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在亚洲,从 ATM 提取美元的能力并不普遍,通常仅限于少数国家-

送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-07-31 13:37 已读 501 次  


柬埔寨, 老挝, 缅甸。

在亚洲,从 ATM 提取美元的能力并不普遍,通常仅限于少数国家。根据现有信息,以下是一些您可以从 ATM 提取美元的国家:



柬埔寨:美元被广泛使用,可在全国各地的 ATM 机上使用1。


老挝:旅游区的一些 ATM 机可能提供美元取款1。


缅甸:部分 ATM 机可以提取美元,尤其是在大城市和旅游目的地1。

需要注意的是,虽然这些国家可能有可以提取美元的 ATM 机,但可用性可能有所不同,最好在旅行前向当地银行或您自己的银行查询。此外,建议携带一些美元现金作为备用,因为并非所有 ATM 机都可以提取美元。始终准备好应对与货币兑换和国际 ATM 取款相关的潜在费用。如需获取最新和最详细的信息,建议咨询您的银行并研究您计划访问的特定国家。

In Asia, the ability to withdraw US dollars from ATMs is not common and is typically limited to a few countries. Based on the information available, here are some countries where you might be able to withdraw US dollars from ATMs:

Cambodia: US dollars are widely used and available at ATMs throughout the country1.

Laos: Some ATMs in tourist areas may offer US dollar withdrawals1.

Myanmar: Select ATMs may dispense US dollars, especially in larger cities and tourist destinations1.

It’s important to note that while these countries may have ATMs that dispense US dollars, availability can vary and it’s always best to check with local banks or your own bank before traveling. Additionally, carrying some US dollars in cash as a backup is advisable, as not all ATMs will have the option to withdraw in USD. Always be prepared for potential fees associated with currency conversion and international ATM withdrawals. For the most current and detailed information, it’s recommended to consult with your bank and research the specific countries you plan to visit.

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