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送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-08-01 14:49 已读 553 次  















When the rates on U.S. Treasury bonds go down, it typically means a few things:

Lower Borrowing Costs: The government pays less interest to borrow money, which can reduce the cost of funding public projects and servicing national debt1.

Investor Sentiment: Lower yields may indicate that investors are seeking safety in government bonds, which is often the case during times of economic uncertainty1.

Influence on Other Rates: Treasury yields serve as a benchmark for other interest rates, so a decrease can lead to lower interest rates on loans and mortgages, benefiting consumers and businesses1.

Economic Outlook: Falling yields can suggest that investors expect slower economic growth or are concerned about deflation2.

It’s important to note that bond prices and yields move inversely; when bond prices rise due to high demand, yields fall, and vice versa. This dynamic reflects the changing landscape of investor confidence, inflation expectations, and Federal Reserve policies12.

The relationship between U.S. Treasury bond prices and interest rates is inversely proportional. When interest rates go down, the price of bonds that were issued at higher interest rates in the past becomes more attractive, causing their price to rise. Here’s why:

Fixed Interest Payments: Treasury bonds pay a fixed interest rate, known as the coupon rate. If new bonds are being issued at a lower interest rate due to a general decline in rates, the older bonds with higher rates become more valuable1.

Demand for Safe Assets: In times of economic uncertainty or when the stock market is volatile, investors often seek the safety of U.S. Treasury bonds, which are considered low-risk investments. Increased demand for these bonds drives up their price1.

Capital Gains Opportunity: Investors can achieve capital gains by purchasing bonds at a higher yield (when prices are lower) and selling them when the yields fall (and prices rise), especially if they anticipate a further decline in interest rates1.

Monetary Policy Expectations: The Federal Reserve’s policies can influence bond prices. If investors expect the Fed to cut interest rates, they might buy bonds in anticipation of price increases, which pushes prices up even before the rate cut occurs1.

In summary, a decrease in interest rates makes existing bonds with higher coupon rates more valuable, leading to an increase in their price. It’s a fundamental principle of bond investing that reflects the changing dynamics of the market and investor behavior.
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