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18.1.4 诏告天下 Declaration to the World

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-08-19 10:06 已读 3375 次  


In Figure, Turquoise Prince was dressed as a woman and playing with Coatlicue. The background of the picture is the buildings on the earth's surface, indicating that they were in the Great God Sky (Figure 8). The Great God Sky is the First Meditation Sky. There is no distinction between men and women in this sky and the skies above, and clothing can be casual. When you reach the Fourth Meditation Sky (see Fig. 5; cf. section 12.2), you will be even more immaculate. The palace is following you, and the cloud-like land is also not needed. You can see the worlds in the ten directions wonderfully.

图36显示蔻特鹠鸺扮成了男人,金童。图37显示青松石王子和蔻特鹠鸺尽情地享受鱼水之欢。他们俩看到了一双高跟鞋,表示在他们的玩耍中,蔻特鹠鸺被提高了,具有了 “大女神蔻特鹠鸺” 的底蕴(如图38),逐渐地掌握了金童和玉女的两种思维模式(参见10.9节《上帝的三合和》)。
Figure 36 shows that Coatlicue is playing as a man, Gold Boy. Figure 37 shows Turquoise Prince and Coatlicue are enjoying the pleasure of fish and water. The two of them saw a pair of high heels shoes, which meant that during their play, Coatlicue had been escalated and had been groomed into the "Great Coatlicue" (as shown in Figure 38), and quickly mastered the two types of thinking patterns of Gold Boy and Jade Girl (cf. section 10.9 "Godly Trinity").


图18.1.4.2-1中,蔻特鹠鸺正在那儿琢磨着呢:“以前,妈妈总骂我,‘没出息,八辈子看不见后脑勺子’!这结婚几天,我咋总感觉能看见自己的后脑勺子了呢!?” 答:因为青松石王子在给她表演,讲解关于灵魂的知识(如图18.1.4.1-1至8),她的觉悟水平提高了。
In Figure, Coatlicue is pondering there, "In the past, my mother always scolded me, 'No talent, can't see the back of my head even after eight lifetimes.' In the past few days since I got married, why do I always feel like I can see my rear head!" Answer: Because Turquoise Prince was performing to her and explaining the knowledge about soul (Figure to 8), and she was kind of enlightened.

蔻特鹠鸺头上的紫金冠表示她那时在纳瓦特国红得发紫。腰上的玉米(穗包)叶子表示在着七天七夜的婚礼中,她修成了人身果(参见15.3 《人天果》),成为了神身天(如图18.1.4.1-8),即大女神蔻特鹠鸺。注,古墨西哥人用玉米穗代表意思食,即上帝赐予的食物。
The purple-gold crown on Coatlicue’s head indicates that she was extremely popular in Nahuatl at that time. The corn (ear-wrap) leaves on her waist indicate that during the seven-day and seven-night wedding, she achieved the “human body fruit” (see section 15.3 Human Sky Fruit) and became a God Body Sky (see Figure, that is, she became the Big Goddess Coatlicue (as shown in fig. 3). Note: The ancient Mexicans used corn ears to represent Mana given by God.


Figure shows that Coatlicue is pregnant and dreams of turning Tlaloc into a turtle to ride. You see, she was enjoying herself so much, but Tlaloc was so crushed that he grimaced and couldn't stand up, why? At that time, the jade girl is still in her belly, the gold boy is born, also just born. In the picture, she is bigger than others, which means that currently she is already “Great Coatlicue”.


图18.1.4.2-4(忽略此文物的来源)中,青松石王子双手捧着刚刚出世的翠玉女,很喜欢。为什么翠玉女看起来像个魔鬼?因为欢乐的玉女是女神,是福;悲伤哭泣的玉女是殃(参见10.8 《神的外貌》)。
In Figure (Ignore the source of this artifact), Turquoise Prince holds the newly born Chalchiuhtlicue (Jade Girl, Eve) in his hands and likes it very much. Why does the baby look like a devil? Because she was crying, and a happy Jade Girl is a Goddess, a Fortune, a sad and weeping Jade Girl is a disaster, a Misfortune (cf. 10.8 Godly Appearances).

Following the instructions of the former Sun God (Ollin Tonatiuh) in the previous section 18.1.3, Prince Turquoise and Coatlicue make it known: Ollin Tonatiuh has decided to convene a new Ollin Movement, in which all the people and animals of the world are invited to participate. Whoever reaches Sun God first, the princess Chalchiuhtlicue will marry him and become the new king of the Sun Tribe.


Figure shows that Coatlicue, who was less than 20 years old, was already at the forefront of the world. She oversees the source of life, assumes the responsibility of the mother of rebirth, and has become the guardian of Godly Cycle.

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