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8 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-09-27 7:48 已读 805 次 6赞  


《卢岩的回忆录》1996-1998年(26-28岁)Luyan's Memoirs, 1996-1998 (26-28 years old)
本章目录 Contents of This Chapter:8.1 说我是他儿子 Saying I'm His Son;8.2 死不瞑目 Die with Eyes Open;8.3 刘团长的计划 Troupe Leader Liu’s plan;8.4 大惊失色 I was Shocked;8.5 室友帮我分析 Roommate Helps Me Analyze;8.6 郑重的告别 Solemn Farewell;8.7 出故事的 人The Person Who Produces Stories;8.8 闹鬼了 It’s Haunted;8.9 给色狼戴上墨镜 Putting Sunglasses on the Pervert;8.10 科学家的特质 Traits of a Scientist.

8.1 说我是他儿子 Said I’m His Son.

One day, I met Teacher Huang in the park in Northeastern University, and we talked about Eve Liu.
Teacher Huang said that ever since I broke up with her, their family had been fighting over me. When Eve Liu had a boyfriend, the fights were suspended; when Eve Liu didn't have a boyfriend, her parents took turns fighting with her.

I felt strange and asked, “Why do they still fight with their daughter in shifts?”
Teacher Huang said, “She's all alone in the U.S. Her parents are afraid of suffocating their precious daughter. Then she's all alone in a foreign country and her parents are fighting with her, so she's not even more unsupported.”

I said, “That's what happened! Why do they always talk about me when they fight?”
Teacher Wong said, “Her parents like you. Her dad says you're his son, I've heard him say that several times.”

I felt it didn't make sense and said, “That's all relationships we have, how come I became his son?”
Teacher Huang replied, “You don't know. Her parents always talk to me on the phone, and when there's something to do or nothing to do, we chatter on the phone. For the past six months, most of the time we've been nagging you. Let's put it this way, on average, twice a week, we nag you until two o'clock in the middle of the night.”

黄老师说:“唉!老头子老太太就在家想,什么时候想起什么来了,就给我打电话。而且,每次我们通话,他们就问,卢岩忙什么呢? 你又遇见他没?像这我今天遇见你。那老头子就问,他在看见你之前在干什么,你们说过什么话,说话时是什么表情。说完话之后他又去干什么了,什么表情。”
I felt ridiculous, so I said: "We don't have much contact, how can you come up with so many topics?"
Teacher Huang said: "Oh! The old man and the old lady were just thinking at home. Whenever they remembered something, they called me. Moreover, every time we talked, they asked, what is Luyan busy with? Have you met him again? Like this, I met you today. The old man will ask, what was he doing before he saw you, what words you said, and what was his expression when he said it. What did he do after he said that, and what was his expression."

黄老师说:“啊!你没见过他们;他们见过你。他们特意来这儿看过你;我安排的。我知道你的活动规律。我们等在一边看你。看见你的时候,那个开心呐!她爸指着你对我说, ‘你看!这就是我儿子!’ 这老两口笑得,都直不起腰来了!”
I felt incredible and said: "It's so detailed! That's not right! We have never met; how could he imagine me! There is no specific target image!"
Teacher Huang said: "Ah! You haven't seen them; they have seen you. They came here specially to see you; I arranged it. I know your activity pattern. We waited there to see you. When he saw you, so happy! Her dad pointed at you and said to me, 'Look! This is my son!' The old couple laughed so hard that they couldn't even straighten their backs!"

黄老师说:“你可不知道呢!这老公姆俩看见你时才高兴呢!板不住地看,板不住地乐(参见7.12《百变神通 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2031&tid=4740166》)。老头子一边乐一边说:这就是我儿子。”
I asked: "When?"
Teacher Huang said: "You don't know! These old couple were so happy when they saw you! They couldn't stop looking at you, and they couldn't stop laughing. The old man said, "That's my son (cf. section 7.12 “Hundred Godly Transformations”)."

I said: "Oops! This old man is sick from looking forward to his son-in-law."
Teacher Huang said: "Certainly I understood! But the old man is not sick, he just likes you! I could tell at the time that the old man was happy from the bottom of his heart. What say you? Eve Liu took TOEFL and GRE exams, got full scholarship to the United States to study for her PHD, is this laughable affair or not?"

我回答:“那对谁家都是祖坟冒青烟(如图8.1.1-2;参见2.7《裸体婚礼 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=4336422》)的大好事儿!不只是钱的问题,这事儿本身就是人生的荣誉呀!”
I replied, “That is “turquoise smoke rising from the ancestral tomb” (cf. figure 8.1.1-2; cf. v. 2.7, Naked Wedding) for anyone's family! It's not just about the money, the affair itself is an honor in life!”

Teacher Huang said: "Exactly! I have been with her father for more than 20 years, as if he were my biological father. I can tell: the old man is also happy about Eve Liu’s achievement, but he is not happy from the bottom of his heart.”

I asked: "How! Then what's the reason?"
Teacher Huang said: "I also pondered over it, but I didn't get it! Since Eve Liu twenty more years old began to look for boyfriend to fall in love, the old man has been like this, always as if there is something on his mind. He does not tell me; I can not ask."

黄老师低着头想了想说:“应该是,但我说不准。” 他沉默了一会儿又说:“那时,老公姆俩看着你笑,我也跟着笑哇,但是我心里可难受了。”
I asked: "Is it because Eve Liu has been unsuccessful in finding a boyfriend?"
Teacher Huang lowered his head and thought for a moment: "It should be, but I can't say." He was silent for a while and said, "At that time, the old couple looked at you and was laughing, I also followed the laugh, but my heart was difficult."

I asked: “How is that?”
Teacher Huang replied: "That's me! These years have been introduced boyfriends to Eve Liu; besides, why does the old man like you?"

I asked: "Why?"
Teacher Huang said: "Whatever the old man knows about you, he heard them from me! It is me who likes you!”
Afterwards, I thought about this conversation many times, and every time I was very sad: They say that parents in the world are pitiful, and I have really seen it; Eve Liu has a good father!

2 婚姻撮合 Marriage Matchmaking

One day, I met Teacher Huang and a few others in the hallway at the entrance of my dormitory. When he learned that I didn’t have a girlfriend, he said, “In the United States, Eve Liu has two weeks of free time due to her course schedule. She is going back to China to visit her family and doesn’t have a boyfriend yet. Are you willing to talk to her?”
I asked, “How long will it take her to get a doctorate?”

Teacher Huang replied: "I don't know, it usually takes two or three years."
I thought, “talking love with her, what she is doing in the United States I do not know, but in the Northeastern University, Teacher Huang a few people to help her look at me for two or three years. If the affair does not work out, my marriage would be delayed, which is a big loss for me.” I said: “just two weeks, the love affair would be half green, not ripe yet, then we are far apart. That our marriage affair at least needs two or three years, and the likelihood of success is not great. She in the United States has seen more and sensed broadly, seeing me the country folk wouldn’t be used to! I don't think it's suitable.”

Teacher Huang said, “It takes a lot of work to find a good match.”
I said, “I've heard people say that the average one takes six months from falling in love to getting married. I'm twenty-six years old and average, so I want that and don't have high expectations.”

Teacher Huang and the helper teacher said something to each other, then said to me, “If not, you and her meet in the name of a classmate reunion, that would also be an opportunity to find a date.”
I remembered the first time Eve Liu and I met and felt uncomfortable; the second thought, “if I was going to be with Eve Liu's classmates again, then I would be much embarrassed again.” So, I said, “I don't want to, there's no need for us to meet.”

Teacher Huang said, “It's not easy to find a suitable match, so think again.”
I said, “I can't think of any use. I'm an older youth; falling in love is for the purpose of marriage.”

3 黄老师的哀伤 Teacher Huang's Mourning

One day, Teacher Huang and I were chatting in front of the building, and we talked about Eve Liu. He complained to me about her as if I were her husband. He also said that he was a conscripted soldier from a rural area in Sichuan. Troupe Leader Liu personally trained and promoted him to the president of the Shenyang Artillery Academy today. He never asked him for anything else except to introduce a partner to Eve Liu (Note 3). He said helplessly that only I could help him.

I felt incredulous at his words and said: "How can you beg me for this? I'm marrying her to help a person, that's what's going on!"
He said hopelessly: "I know, I know very well that I ought not to have said that to you; I am really at my wit's end!"

注8.1-3,死不瞑目诅咒的下法是一辈子对被诅咒的人做好事而只求他办一件事。此时黄老师已经预料到了下一节(8.2节)的事,刘团长正在用死不瞑目诅咒黄老师,刘建君和我卢岩。 他也是此真人医学实验的主导委员之一。黄老师看到了刘团长因为此实验,而身受多种疾病的折磨,如图8.1.2-1,2,3,4所示。图1至6源自古墨西哥(参见第18章《墨西哥法典 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2176&tid=4310450》)。图1至4中的主人公是墨西哥法典中的上帝(太阳神),左翼蜂鸟。图4中,左翼蜂鸟正在牺牲他的女儿和儿子,金童和玉女,如图5和6所示。类似的,本章中的8.4节是刘团长诅咒我们的最后关键一步,然后我和刘建君的命运就被定型了(如图5,6),无法更改了。
Note 8.1-3, the way to cast the curse of "Die with Eyes Open" is to do good things to the cursed person for the rest of your life and only ask him to do one thing in return. At this time, Teacher Huang had already anticipated the next section (section 8.2), Troupe Leader Liu was cursing Teacher Huang, Eve Liu and me with "Die with Eyes Open". He was also one of the leading committee members of this real human medical experiment. Teacher Huang saw that Troupe Leader Liu was suffering from many diseases because of this experiment, as shown in Figures 8.1.2-1, 2, 3, and 4. Figures 1 to 6 are from ancient Mexico (see Chapter 18 "Mexican Codex"). The protagonists in Figures 1 to 4 are God (sun god) in the Mexican Codex, Huitzilopochtli. In Figure 4, Huitzilopochtli is sacrificing his daughter and son, the golden boy and the jade girl, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. Similarly, Section 8.4 in this chapter is the last key step for Troupe Leader Liu to curse us, and then the fate of Eve Liu and me was determined (as shown in Figures 5 and 6) and could not be changed.

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