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《美国巡逻兵进行曲,American Patrol》E歌版小合唱

送交者: 杰克_JK[♂☆★★无马甲的ID★★☆♂] 于 2024-08-14 19:02 已读 809 次  


《美国巡逻兵进行曲,American Patrol》E歌版小合唱

》《美国巡逻兵进行曲,American Patrol》进行曲ft. E歌版小合唱杰克+1


巡逻兵进行曲(American Patrol) :又称《美国巡逻兵进行曲》、《美国巡逻队》。一名美国陆军士兵,名字叫米查姆。他非常热爱自己的国家,并为自己是一名光荣的美国巡逻兵而感到自豪。于是他写下了这首流芳百世,著名的《巡逻兵进行曲》。

以前只知道有乐曲,不知道还有歌词。居然还有英文和中文的歌词。今天表演最近才学唱的英文版的《American Patrol》进行曲,大家助兴好玩。


你瞧,一队美国巡逻兵迈着整齐的步伐从远方向这边走来了…… 嘿嘿,不要惊奇,没错,如果你玩过红白机(就是FC啦,八位游戏机),那么你一定还记得一个叫做《马戏团》的经典小游戏吧?没错,这个游戏的背景音乐就是你现在听到的这首曲子。

乐曲作者:弗兰克·米查姆 (Frank Meacham,1850-1895),美国作曲家、编曲家。生于布法罗。一生中大部分时间在在布鲁克林从事音乐活动。代表作品《巡逻兵进行曲》是流传很广的管弦乐小品。

(The following words were written in 1940-1945, author unknown:)
Men of courage Be brave and be strong, For the fight is tough and long
We must be vigilant, we must be vigilant, American Patrol !
With arms for the army, ships for the navy, Let this be our goal !
We must be diligent, we must be diligent, American Patrol !
Protect our shoreline to the doorline, Of every native soul !
We need this solidarity, Or else divided we will fall.
It means the popularity, Of peace and happiness for all.
Behind this cause we must keep rallying, Let there be no dilly-dallying,
Keep us free from shilly-shallying ! Hark to Freedom's call !
On the land, in the air, on the sea, everywhere!
We must be vigilant, we must be vigilant, American Patrol !
With arms for the army, ships for the navy, Let this be our goal !
With planes for the army, Planes for the navy, Always in control;
We must be diligent, we must be diligent, American Patrol !
In each direction give protection To ev’ey native soul
We must be vigilant, we must be vigilant, by day !
We must be diligent, we must be diligent, by night!
Behind this cause we must keep rallying, Let there be no dilly-dallying,
Keep us free from shilly-shallying ! And we’ll reach our goal.-
Forward, forward to our goal! On the land, in the air, on the sea, everywhere!
We must be vigilant, we must be vigilant, by day !
We must be diligent, we must be diligent, by night!
Behind this cause we must keep rallying, Let there be no dilly-dallying,
Keep us free from shilly-shallying ! Then we’ll reach our goal.
The American, The American Patrol!
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