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送交者: TopAI[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-07-31 13:33 已读 509 次  






2024 年 7 月 4 日

6 条评论


外国卡在印度尼西亚可用于从 ATM 支付和提取现金。此外,费用极低或为零:我从未支付过取款费用。


携带的最佳外币 美元、澳元、欧元、英镑


免费 ATM 全部


您可以使用 Revolut、Wise、Monese 等吗?是的!


现在是详细介绍的时候了,所以让我告诉您作为游客在印度尼西亚的所有有关货币的信息!我在爪哇岛、巴厘岛和龙目岛待了 9 个多月(而且还在继续),下面是详细信息、提示和技巧!


印度尼西亚的货币是印尼盾,代码为 IDR。

100.000 印尼盾 - 印度尼西亚的货币

100.000 印尼盾 - 印度尼西亚最大面额的纸币(目前)

印度尼西亚是那种第一次兑换货币就能立刻成为百万富翁的国家。看看那些零!它们出现在 1997 年亚洲金融危机之后,尽管有计划去掉这些零,但目前它们仍然保留着。

从那时起,印尼盾一直比较稳定。一百万印尼盾(印尼人称之为“一 juta”)约为 65 美元。不过,请查看当前汇率 - 当然,汇率每天都在变化。

流通的纸币面值为 1.000、2.000、5.000、10.000、20.000、50.000 和 100.000 印尼盾。

硬币仍然存在,尽管它们的价值相当低。有 100、200、500 和 1.000 印尼盾硬币。您可能会在地上发现一枚 50 印尼盾硬币(0.003 美元),但没人使用它。把它留作纪念品吧。








十万:Seratus Ribu;














在大型超市、酒店、一些酒吧和更高档的餐厅,您可以使用国际银行卡在 POS 终端上付款。

在小型 warung 风格的餐厅、街头食品摊贩、家庭经营的宾馆、大多数博物馆和公交交通中,不要再使用您的卡了。

像 Alfamart 和 Indomaret 这样的便利店是一个灰色地带。他们有 POS 终端,但只接受国内卡。不过,我还是设法用我的外国卡支付了几次。然而。当我提示收银员至少尝试一下时,他们通常会拒绝。想想吧。

印度尼西亚正在迅速向数字货币和无现金支付过渡。许多人已经开始使用 GoPay 快速扫描二维码并付款。

也称为 QRIS(QR 印尼标准),作为外国人,您可以通过设置 GoJek 帐户并存入一些钱来使用它。然后只需通过扫描二维码付款即可。

如果您在商家看到这些二维码,则意味着您可以通过 QRIS 付款

没有必要设置它才能在印度尼西亚“生存”。在这里待了 9 个多月后,除了在通勤线上预订火车票外,我还没有将它用于其他任何事情。

大多数 POS 终端都接受 Visa、Mastercard 和 Maestro。只有非常高端的度假村和酒店才接受美国运通卡。

印度尼西亚的 ATM

整个印度尼西亚都不缺 ATM。我觉得可能真的太多了!


BCA ATM 24 小时开放,位于空调隔间内

24 小时 ATM

作为游客,您也可以使用所有这些 ATM!除非您身处婆罗洲或苏门答腊的丛林中,否则我敢打赌拐角处就有一台 ATM 可以供您提取现金。

印度尼西亚的所有 ATM 均不收取提款费!

这意味着您使用哪家银行的 ATM 提取现金并不重要。一些最受欢迎的银行是:




CIMB Niaga



Bank Syariah Indonesia

Permata Bank


所有 ATM 肯定都会接受 Visa 和 Mastercard。一些 ATM 也可能接受 Maestro 卡。不过几乎没有 ATM 接受美国运通卡。



ATM 的提款限额在 100 万至 300 万印尼盾(65 至 190 美元)之间。由于没有提款费,所以即使你连续提款两次甚至三次也没关系,只要你的银行不收取每次提款的费用即可。


Money in Indonesia: A Tourist Guide to ATMs, Cards and Exchange



Last updated:

July 4, 2024


So you’re traveling to Indonesia and wonder if you can use your foreign bank card or easily exchange money. The quick answer to both is a resounding yes!

Foreign cards work in Indonesia to both pay and withdraw cash from an ATM. Moreover, fees are minimal or zero: I have never had to pay a fee to withdraw money.

You will also have no trouble exchanging your foreign currency for millions of rupiahs. Yes, millions!

Best foreign currency to bring USD, AUD, Euro, GBP

Where to exchange? Authorized exchange bureaus

ATMs without a fee All

Can you withdraw USD directly? No

Can you use Revolut, Wise, Monese, etc? Yes!

Cash or card? Mostly cash

It’s time for the details, so let me tell you all about money in Indonesia as a tourist! I have spent over 9 months (and counting) in Java, Bali, and Lombok, and here are the details, tips, and tricks!

Currency in Indonesia

The currency in Indonesia is the Indonesian Rupiah with code IDR.

100.000 Indonesian rupiah - the money in Indonesia

100.000 IDR – the biggest denomination banknote in Indonesia (for now)

Indonesia is one of those countries where you instantly become a millionaire the first time you exchange money. Look at all those zeros! They appeared after the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and even though there are plans to remove the zeros, for now, they stay.

The Rupiah has been somewhat stable since then. One million IDR (called “one juta” by Indonesians) is around 65$. Please check the current rate though – these change daily of course.

The banknotes in circulation are of denominations 1.000, 2.000, 5.000, 10.000, 20.000, 50.000, and 100.000 IDR.

Coins still exist even though their value is quite low. There are 100, 200, 500, and 1.000 IDR coins. You may find a 50 IDR coin (0.003 USD) on the ground but nobody ever uses it. Keep it as a souvenir.

Indonesian Money Vocabulary

Some money vocabulary you will need when coming to Indonesia:

Money: Uang;

Pay: Bayar;

Card: Kartu;

Hundred: Ratus

Thousand: Ribu;

One hundred thousand: Seratus Ribu;

Million: Juta.

Satu: 1;

Dua: 2;

Tiga: 3;

Empat: 4;

Lima: 5;

Enam: 6;

Tujuh: 7;

Delapan: 8;

Sembilan: 9;

Sepuluh: 10.

Can you use you use your card in Indonesia?

Yes, you can use your foreign card to pay while in Indonesia.

In bigger supermarkets, hotels, some bars, and shinier restaurants, you will have no trouble paying on a POS terminal using your international bank card.

Forget about using your card in small warung-style restaurants, street food vendors, family-owned guesthouses, most museums, and bus transportation.

Convenience stores like Alfamart and Indomaret are a gray area. They have POS terminals but only accept domestic cards. I’ve still managed to pay with my foreign card a few times though. However. when I prompt the cashier to at least try, they usually refuse. Go figure.

Indonesia is quickly transitioning towards digital money and cashless payments. Many have started using GoPay to quickly scan a QR code and pay.

Also called QRIS (QR Indonesian Standard), you as a foreigner can use it by setting up a GoJek account and depositing some money. Then it’s just a matter of paying by scanning the QR code.

If you see these QR codes at merchants, it means you can pay by QRIS

It is not necessary to set it up to ‘survive’ in Indonesia. After 9+ months here, I have yet to use it for anything else but booking train tickets on the Commuter Lines.

Visa, Mastercard, and Maestro are accepted on most POS terminals. American Express cards are accepted only in very high-end resorts and hotels.

ATMs in Indonesia

There is no shortage of ATMs all across Indonesia. I feel there may even be way too many, really!

Then again, I remember I spend most of my time on Java where the population density is one of the largest in the world. Of course, people need access to their money.

BCA ATM open 24 hours inside an air-conditioned cubicle

A 24-hour ATM

You as a tourist can use all these ATMs too! Unless you’re somewhere in the jungles of Borneo or Sumatra, I bet there’s an ATM just around the corner where you can withdraw cash.

None of the ATMs in Indonesia charge a withdrawal fee!

This means it doesn’t matter that much which bank’s ATM you use to withdraw cash. Some of the most popular banks are:




CIMB Niaga



Bank Syariah Indonesia

Permata Bank


All ATMs will certainly accept Visa and Mastercard. Some ATMs may also accept Maestro cards. Almost no ATMs accept American Express though.

Popular banks logos in Indonesia

Some of the most popular banks in Indonesia

The withdrawal limit on ATMs varies between 1 million and 3 million IDR (65 to 190 USD). Since there are no withdrawal fees, it doesn’t matter if you withdraw twice or even 3 times in a row, as long as your bank doesn’t charge for every single withdrawal.

The highest withdrawal limit is on the ATMs of Cimb Niaga, Permata Bank, and HSBC at 3 million IDR (~190$).

BCA will let you withdraw up to 2.5 million IDR. The limit at BNI is usually 2 million IDR and Mandiri only lets you withdraw 1.25 million IDR at a time.

On most ATMs you will see a number written/pasted on the front – either 50.000 or 100.000. This is the denomination of banknotes that the ATM dispenses. If you don’t want your wallet to burst, opt for the bigger banknotes.

Moreover, if the ATM has both denominations, you will be able to choose which one you want on the screen. If it only has the sticker for 50.000 IDR, it probably also has a lower withdrawal limit.

Remember: Always choose to be charged in the local (IDR) currency for ATM withdrawals! NEVER accept currency conversion!

Your bank will convert automatically at a much better rate than the ATM and save you a ton of money!

Withdrawal Fees

None of the ATMs in Indonesia charge a withdrawal fee on their end.

This doesn’t mean your bank doesn’t charge an “access” or “foreign currency withdrawal” fee. Check with your bank first.

I can confirm that Revolut does NOT charge for withdrawals (up to a limit depending on your plan). I have not paid a single dime in transaction or withdrawal fees using Revolut in Indonesia.

ATMs that dispense USD

There are no ATMs that dispense USD in Indonesia.

To obtain greenbacks, you have to withdraw Rupiah and then exchange to USD in an office.

What currency to bring to Indonesia

Coming to Indonesia as a tourist and want to have tangible currency? Bring one of the most traded ones – US dollar, Euro, GBP, or AUD.

The most popular foreign currencies that are traded and exchangeable in Indonesia are:

Australian dollar

British Pounds

Canadian dollars

New Zealand dollars

Swiss Francs

Japanese Yen

Chinese Yuan

Indian Rupee

Some exchange bureaus may offer better rates for higher denomination banknotes. In general, 50 and 100 USD notes are seen as “better” and may yield a slightly higher rate.

It’s a similar thing with Euro banknotes, except that 200 and 500 euro notes may be outright rejected in some places due to fear of fakes. This is quite rare though.

Make sure your banknotes are crisp and new. Exchange bureaus abroad are notoriously picky when it comes to foreign currency banknotes. Not as picky as in Cambodia though.

Currency Exchange in Indonesia

In this section, I will share with you all there is to know about exchanging money in Indonesia.

Exchanging at an Authorized Money Changer

Go to Google Maps and search for an Authorized Money Changer. That’s how exchange bureaus are branded. They usually have the rates on a digital display board.

Money Changer Yogyakarta

A money changer in Yogyakarta

Mind these points:

Bring your passport with you. A picture of the passport is usually enough too;

Your foreign currency banknotes must be clean, crisp, and have no signs of wear or tear;

Most banks’ opening times are 09:00 to 17:00, closed on the weekends;

You can exchange money at the airport, but will face a little worse exchange rate;

The more foreigners that frequent the location, the poorer the exchange rate.

Exchanging Rupiah back to any foreign currency is quite easy too. The money changer will not ask any additional questions.

How much cash to bring to Indonesia?

As with many things in life – it depends. Since using your card to obtain cash in Indonesia is pretty easy, you don’t need to bring as much foreign currency inside the country.

My advice is to have at least 200$ just in case something goes wrong with your bank cards and you need emergency cash until you sort it out.

When I went to Indonesia I had less than that stashed away. In all my months of being here, I have not exchanged any money as withdrawing with my Revolut Card has been free and easy. On the contrary – I exchanged rupiah for USD once for my trip to Timor Leste!

On the other hand, if you’re wondering how much money you need to travel to Indonesia, you can check out my backpacker’s budget report for Indonesia.

Example Prices

The following price ranges are from 2024 in Indonesian Rupiah. 10.000 IDR is roughly 0.65 IDR. You can expect a 5-10% increase in 2024.

More touristy places in Bali charge more. Check this article about Prices in Bali.

Cappuccino in a cafe: 15 – 35k

Nasi Goreng: 12 – 25k

Mie Ayam: 8 – 15k

Fresh fruit juice: 5 – 15k

Indonesian street snacks: 1 – 10k

Indonesian desserts: 3 – 15k

Bottled water (0.5L): 3 – 5k

Dinner in a fancier restaurant: 40 – 100k

Museums: 10 – 100k

Natural Wonders entrance fees

Mt. Bromo: 220k – 320k

Madakaripura: 45k;

Kawah Ijen: 100-150k;

Man-made attractions entrance fees:

Borobudur: 375 – 455k

Prambanan: 375k

Dieng Plateau: 10 – 200k

Motorcycle rental: 70 – 150k (per day)

1 liter fuel: 10-12k

Budget hostel: 50 – 120k

Mid-range hotel; 120 – 350k

Mie Ayam

This mie ayam portion costs 12k IDR (~0.8$)


Bargaining is incredibly common in Indonesia. Locals haggle all the time.

You can haggle even if the price is already displayed but only at smaller markets.

Don’t bargain for street food prices.

In Bali, especially in more touristic areas, expect to pay more than locals no matter what. Knowing that a good rule of thumb is to counter the first offer with 50% of it and then meet the vendor in the middle.


Tipping is not customary in Indonesia.

Registered restaurants will add 10% to the bill. Street food vendors will not.

If you think the service was good, your tip will be appreciated, although it may get refused at first.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s answer some of the internet’s (and most certainly your) most burning questions about money in Indonesia.

What is the ATM withdrawal limit in Indonesia?

The maximum withdrawal limit on ATMs in Indonesia is between 1.000.000 IDR (65$) and 3.000.000 IDR (190$). Look for the ATMS of Cimb Niaga, Pertama Bank, and HSBC for the highest withdrawals.

BRI, BCA, BNI, and Mandiri Bank offer between 1.250.000 IDR and 2.500.000 IDR per single withdrawal.

Since there are no ATM access fees in Indonesia, it shouldn’t matter if you withdraw once or 2-3 times.

Where to exchange money in Indonesia?

Only exchange money at Authorized Money Changers.

If you want the best rates, avoid the airport or the main backpacker/tourist areas.

Can you use US dollars in Indonesia?

You cannot use US dollars to pay for things in Indonesia. However, the US dollar is easily exchangable for the local Indonesian Rupiah.

Can you use Revolut in Indonesia?

Yes, Revolut cards work in Indonesia. Both VISA and Mastercard work. Similar fintech apps like Wise, Monese, and Curve also work there.

If you’re traveling to Java and don’t know which places to visit, I’m your guy. Check out my 2-week Java itinerary for an overview of Indonesia’s most populous island.

Or maybe you’re stuck applying for the Indonesian eVOA? This damn glitchy Molina website… Check out the linked step-by-step guide on how to apply and fix common issues.

If you are going to other Southeast Asian countries, you may want to read my money guides

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