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冰岛使用的货币是冰岛克朗 (ISK)1 100 ISK = .7278 USD,

送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-08-05 16:54 已读 1268 次  


冰岛使用的货币是冰岛克朗 (ISK)1。它是该国境内所有交易的官方法定货币。如果您计划在冰岛旅游或做生意,最好手头有一些当地货币以方便使用。

要了解冰岛克朗 (ISK) 兑美元 (USD) 的当前汇率,您可以查看可靠的财经新闻来源、使用货币兑换应用程序或访问银行网站。汇率会因市场波动而频繁变化,因此这些资源将为您提供最准确和最新的信息。

The currency used in Iceland is the Icelandic króna (ISK)1. It’s the official legal tender for all transactions within the country. If you’re planning a visit or business dealings in Iceland, it’s good to have some local currency on hand for convenience.

To find the current exchange rate of the Icelandic króna (ISK) against the US dollar (USD), you can check a reliable financial news source, use a currency conversion app, or visit a bank’s website. Exchange rates are subject to frequent changes due to market fluctuations, so these resources will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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