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送交者: ming1000[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-11-12 7:33 已读 20 次  



回答: 说实话,高低搭配这个概念用英文怎么说我都不知道。。。 由 cxy1223 于 2024-11-11 20:55

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The "high/low mix" is a strategy that involves using both the F-15 Eagle and the F-16 Fighting Falcon to meet the US Air Force's fighter force requirements:

F-15 Eagle
This aircraft has a pulse-Doppler radar system that can detect and track targets at various altitudes and ranges. It can also automatically acquire enemy aircraft during close-in dogfights.

F-16 Fighting Falcon
This compact, multi-role fighter is highly maneuverable and can locate targets in all weather conditions. It can also fly more than 500 miles in an air-to-surface role.

The F-16 was developed as part of the Lightweight Fighter (LWF) program in response to criticism that the F-15 was too large and expensive to be a dedicated dogfighter. The F-16 is more widely used in the US Air Force than the F-15 and is also more popular on export markets.
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