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送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-09-12 11:20 已读 729 次  




1. 确定您的签证类型





2. 收集所需文件





资格证书 (COE):由日本移民局颁发。


3. 申请资格证明书 (COE)

COE 是您在日本的担保人(雇主、学校或家庭成员)必须从移民局获得的一份重要文件。此过程包括:

提交申请:您的担保人提交 COE 申请以及支持文件。

处理时间:COE 可能需要 1-3 个月才能签发。

4. 申请签证

获得 COE 后,您可以在您所在国家的日本大使馆或领事馆申请签证。这包括:



处理时间:通常为 5-10 个工作日。

5. 进入日本并注册


居留卡:如果您停留超过 3 个月,您将在机场收到居留卡。

在当地区政府登记:在搬到新地址后的 14 天内,在当地区政府登记住址。

6. 保持您的身份



To obtain a residency visa in Japan, you’ll need to follow several steps and meet specific requirements. Here’s a general overview:

1. Determine Your Visa Type

There are various types of residency visas depending on your purpose, such as work, study, or family. Common types include:

Work Visa: For professionals, engineers, and skilled workers.Student Visa: For those enrolled in educational institutions.Family Visa: For spouses and children of Japanese nationals or permanent residents.

2. Gather Required Documents

The documents you need can vary based on the visa type, but generally include:

Passport: Valid and up-to-date.Visa Application Form: Completed and signed.Photo: Recent passport-sized photo.Certificate of Eligibility (COE): Issued by the Japanese Immigration Bureau.Supporting Documents: Such as employment contracts, school enrollment certificates, or proof of relationship for family visas.

3. Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

The COE is a crucial document that your sponsor in Japan (employer, school, or family member) must obtain from the Immigration Bureau. This process involves:

Submitting Application: Your sponsor submits the COE application along with supporting documents.Processing Time: It can take 1-3 months for the COE to be issued.

4. Apply for the Visa

Once you have the COE, you can apply for the visa at the Japanese embassy or consulate in your home country. This involves:

Submitting Documents: COE, passport, visa application form, and photo.Visa Fee: Paying the applicable visa fee.Processing Time: Typically 5-10 business days.

5. Enter Japan and Register

Upon receiving your visa, you can enter Japan. After arrival:

Residence Card: You’ll receive a residence card at the airport if you’re staying for more than 3 months.Register at Local Ward Office: Within 14 days of moving to your new address, register your residence at the local ward office.

6. Maintain Your Status

Ensure you comply with visa conditions, such as working only in permitted fields or attending school regularly. You’ll also need to renew your visa periodically.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Japan Immigration Services Agency website

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