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11.6.2 等流果 Equal Stream Fruit

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-09-04 14:48 已读 30 次 1赞  



回答: 11.6 五果 Five Fruits 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-09-04 10:19

Fruits are like causes, same category or similar fruit laws, the former leading the latter, continually flowing out from Tree of Life are named as Equal Stream Fruit. The former leading the latter is saying that former benevolent fruits lead succeeding benevolent laws, the being led latter fruits and the former causes are similar; former memoryless karma draws the flow of the latter memoryless karma of the same kind to follow; the front ferocious spells of ferocious behaviors attract the evil karma that follows, the fruits are similar to the reasons, hence flowing out. The fruits are dominated by preconsciousness though, sages say, it should be considered that this is a function of the heart (i.e., mind) as a whole and that there are Equal Stream Fruits in all the eight senses.

In the analysis of causation, equal stream causes consist of three kinds of causes: omnipresent migration cause, correspondence cause, and same category cause. The omnipresent migration cause means that the five Omnipresent Heartland Laws (cf. section are ubiquitous and can be the causes.

Corresponding causes, e.g., when preconsciousness arises, its corresponding 18 associative heartland laws (cf. sense node) will arise; when intent-sense (i.e., consciousness) rises, its corresponding 51 correlative heartland laws (cf. sense node) will also be waiting for the opportunity to move; and when acting renunciation, unconsciousness (anciently known as God-sense, Fortune) will appear.

Same category causes are such as victors in preconsciousness attract the same kinds of interests distributed in the three boundaries nine heartlands (see fig. 11.6.2) to partake of the lovely fruits.

In a broader sense, equal-stream fruits are also mutant fruits. Among the five fruits, mutant fruit, warrior’s usage fruit, and escalatory fruit, each can assimilate all causalities. To distinguish the five fruits, should look at the dependent places: dependent place of habits, life tree bears mutant fruits; dependent place of obedience, life tree bears equal-stream fruits; dependent place of warrior’s usage, life tree bears warrior’s usage fruits; dependent place of true view, life tree bears off-is fruits (i.e., liberation fruit); all other dependent places, life tree bears escalatory fruits.

The following is illustrations of equal-stream fruits in terms of the cause and effect of the ten evils and ten goods.

I) Cause and effect of killing livings, the crime of killing can cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths (cf. Figs. 11.6.2-20, 21, 22). If born among human beings, gain the two kinds of fruit retributions: short life, and many illnesses. If leaving killing, achieves the Ten Laws of leaving annoyance: (1) pervasively donating fearlessness to sentient beings; (2) constantly with great merciful heart to sentient beings; (3) permanently severance off all habits of irritable indignity; (4) constant absence of disease in body; (5) longevity; (6) constant guardianship from non-humans; (7) constant absence of nightmares and enjoyment of delightful sleep; (8) extinction of complaining ties, and self-solutions of all grudges; (9) absence of terrors from ferocious paths; (10) will escalate to sky at end of the life.

II) Cause and effect of stealing, the crime of robbery and theft also cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among human beings, gain the two types of fruit retributions: poverty, and insufficient on commonwealth. If leaving stealing, gain the ten kinds of belief laws: (1) accumulating wealth to fulfillment; (2) being loved and spelled by many; (3) not to be bullied; (4) being praised in ten directions; (5) not worrying losses and damages; (6) good reputations spreading prevailingly; (7) being fearless in crowds; (8) wealthy fate, colorful power (color means matter, substance in Buddhism, so here it means physical; cf. color node), and easefully enjoying eloquence; (9) always bosom renunciative intentions; (10) escalating to sky at the end of life.

III) Cause and effect of heretical sexuality, the crime of heretical sexual conducts also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two kinds of fruit retributions: wife is unchaste; cannot get agreeable affiliations. If leaving heretical sexual behaviors, gain the four kinds of intelligences praised by all: (1) all roots are concordant; (2) forever left from clamor; (3) being praised by mundane beings; (4) wife not being intruded.

IV) Cause and effect of delusive speech, the crimes of delusive speeches also cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious interests (Fig. 11.6.2-20, 21, 22). If born among humans, receives two kinds of fruit retributions: being slandered often; being deceived by others. If afar delusive speeches, gain the eight honorable laws praised by skies: (1) a constantly immaculate mouth, like fragrant flower in a beautiful vase; (2) faithfully believed by all mundane beings; (3) speeches are readily testified, are respected and loved by humans and skies; (4) always consoling sentient beings with lovable words; (5), gain victoriously intentional laughs, with bodily, oral, and intentional, the three kinds of immaculate karmas; (6) no mistakes in speeches, the heart always rejoices; (7) speech is respected and valued, humans and skies follow it; (8) intelligence and gnosis are superiorly victorious, no one who can subdue it.

V) Cause and effect of flowery speeches, the crime of flowery speeches also causes sentient beings to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two kinds of fruit retributions: words are not believed, and speeches are not clear. If leaving away flowery speeches, gain the three kinds of certainties: (1) definitely being loved by the wise; (2) definitely capable to answer questions factually by intelligence; (3) definitely the most victorious virtues and majesties among humans and skies, without illusions.

VI) Cause and effect of ferocious mouth, the crime of ferocious mouth also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two fruit retributions: often hearing ferocious voices; words are more about expostulations and litigations. If leaving ferocious mouth, soon can achieve the eight kinds of immaculate karma: (1) words do not misbehave; (2) speeches are beneficial; (3) words definitely concord to principles; (4) sayings and words are wonderful; (5) speeches are agreeably acceptable; (6) speeches are trustworthy and useful; (7) speeches are free from ridicule; (8) sayings are all lovable and laughable.

VII) Cause and effect of two-tongue (i.e., sowing discord among people), the crimes of two-tongue also cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths.
If born among humans, gains two kinds of fruit retributions: family members leave him or her; relatives and clansmen despise him or her. If leaving two-tongue, gain the five indestructible laws: (1) gain of an indestructible body, because of none the capable to harm him or her; (2) gain of an indestructible family, because of none the capable to separate them; (3) gain an indestructible belief, which is obedient to one's own karma; (4) gain indestructible juristic behaviors, because of solid cultivation; (5) gain of indestructible benevolent knowledge, because of not deceiving and suspecting.

VIII) Cause and effect of greedily desire, the crime of greedy desire also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths (see fig. 11.6.2-20, 21, 22). If born among human beings, gain the two fruit retributions: heart without contentment; insatiable multi desires. If leaving greedy desires afar, soon achieve the five kinds of self-sufficiencies: (1) three karmas self-sufficiencies, because of having all the roots; (2) financial assets self-sufficiency, because all resentful thieves can not take them away; (3) fortune and virtue self-sufficiency, because everything is available at one's own will; (4) king’s throne (note 1) self-sufficiency, because all the treasures and wonders are offered; (5) all things gained are a hundred times more than one could ever ask for, because one did not be stingy and jealous in the past.
Note 11.6.2-1, All Buddhists are authentic children of God, and so all are juristic princes, juristic princesses, juristic kings, and juristic queens. This is a Buddhist tradition.

IX) Cause and effect of irritable indignity, the crime of irritable indignity also causes sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, gain the two fruit retributions: always being asked for faults and deficiencies; often being annoyed and harmed by others. If leaving irritable indignity afar, soon gain the eight kinds of delightful heart laws: (1) harmless heart; (2) non-irritable heart; (3) no heart of expostulation and litigation; (4) soft and qualitative upright heart; (5) gain of sagely merciful heart; (6) always to do beneficial profit to comfort sentients’ hearts; (7) decent bodily appearances are respected by crowds; (8) due to harmonious countenances, speedily aboard godly environment.

X) Cause and effect of heretical views, the crime of heretical views also can cause sentients to fall into the three ferocious paths. If born among humans, receive the two fruit retributions: born in heretical family, with a flattery heart. If leaving heretical views afar, soon gain the ten kinds of virtuous merit laws: (1) gain of intentional laugh of true benevolence, and true benevolent companion, etc.; (2) deeply belief in the cause and effect, rather than perish not to do evil; (3) only converting to Buddha (note, Buddha is a Pali word, means perception), not other skies, etc.; (4) straightforward heart with correct views, leaving afar from suspenseful net of all the auspicious and ominous for ever; (5) constantly reborn among humans and skies, not going to the ferocious paths; (6) infinite quantity of fortune and gnosis, and turning to be more victorious; (7) behaving on correct path, to be far away the heretical paths forever; (8) not arousing Seth-view, and giving up all the ferocious karmas; (9) dwelling on non-hindrance views; (10) not falling into all kinds of difficulties.

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_07_01 21:11:09编辑

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