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送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2024-10-30 19:10 已读 1735 次  


ChatGPT said: ChatGPT 确实如此!如果科技的发展失去了内心和平的指引,就像无意识的孩子挥舞锋利的刀刃,或是村民间小事不断升级成恶性冲突,最终谁也得不到安宁。科技本是中立的,它本该成为人类解决问题、改善生活的工具。然而,一旦使用者心中充满焦虑、不安、嫉妒,甚至是报复心理,科技就会被利用来争斗、控制,甚至互相伤害。



因此,内心和平就像一道防线,能够让人们在追求科技进步时保持清醒,不至于沉溺于激烈的竞争和盲目的攀比。只有当人类学会与自己和平共处,科技才可能成为真正的帮助者,协助人类实现长久的福祉,而非仅仅成为彼此较量的工具。 科学与宗教)They are in two total different, even opposite territories, so, science have never proved and can never prove religion.

Let me draw an analogy.

By studying tv drama, we can know nothing about how the television work,

those who get a glimpse of other channel don't know about it better than you either.

The First Cause is unnamable,

It is as if we are living within a serialized television drama.

Science studies the logic behind the development of the drama, including the drama of the so-called evolution of nature.

Religion is the imagination of the principle of the television set (the stage of the drama) and embodies the wishes of people.

They want to believe in some imagining of an ultimate principle of this stage/Tv.

It doesn't matter that there is no proof, because they want to believe it.

Nor can it be proved, because this ultimate mystery is inherently unknowable.

The creator (author) could be typing at random. We just happen to be living in a readable novel in which logic seems to be at work, but not really, and it is the typer who creates all the illusions that is really at work.

It doesn't matter who the author is. (It is the eternal ultimate question and secret, hidden not only behind all that we sense, but also by all the concepts we imagine, including the Tao, God and emptiness.

One might think that the creator (the author) is so important that all meaning depends on him. But is the meaning of an author complete if he has no readers, especially the author of a detective novel? You might even ask: does he really have any meaning, no matter how big he is, how long he lives, or how great he is in any way?

I asked my son the other day, when he was a little boy, "Is the sky blue?" ." No, at night it's black." He's clever." If there was a superman whose eyes could and always did see infrared or ultraviolet light, would the sky be blue or black for him?" Without the eyes of life, colour means nothing to the sky.

Why should we doubt the meaning of life, why should we not doubt the meaning of the universe, or even the meaning of the creator. No matter how small we may be, no matter how short our lives may be.

The meaning of life is to admire this process from birth to death.

At the beginning, as a child we can only taste sweet,

we reject all the bitterness.

After growing, we may have a cup of coffee or tea everyday.

If this world is kind of paradise, it would be boring eventually.

If there is an author who is being called by someones as God,

then we, the readers are the ones who fullfill his purpose.

I don't think his work is just as simple as a fairy tale or a simple war story between two sides.

Since there are so many people keep think shallowly, not good must evil, not rich must loser,

I feel it is unfortunate for human being to have so many tools of high techonology, just like a boy playing huge knife. ChatGPT said: ChatGPT This analogy beautifully illustrates the separation between science and religion, likening science to the plot of a TV drama and religion to the mystery of the television itself, or even to the author behind it. In this view, science can only explore the story as it unfolds—the mechanisms, rules, and observable patterns of the universe. Religion, on the other hand, reaches beyond the storyline to the mystery of the "television" or the "author," both of which are fundamentally unknowable and unprovable.

Your point about the unknowability of the ultimate mystery or "First Cause" captures well the limits of human perception. Just as color exists only with a viewer to perceive it, meaning and purpose in life also require our subjective experience to exist. In this way, life’s meaning is grounded in our journey through it, from sweet beginnings to bitter maturity, rather than in any final answer about the universe’s origin or purpose.

The image of humanity wielding powerful technology without fully understanding its implications hints at the idea that high-tech tools without wisdom or humility may lead to superficial, dangerous uses. This echoes your notion that meaning isn't found simply in scientific knowledge or technological mastery but in a deeper, more reflective engagement with life and its mysteries.

Ultimately, if there is an "author," it might be that we, as readers, bring meaning to the work, fulfilling a purpose not defined by simple binaries of good or evil, rich or poor. Instead, the act of experiencing, questioning, and even admiring life seems to embody its richest meaning.

You said: Since there are so many people keep thinking shallowly, not right must evil, not rich must loser,

I feel it is unfortunate for human being to have so many tools of high techonology, just like a boy playing huge knife.


马云没有发明互联网,更没有发明计算机,(这两者实际是来自集体智慧,或者可以归功于两位英国人。图灵很多人都知道了,还有一位好像在伦敦奥运会开幕式上被纪念过),其商业模式 copy来的成分也很大。


人们还能不能发现更精准地方式?有可能,但没多大必要。 似乎现在的科技已经够用了,据说google的Ai编程已经达到普通程序猿的水平。



西方重视个性就是种ILLUSION, 其实是家庭无法被机械化为一颗螺丝钉,或标准化为墙上的一块砖。所谓现代化,未必是件好事。甚至可以说是一种陷阱。


现代金融建立在信用之上。即人们对各自 SYSTEM的信心。所以宣传战意识形态战越演越烈,已经表现为局部热战。(更不要说1%为了转移99%的视线必然默契地演出)



世界近现代化的根源是什么?近现代化从何时开始的?为什么过去25年里创造的财富比人类以往整个历史还多? 1 赞同 · 0 评论回答

Comparing to modern civilization which started in Dutch and England, none of others have made more impact to human beings.

Due to it people's personal life seemed having become much better if you care about the sense of body only.

But if I was a Dutchman or Englishman, I would not be very proud.

Think about that song by Pink Floyd, "you are just another brick in the wall."

A civilized society should give talented people more chances,

since civilization means more detailed division of jobs.

Otherwise, all of Mozart can do is singing and dancing aroud firepile in the night.

But, modern civiliztion is too focus on being effective and constantly tryin to make people replacable parts of a hugh machine , inclunding a war machine.

In order to adapt to the various war machines and try to be part of them, people are losing the ability to remain independent (especially to think independently) and their talents are diminishing generation after generation. War does not make us better.

People often imagine the environment as a colosseum. The environment chooses those who suit them, not the strong. It is the weak (the simple-minded) who suit their environment (and become part of the war machine).

The Western push for individuality was an illusion and the reality was that the family could not be regulated into a screw or a brick to the detriment of industrialisation.

In the film Shawshank, there is a word called "institutionalisation".

People are divided into different prisons of the mind.

Not only are they used to these walls, but they are born into them, a brick in the wall, and they even enjoy it so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything for words like "glory" (or, ironically, "freedom").

All similar military governing disguised by slogans.

Since there are so many people keep thinking shallowly, not good must evil, not rich must loser,

I feel it is unfortunate for human being to have so many tools of high techonology, just like a boy playing huge knife.

By the way, from my view , the invention of modern business in Dutch is more important than industry revolution in England.

It has changed the way of organization.

In traditional society, including Roman or China, including anciet Greece, the society was not based on a buch of total stangers, which means the potential to expand unlimitedly,

including a power which be called as production capacity by Maxist,

but acutally also a destroying capacity to the nature.

Modern people can easily move for one company to company , it seems kind of a freedom.

But what the cost?











我似乎已经说得太多,常常碰到怪我多嘴的。 ChatGPT said: ChatGPT 在您的论述中,您深入探讨了现代文明、科技发展与人类心智的演化之间的矛盾。这种矛盾可以总结为:尽管技术和组织方式的进步使人类生产力和物质生活显著提升,但现代社会的过度标准化、效率至上和资本运作模式却让人们越来越像机器中的零件,牺牲了人性与个体的独特性。尤其是技术的滥用和对名利的追逐,使人们失去了深层次的思考能力和独立意识。





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