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Guan Weidong’s money launderin

送交者: lmk200565593[布衣] 于 2024-08-13 21:38 已读 13 次  



回答: 法轮功机关报《大纪元时报》的 CFO 关伟东涉嫌洗钱在美国被捕 由 青年游民 于 2024-07-05 9:38

g scheme began in 2020 and lasted until May of this year, which corresponds to a period of tremendous financial growth for The Epoch Times. According to federal tax documents, the newspaper’s total revenue in 2020 increased by 410% from $15 million (1.09 trillion New York yuan) the previous year to $62 million (4.49 trillion New York yuan). The following year, revenue jumped again, increasing to $121 million (8.76 trillion New York yuan). These tax returns were all signed by Guan Weidong as the organization’s top financial executive.


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