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送交者: jefferson23[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-07-21 14:53 已读 3644 次 1赞  




 CNN 于2024-07-21



Biden drops out of presidential race and endorses Harris to be nominee(拜登退出總統競選並支持哈里斯成為提名人)

Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden attend an event at the Whit House in May 2023. 

By Antoinette Radford, Michelle Shen, Maureen Chowdhury, Elise Hammond, Jack Forrest, Zoe Sottile and Ashley R. Williams, CNN

Updated 3:34 PM EDT, Sun July 21, 2024

4 min ago

Bernie Sanders thanks Biden for serving with "honor and dignity"

From CNN's Maureen Chowdhury

Sen. Bernie Sanders commended Joe Biden for serving the country with “honor and dignity” shortly after the president announced that he is exiting the presidential race.

“Joe Biden has served our country with honor and dignity. As the first president to ever walk on a picket line with striking workers, he has been the most pro-working class president in modern American history. Thank you, Mr. President, for all you’ve done,” Sanders wrote on X.

4 分鐘前


來自 CNN 的莫琳喬杜里



7 min ago

Sen. Elizabeth Warren endorses Harris

From CNN’s Morgan Rimmer

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts speaks during a Senate hearing in Washington, DC, on July 11. 

Ting Shen/Bloomberg/Getty Images

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris after President Joe Biden said he would not seek reelection.

“Joe Biden’s presidency has been transformational. He accomplished more in the past four years — to bring back jobs, stand up to big corporations, and build an economy that works for all of us — than we have been able to get done in the last forty,” Warren said in a statement.

“I endorse Kamala Harris for President. She is a proven fighter who has been a national leader in safeguarding consumers and protecting access to abortion. As a former prosecutor, she can press a forceful case against allowing Donald Trump to regain the White House. We have many talented people in our party, but Vice President Harris is the person who was chosen by the voters to succeed Joe Biden if needed. She can unite our party, take on Donald Trump, and win in November.”

On Saturday, Warren had said that “Joe Biden is our nominee and he has a really big decision to make” and praised Harris. Her comments praising Harris offer a stark difference from March 2023, when she would not answer whether she thought Harris should remain as Biden’s running mate during a local Boston radio interview.

7 分鐘前


來自 CNN 的摩根·裡默

7 月 11 日,馬薩諸塞州民主黨參議員伊麗莎白沃倫在華盛頓特區舉行的參議院聽證會上發表講話。

馬薩諸塞州民主黨參議員伊麗莎白沃倫 (Elizabeth Warren) 7 月 11 日在華盛頓特區舉行的參議院聽證會上發表講話。



「我支持卡馬拉·哈里斯競選總統。她是一位久經考驗的鬥士,一直是保護消費者和墮胎機會的國家領導人。作為一名前檢察官,她可以提出強有力的訴訟,反對允許唐納德·川普重新入主白宮。我們黨內有很多有才華的人,但副總統哈里斯是選民選出的在需要時接替喬·拜登的人。她可以團結我們的政黨,挑戰唐納德·川普,並在 11 月獲勝。

週六,沃倫表示“喬·拜登是我們的提名人,他要做出一個非常重大的決定”,並讚揚了哈里斯。她讚揚哈里斯的言論與 2023 年 3 月截然不同,當時她在波士頓當地電台採訪中沒有回答是否認為哈里斯應該繼續擔任拜登的競選搭檔。

12 min ago

Lawmakers praise Biden after he says he will exit reelection race

From CNN staff

Democratic lawmakers are praising President Joe Biden after he announced he would exit the race for reelection.

New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen said Biden “has been one of America’s most accomplished and consequential presidents,” according to a statement.

“As he always has, President Biden is once again putting the country he loves first, and I thank him for his unwavering dedication and service to our nation,” Shaheen said.

Colorado Democratic Rep. Jason Crow, who CNN reported had a tense exchange with Biden on a call with House Democrats last weekend, also praised the president for dropping out and always putting “our country first.”

“In 2020, President Biden saved us from a second Trump term and by stepping aside he may have done so again,” Crow said in a statement.

Sen. Gary Peters, the chair of Senate Democrats’ campaign arm, said on X that Biden’s “life has been dedicated to our nation. There is no greater dedication a leader can make than sacrifice. Today, Joe and Jill Biden put America first.”

 12 min ago

Biden and Harris spoke Sunday, source says

From CNN's Priscilla Alvarez

Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg/Getty Images

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris spoke Sunday, according to a source familiar. It’s unclear when exactly they spoke.

After announcing Sunday afternoon he wasn’t seeking reelection, Biden threw his support behind Harris to become the next Democratic nominee for president, calling on the party to come together.

12 分鐘前






據美國有線電視新聞網(CNN) 報道,科羅拉多州民主黨眾議員傑森·克勞(Jason Crow) 上週末在與眾議院民主黨人的電話會議上與拜登進行了緊張的交流,他也讚揚總統退出並且始終將“我們的國家放在第一位”。

克勞在一份聲明中表示:“2020 年,拜登總統讓我們免於連任川普,如果他下台,他可能會再次這樣做。”

參議院民主黨競選部門主席、參議員加里·彼得斯 (Gary Peters) 在 X 上表示,拜登「一生都奉獻給了我們的國家。對領導者來說,沒有什麼比犧牲更大的奉獻精神了。今天,喬和吉爾·拜登把美國放在第一位。

12 分鐘前


來自 CNN 的普里西拉·阿爾瓦雷斯

2023 年 5 月,副總統卡馬拉·哈里斯和總統喬·拜登出席在白宮舉行的活動。



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