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10.9 上帝的三和合 Godly Trinity

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-10-22 9:35 已读 106 次  


The memoirs are the “Experiment Report” of this real-life medical experiment (see Section 4.5). The “Newspaper News” also said that the experiment also studies the reincarnation of souls, so I should also write a report on the reincarnation of souls, that is, I write an epitaph for the wordless tombstone of Troupe Leader Liu, i.e., Book of Death. To make it easier for readers to understand the Book of Death, this book collects five stories about gold boy and jade girl. 1. Peach Flower Catastrophe, see Section 2.1; 2. Luyan’s Memoirs, see Chapters 1 to 10; 3. Deer Vehicle Religion, see Section 15.2; 4. Goat Vehicle Religion, see Section 15.3; 5. Mexican Codex (also known as the Wordless Sky Book), see Chapter 18.

Legend has it that Thor designed Tanngnjóstr (Gold Boy) and Tanngrisnir (Jade Girl; shown in Fig. 10.9-1; cf. section 15.3) by shattering the stone of the human soul with his “philosopher-stone sentient hammer” in his Diamond Palace at “Color Finalization Sky”. I have yet to find Eve Liu and see Thor's design. To continue with the book, I have designed my own model of the pair of Gold Boy and Jade Girl.

Illustration 10.9-1-1 shows the Thor’s design. The six projections in the figure represent eye-sense, ear-sense, nose-sense, tongue-sense, body-sense, and intent-sense (i.e., consciousness). The main part in the center represents the stone of the human soul, smashed into three pieces by Thor. The part on the left represents Perception (Buddha in Pali), which represents what a person can perceive directly, represents the contaminated part of the unconscious, known as the Alaya in Buddhism and the Adam-sense in English. Thor designed the goat Tanngnjóstr (aka. gold boy) based on the traits of this part. This part is the accumulation of karma and is therefore defined as black.

The right side of Figure 1 represents pre-consciousness, which is called Mana-sense in Buddhism and Eve-sense in English. Because the pre-consciousness can embellish good, evil, beauty and ugliness, and give life and meaning to all things, it is known as all sentients in Buddhism, and the Europeans call it the mother of all living beings. Thor designed the goat Tanngrisnir (aka. Jade Girl) based on the traits of Eve-sense and defined it as green.

图1中亚当识和夏娃识之间的空隙代表无意识的纯净部分。从这部分的特性,雷音设计出了神父,也就是雷音他自己。图1中亚当识和夏娃识的 “相望” 是 “集起(参见14.1节)” 的因缘。两只山羊(即睚眦和磨牙)的相望是金童和玉女的姻缘。金童义为要造出金童,需要花费和他体重相同的黄金。玉女义为要造出玉女,要花费和她体重相同的玉石。
Figure 1 The gap between Adam-sense and Eve-sense represents the immaculate part of the unconscious. From the characterization of this part, Thor designed the Godfather, Thor himself. The “looking at each other” of Adam-sense and Eve-sense in Figure 1 is the reason-factor of “Aggregate Arousal” (cf. v. 14.1). The look of the two goats (i.e., Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir) is the cause of the marriage of the gold boy and the jade girl. The meaning of "gold boy" is that to create a gold boy, one needs to spend gold equal to his weight. The meaning of "jade girl" is that to create a jade girl, one needs to spend jade equal to her weight.

10.9-2 金童的特质 Gold Boy’s Traits

The next part of this section discusses how Thor puts human skin on Adam-sense and Eve-sense, turning them into man and woman. The traits of the Gold Boy are transformed and denatured from the traits of the contaminated part of the unconscious (i.e., Adam-sense). Unconsciousness is its own fruit. God-sense and Adam-sense are one law. In the Godly position, Gold Boy is the reincarnation of God, also known as the son of God, whose essence is Juristic dust, body soil, and perception, so Gold Boy is what Buddhism calls Buddha, Shakyamuni. Buddha is a Pali word, means perception.

Unconscious is a storage warehouse for human memories and habits, etc., so the chosen one as Gold Boy should be an image thinker. As stated in Section 10.7 of Fatal Intelligence, the kind of people can remember everything from birth to death. This trait of Gold Boy is called Non-leakage Intelligence in Buddhism. Non-leakage is saying that the godfather has been doing affairs to him since he was a child, he can remember all, like a vessel carrying water, it will not be missed or lost.

(2) 无意识在眼识、耳识、意识等中是最愚钝的。在金童一岁时,教父为他和玉女定了娃娃亲,并为他做肉眼通(解释参见第3章)作法。这作法使金童患了婴幼儿神经发育失调症,耽误了他的智力发展,成了个有智障(愚钝)的人。
Unconsciousness is the dullest among eye-sense, ear-sense, and tongue-sense, etc... When Gold Boy was around one year old, the Godfather betrothed him to Jade Girl and performed the practice of “Felsh Eye Through” (see Chapter 3 for explanation) on him. This practice caused Gold Boy to suffer from children neurodevelopmental disorder, which delayed his intellectual development and made him a mentally retarded person, a dumb.

Gold Boy has strong introverted and neurotic traits. These traits are very similar to unconsciousness, liking quiet and reacting directly. People with these traits are prone to psychosis and are advantageous for the Godfather's career of creating real human. Additionally, these two traits turn into dragon bones in adversity, supporting him to grow in difficulties of adverse environments. Combining all the previous traits, Gold Boy has strong scientific research capability and strong senses of enlightenment.

The godfather induced Gold Boy to practice meditation (cf. chapter 12) since his childhood, so he is good at meditation, knows sky and earth, understands ghosts and gods, what Celestial Eye is. Celestial Eye is a necessary factor to be the chosen one, otherwise Gold Boy can’t climb up from hell (i.e., Psychosis), perceives Godfather's instructions to him, and complete the fateful mission!

10.9-3 玉女的特质 Jade Girl’s Traits

Jade Girl has a variety of qualities matching the characteristics of preconsciousness. Preconsciousness is Eve-sense, is the intentional place. The place is equivalent to the scenes of accidents, such as the place where the spotlight shines on the stage. Pre-consciousness is set up on the function of mind, so Eve-sense is intangible.

Eve-sense is “intent place”, is formless, which is matched by Jade Girl’s goddess appearance. The appearance of Goddess is unrememberable (cf. section 10.8). When she is in front of you, you see her is a woman; when she is gone, you cannot recall her appearance.

Jade Girl is a word thinker, which matches the “Escalatory Language Feeler”. Pre-consciousness is intent place, has a function of promoting language formation, so it is also being called “Escalatory Language Feeler”. Illustration 10.9-3-2 is Tlaltecuhtli in Mexican Codex, a Jade Girl at her age of 30s, whose think pattern were depicted by the ancient Mexicans as an antenna rod. The flying bird in Figure 3 indicates that Jade Girl can think without the aid of pictorial images. Chinese Buddhism named Jade Girl the Goddess of View-Sound Bodhisattva, as in Figure 4; the word View-Sound is derived from her word thinking mind. Such people are generally considered intelligent as they think clearly and articulate in their daily lives. They have strong verbal skills, even to the point of being able to speak an article directly without draft and recite an article after reading once. Jade Girl's strong verbal and logical skills were the gift that enabled her to fulfill fate mission given to her by Godfather as the chief editor of Sky Book. As illustrated in Illustration 3 is the Mexican goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, a Jade Girl, who holds the Mexican Codex over her head indicating that she views this book as her fateful mission.

Jade Girl has strong traits of conscientiousness and extroversion, both of which match the preconsciousness. Preconsciousness is also being called Intent that means plotting, planning. The conscientiousness trait makes Jade Girl to do affairs in a planned manner and with self-discipline. In addition, preconsciousness is active, and in the story, a monkey is often used as a metaphor for preconsciousness. Jade Girl's extroverted nature is a perfect match for the active nature of preconsciousness.

(4)神父从玉女小时候就开始教受训练她女戒(参见16.2节),玉女的觉悟特质使她更容易接受女戒。另外玉女的女神外貌,让人看不清楚,记不住她,这对她的社交生活不利,所以玉女更愿意修习女戒使自己引人注目;少女时代的夏娃就已经具有了 “五百威仪,十万八千魅力”。女戒,即五百威仪十万八千魅力,亦作黄金甲,又名女人皮(参见16.2节)。玉女擅长女戒,使她具备了许多自然法知识,法眼睁开了。女戒和法眼让女神玉女具有了强大的法力;这是神父想要的,因为他要用玉女去创伤金童,送他下地狱。
Godfather began to teach and train Jade Girl the “Woman Precept” when she was a child, and her conscientious trait made it easier to accept. In addition, Jade Girl's goddess appearance made it difficult for people to see and remember her, which was detrimental to her social life, so Jade Girl preferred to practice Woman Precepts to make herself outstanding, therefore as a teenager Jade Girl already possessed “500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms”. The Woman Precepts are the 500 Majesties and 108,000 Charms, are also known as Golden Armor, Woman’s Skin, Invisibility Cloak (cf. section 16.2). Jade Girl excelled in Woman Precept, which equipped her with much knowledge of nature law, so her Juristic Eye was opened. Woman Precepts and Juristic Eye gave goddess Jade Girl great juristic powers; this is what the Godfather wanted because he was going to use Jade Girl to traumatize Gold Boy and send him to hell.

Looking at the characters and talents of Gold Boy and Jade Girl, each of them is half a human, each with significant strengths and weaknesses, and just complement each other; together they are good for each other, while fighting hurts them both.

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