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送交者: 遥遥领先ABC[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2024-09-21 8:56 已读 409 次  



作者:旅游博主 | 泰国签证 | 0 条评论




2024 年初,泰国政府扩大了签证豁免和落地签证计划,将更多国家纳入其中,允许更多游客在无需事先申请签证的情况下进入泰国更长时间。然而,在发布此公告时,政府还透露了新的电子旅行授权 (ETA) 系统的计划。该系统将要求所有通过签证豁免计划进入泰国的旅客首先在 ETA 系统上完成在线注册流程。

虽然泰国外交部 (MFA) 于 6 月宣布了这一消息,但于 2024 年 8 月 23 日报告称,他们正在加快实施 ETA 系统的计划。预计该系统将于 2024 年 12 月上线,并于 2025 年 6 月全面推出并强制所有旅客使用。

为什么要实施 ETA 系统?

外交部表示,电子旅行证 (ETA) 系统将提高筛查和跟踪进入泰国的外国人的有效性和效率。申请签证的旅客已经在泰国移民局系统中得到跟踪,因此这个新的跟踪系统旨在扩大对那些没有签证入境的外国人的可见性。随着免签证计划的扩大,泰国将看到更多游客以这种方式入境。

新的泰国电子旅行证 (ETA) 系统以世界各地的类似系统为蓝本,例如欧洲旅行信息和授权系统 (ETIAS),旨在加强安全、防止非法移民和监测公共卫生风险。

泰国的电子旅行证 (ETA) 系统如何运作?

外交部尚未公布全部细节,但根据泰国官员的一些声明和泰国电子旅行证 (ETA) 正在模仿的系统,它将看起来像这样:

所有通过免签证计划前往泰国的游客,无论是通过陆路、海路还是空路旅行,都必须在入境前完成电子旅行证 (ETA) 申请并获得批准。


ETA 申请将在泰国电子签证门户网站上提交。

确认 ETA 申请成功(希望)大约需要一个小时。

ETA 系统将由机器学习驱动,其使用的算法将自动执行通常由移民官员执行的职责,例如检查逾期逗留或刑事逮捕令的记录。

每次入境在 ETA 系统中注册都是免费的。

ETA 持有人将能够使用 ETA 系统提供的二维码在移民检查站使用自动门。

外交护照、公务护照、联合国通行证和边境通行证持有人将免于 ETA 要求。

如果旅行者未能进行此 ETA 注册,他们可能会在登机前被航空公司拦在机场,或者如果他们已经前往泰国,则可能会在边境被拦下。无论哪种情况,都应该给他们机会完成 ETA 申请,如果获得批准,则可以继续。

ETA 要求旅行者提交什么?

同样,泰国外交部尚未公布完整的要求清单。但是,根据签证豁免计划的要求,ETA 至少可能会要求申请人上传以下证明:




足够的资金来支持旅行者的住宿(单人旅行者 10,000 泰铢,每个家庭 20,000 泰铢)

目前尚不清楚 ETA 是否会要求提供任何健康保险、医疗记录或疫苗接种记录。不太可能会有,但是,由于泰国存在猴痘,泰国通行证系统重新引入可能会导致在系统上线时引入此类医疗要求。

谁需要在 ETA 系统中注册?

如上所述,所有希望通过免签证计划进入泰国的旅行者都必须申请 ETA。那些申请泰国旅游签证、落地签证或任何其他泰国签证的旅客无需申请。

目前,93 个国家的公民可以免签进入泰国并停留 60 天,并可选择再延长 30 天。这些国家是:






Electronic Travel Authorization for Visa-Free Travelers to Thailand

by Travel Blogger | Thailand Visa | 0 Comments

ETA for Visa-Free Travelers to Thailand

Earlier in 2024, the Thai government expanded its visa exemption and visa-on-arrival programs to include more countries, allowing more tourists to enter the Kingdom for longer periods without needing to apply for a visa beforehand. However, at the time of this announcement, the government also revealed plans for a new Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) system. This system will require all travelers entering Thailand on the visa exemption scheme to first complete an online registration process with the ETA system.

While announced in June, the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) reported on August 23, 2024, that they were accelerating plans to implement the ETA system. It is expected to go online in December 2024 and be fully rolled out and mandatory for all travelers in June 2025.

Why Implement an ETA System?

The MFA says that the ETA system will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of screening and tracking foreigners entering Thailand. Travelers applying for visas are already tracked in Thai Immigration systems, so this new tracking system is intended to expand visibility over those foreigners entering without a visa. With the expansion of the visa-free program, Thailand will see far more tourists entering the country this way.

The new Thai ETA system is modeled on similar systems around the world, such as the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), which are designed to enhance security, prevent illegal migration, and monitor public health risks.

How Does Thailand’s ETA System Work?

Full details have yet to be released by the MFA, but based on some statements from Thai officials and the systems the Thai ETA is emulating, it will look something like this:

All visitors traveling to Thailand on the visa exemption scheme, regardless of whether they travel by land, sea, or air, must complete the ETA application and receive approval before entering the country.

This process must be completed for every entry into Thailand.

The ETA application will be submitted on the Thai e-Visa portal.

Confirmation of a successful ETA application will (hopefully) take around an hour.

The ETA system will be powered by machine learning, and the algorithm that it uses will automatically perform duties typically carried out by immigration officers, such as checking for records of overstays or criminal warrants.

Registering with the ETA system will be free of charge for each entry.

ETA holders will be able to use the automated gates at immigration checkpoints using a QR code provided by the ETA system.

Holders of diplomatic passports, official passports, UN Laissez-Passer, and Border Pass users will be exempt from the ETA requirement.

If a traveler fails to perform this ETA registration, they may be stopped at the airport by their airline before boarding or stopped at the border if they have already traveled to Thailand. In either case, they should be given an opportunity to complete the ETA application, and if approved, can then continue on.

What Does the ETA Require Travelers to Submit?

Again, the full list of requirements has yet to be released by the Thai MFA. However, based on the visa exemption scheme requirements, it is likely that the ETA will at the least require applicants to upload proof of:

A valid passport

Travel tickets into and out of Thailand (full itinerary)

Accommodation (address of hotel, friend’s home, etc.)

Sufficient funds to support the traveler’s stay (10,000 THB for single travelers and 20,000 THB per family)

It is not known at this time if there will be any health insurance, medical record, or vaccination record requirement for the ETA. It is unlikely that it will, however, the reintroduction of the Thailand Pass system due to the presence of Monkeypox in Thailand could lead to such medical requirements being introduced by the time the system goes live.

Who is Required to Register with the ETA System?

As mentioned above, all travelers seeking to enter Thailand on the visa-free program must apply for ETA. Those travelers who are applying for Thai tourist visas, visas on arrival, or any other Thai visa will not need to apply.

At present, citizens from 93 countries can enter Thailand without a visa and stay for 60 days, with the option to extend for another 30 days. These countries are:

Africa: Mauritius, Morocco, South Africa

Americas: Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay

East/Central Asia: Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

Europe: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom

Middle East: Bahrain, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates 

Oceania: Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tonga

Foreign nationals flying to Thailand from Argentina, Chile, or Myanmar are also eligible for the visa-exemption program. However, they can only apply at Thai international airports.

Travel to Thailand the Easy Way

Assuming the new ETA system works as intended, it will require a bit of extra work every time you travel to Thailand, but will hopefully make getting through immigration quicker once you arrive in the Kingdom. If you’d like to avoid the ETA altogether, you can apply for one of Thailand’s several long-term tourist visas that last for years and let you leave and re-enter Thailand as much as you want without all of this extra work.

These visas include the Thailand Elite Visa, and the new Destination Thailand Visa (DTV). If you want professional assistance with the applications for these or any other Thai visa, contact Siam Legal. We’re a full-service legal firm and visa consultancy in operation for over 20 years, and our team has the knowledge and expertise to help you get your visa of choice swiftly, smoothly, and successfully.


贴主:遥遥领先ABC于2024_09_21 8:58:42编辑
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