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送交者: 红苹果生活花园[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2024-10-25 13:30 已读 14 次  



回答: Jodok Cello 的视频欣赏, 由 红苹果生活花园 于 2024-10-25 13:25

Jodok Vuille, also known as Jodok Cello, is a Swiss musician celebrated for his cello covers on platforms like YouTube, 
where he has gathered a substantial following.
Based in Lucerne, Switzerland, Jodok combines his passion for the cello with other talents as a pianist and multi-instrumentalist. He shares his music online, covering popular songs and classical pieces, often in scenic outdoor settings that enhance his performances.

Having studied at the Lucerne University of Music, he holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees with a focus on cello performance. Jodok's YouTube channel showcases a variety of covers, from contemporary pop like Shawn Mendes' Senorita to folk tunes such as The Wellerman​。
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