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8.21.1 亲身经历皮肌炎从病发到康復,治疗全过程:全身大检查

送交者: 花名雞仔[♂★★★★8008★★★★♂] 于 2024-07-19 4:34 已读 2722 次  



回答: 8.21 人无千日好花无百日红,亲身经历皮肌炎从病发到康復 由 花名雞仔 于 2024-07-19 4:30


1. 病发期:

2. 全身大检查:做扫描(GT),再做一个核磁共振(MRI),

3. 治疗期:渣药膏,食药、


医生说太阳晒的我是不相信的,面部太阳晒而身体穿了衣服怎晒?所以两周后再去疹所,这次到了疹所医生换了第二个人,他翻查电脑资料一看说太阳晒的,他也说可能是太阳晒的,这次这个医生用上了“可能”,他说是可能,不是肯定。所以又给了另一种药力比较重的药膏,说再渣上两星期,他说如果还不见效就不要再來了,打电话來再给其它药膏。这里是不兴打针的, 用了第二次给的药力比较重的药膏后还是不见效,所以我认为是热毒,最近每周一次必胜客,熟客,鸡翅膀,买一送一,薯条太辣。药膏不见效我自己治,冲黄莲水喝和用黄莲水渣,白醋也用上了,今天准备去找中医看看这些红班究竟是什么形成的,是什么病。



Bloods tests: Ro antibody was positive. Also Anti-TIF1 gamma antibody.

The CT is going to be referred to respiratory MDT to review the images to advise what to do next about the lung nodule. Might just be repeat CT in 3 months but need to wait for MDT outcome.

Dermatologist Dr Becher, her concern is that she feels rash is a bit worse and muscle weakness/swallowing might be due to dermatomyositis itself.

She has discussed with the rheumatologist. To start oral steroids (prednisolone 50mg daily) - she will write to GP. Can stop hydroxychloroquine. Will arrange review in clinic with dermatologist in 1 week.

She will also refer to speech and language therapy (SALT) to assess the swallowing.

Rheumatologist (Dr Reed) is going to bring appointment with forward so can see sooner. MRI appointment stays the same.


CT Thorax abdomen pelvis with contrast

Clinical History :

URGENT SUSPICION OF CANCER. 3 week history of florid rash in keeping with dermatomyositis. Recent onset of proximal muscle weakness also in keeping with dermatomyositis. ? Malignanncy as cause for rapid onset of rash and muscle weakness associated with dermatomyositis


No enlarged supraclavicular, axillary, mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes by CT size criteria.

No focal collapse or consolidation. A linear pulmonary nodule measuring up to 6.5 mm in the left upper lobe is noted.

No focal lung mass.

No pleural or pericardial effusion.


The liver demonstrates a smooth contour. No suspicious focal liver lesion.

Thin-walled gallbladder. No calcified gallstones.

Unremarkable appearances of the adrenal glands, kidneys and pancreas.

No small or large bowel obstruction.

No focal bladder lesion. 5 mm calculus noted at the insertion of the urachal remnant.

No ascites.

No enlarged inguinal, pelvic sidewall or retroperitoneal lymph nodes by CT size criteria.

Small fat-containing umbilical hernia.


No destructive osseous lesion. T12 and L2 wedge compression fractures noted.


No evidence of malignancy. 6.5 mm linear left upper lobe pulmonary nodule requires a CT chest follow-up in 3 months. Other incidental findings as described above.

Bloods tests: Ro antibody was positive. Also Anti-TIF1 gamma antibody.

The CT is going to be referred to respiratory MDT to review the images to advise what to do next about the lung nodule. Might just be repeat CT in 3 months but need to wait for MDT outcome.

Dermatologist Dr Becher, her concern is that she feels rash is a bit worse and muscle weakness/swallowing might be due to dermatomyositis itself.

She has discussed with the rheumatologist. To start oral steroids (prednisolone 50mg daily) - she will write to GP. Can stop hydroxychloroquine. Will arrange review in clinic with dermatologist in 1 week.

She will also refer to speech and language therapy (SALT) to assess the swallowing.

Rheumatologist (Dr Reed) is going to bring appointment with forward so can see sooner. MRI appointment stays the same.



坛主:花名雞仔于2024_07_19 4:35:02编辑

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