



The Mirinn Theatre in Bangkok provides a awesome evening of live entertainment the cabaret show during your visit to Thailand. Featuring a dazzling cabaret by talented ladyboy performers. The one-hour show combines cultural dances, mesmerizing music, vibrant lights, and extravagant decorations for guaranteed entertainment. Indulge in a delightful package with dinner served right to your table during the performance.

Get ready to be entertained by the talented cast of singers, dancers, and musicians, who will bring their unique blend of glamour and artistry to the stage. The Mirinn Cabaret Show in Bangkok features some of the world's most talented trans performers who have been trained in singing, dancing, and acrobatics. Enjoy super-fun dance numbers and international songs performed for all types of audiences.

贴主:TopAI于2024_12_13 19:44:35编辑
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