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1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage Contract

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★卢岩★★♂] 于 2024-07-10 16:13 已读 8067 次  


卢岩回忆录的目录 Catalog of Layan’s Memoirs:1 娃娃婚约Children Marriage Contract;2 启蒙Revelation;3 肉眼通Flesh Eye Through;4 少青年Youngster;5 辽宁分院Liaoning Branch;6 和平房产局SYHP Housekeeping Bureau;7 东北大学Northeastern University;8 死不瞑目Death with Eyes Open;9 青中年Middle Age;10 宿命通 Fate Through;11 生命之树Tree of Life;12 禅Meditation;13 苦谛Bitter Crux;14 集谛Aggregate Crux;15 灭谛Salvation Crux;16 道谛Path Crux;17金刚经Diamond Sutra;18 墨西哥法典Mexican Codex

My name is Luyan, I was born in April 1970, in the village of Qingtaipao, Jinzhou City, China. My father was an electrical technician in a nearby brick factory. Mom was a farmer.

1971年9月的一天,家里来了个客人,爸爸称呼他为沈阳老刘大哥(注1)。爸爸对妈妈说: “刘团长会相面,我想让他给卢岩看看相。” 妈妈对此很不耐烦。爸爸又说:“刘团长不是外人,你得热情点儿!他说,‘不能让卢岩看见他,要不然就不灵了’。” 爸妈出了卧室。他们仨在厨房里小声说话。刘团长问我的生辰八字。
One day in September 1971, A guest came to our home, whom my father called Old Brother Liu from Shenyang (1). Dad said to mom: “Troupe Leader Liu knows physiognomy, and I want him to have a look our Luyan." Mom was impatient. Dad added: "Troupe Leader Liu is not a stranger, you should be more enthusiastic! he said, ‘He should not have Luyan seen him, otherwise it won't work'.” Mom and Dad went out of the bedroom. The three of them were whispering in the kitchen. Troupe Leader Liu asked about my birth date.

Note 1, at this time, he was the deputy chief of the Northeast Military Region's Cultural Troupe, about 40 years old, a division officer. He is commonly referred to in this book as Troupe Leader Liu. Before and after this story, I couldn't hear his voice. He spoke in ancient Han; I heard what they were doing from my father's explanation to my mother.


Troupe Leader Liu said he wanted to see me and wrinkled the curtain between the kitchen and the bedroom. I didn't see him. Dad explained to mom what he said, "That wantonness he's sitting on, the high beam nose to forehead, is a monk's fate, no marriage life."

“没婚姻命是啥意思?他一辈子不能结婚?” 妈妈问。
"What does that mean, no marriage? He can't get married for the rest of his life?" Mom asked.
After dad inquired with Troupe Leader Liu, explained to mom: "It is possible to get married, but the marriage is not happy or long-lasting."

Mom got upset after hearing that and came inside. My dad and Troupe Leader Liu were talking outside. After a while, Dad came into the bedroom and said to mom, "Why did you just leave!"
Mom replied: "He's godly! Who believes that nowadays."

Dad said: "People can see that, and you're not happy to hear it! He also told me that he was just speaking straight from his heart according to what the ancient books say, just directly speaking what he deemed truth. You shouldn’t be like that! If you don't believe, it's okay to just listen! You come out and talk together!"

Mom followed Dad out, asking as she walked: "What is it again?"
In the kitchen, Dad said to Mom: "Troupe Leader Liu said that his eldest daughter, Jianjun Liu (Eve Liu), is a sky fate (Goddess fate), gifted and smart, but also has a destined bad marriage life. He wants to betroth her to our Luyan; says the two are quite compatible. By tying them together as a pair (2), both of their bad marriage destinies will be broken."

Mom replied: "Look at his appearance! What can his daughter look like!"
Dad said: "That's just saying, his family is well off. Besides, his appearance is not good, his wife might be pretty!"

Mom said: "His family is doing well now. In this society, twenty years later, who knows what will happen!"
Dad said: "It's not good to refuse someone's offer. Besides, this is just a saying, in the future, the two children will become a couple or not, is the matter of the two of them. Now, we are trying to break Luyan’s bad marriage fate!"

1-3 蒙眼睛 Blindfolding

A little later, Dad and Troupe Leader Liu returned to the kitchen. Troupe Leader Liu said, "If I'm right, the boy will cry as soon as he sees me; however, he can only see me this one time."

Mom was in the back, and when she heard that, said, "There's that! Let's try it then! It won't hurt to see him once anyway."
They arranged the subsequent experiment in a whisper. Troupe Leader Liu added, “Then I'll blindfold him.”

刘团长说:“哎呀!我才想起来,以后我不能让他再看见我了!” 想了一会儿,又说:“没关系!以后我再安排人,把眼蒙揭开。”
Dad and mom both said they didn't understand.
Troupe Leader Liu said, “Oops! I just remembered that I can't let him see me again in the future!” After thinking for a while, he added, “It's okay! I'll arrange for someone to uncover the blindfold later.”

Mom said unhappily, "Why it doesn't matter!"
Dad smiled and said, "We don't understand, but if Troupe Leader Liu said it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter!"

At that time, I was sitting on the bed in the bedroom; a man came in and walked straight into the inner room. Soon I forgot about it. Suddenly, he came out and walked directly toward me face to face, his face bloodless and expressionless. My mind exploded at the sight, before I could react. He floated back to the center of the house floor, and quickly turned toward the kitchen and out. Frightened, I crawled desperately toward the southeast of the bed, howling!

注3,这段描述了做肉眼通的第一步:他疾速走近我,我看着,感觉如同摄像镜头快速聚焦,头像似爆炸了一样。这惊吓使我患了婴幼儿神经发育失调症。此病症的一个症状是视力障碍,古人就说把眼睛蒙住了。启蒙的过程在2.8节。第3章详细地讨论了此 “肉眼通” 的作法。插图1-3左源自古墨西哥,表示舍利王正在为教子讲述肉眼通作法的第三步。插图2是特拉洛克,笔者认为他的眼睛是古墨西哥人对肉眼通的眼睛 “不眩光” 特征的描述,即不眩眼。图3是中国三星堆出土的青铜面具,笔者认为那是把肉眼通的眼睛描述成了触目惊心的 “触目” ,即看见的人可能会有 “被接触到了,被电击了” 的感觉。
Note 3, this paragraph describes the first step of the “Flesh Eye Through”: He approached me quickly, and as I watched, I felt as if the camera lens were focusing quickly, and my head felt as if it were going to explode. The shock caused me to fall in “children neurodevelopmental disorder”. One symptom of this disorder is visual impairment, which the ancients said blindfolded the eyes. The process of Revelation is in section 2.8; chapter 3 discussed more about the process of making “Flesh Eye Through”. Illustrations 1-3, left, are of ancient Mexican origin and represent the third step of the Flesh Eye Through practice, which Huitzilopochtli is lecturing to his godson. Figure 2 shows Tlaloc, whose eyes, in author my own opinion, are the ancient Mexican description of "non-dazzle" feature of the eyes. Figure 3 is a bronze mask unearthed at Sanxingdui in China, in author my own opinion, that is a description of the eyes of the “Flesh Eye Through” as “touching eyes”, i.e., the person who sees it may have the feeling of "being touched”, "being electrocuted".

厨房里,妈妈惊讶地说:“哎呀! 真哭了 !这咋办!”
In the kitchen, mom was surprised and said: "Oops! Really crying! What to do!"
Dad said, "We agreed, you go in and comfort him!"

Mom ran into the house and shouted, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"
I crawled to the edge of the bed and hugged mom, crying. Dad also came in.

Mom said angrily, "He was scared! We were both away and suddenly he saw a stranger. Look! Oh! My God! His hairs are standing on end! He scared the kid!"
Dad said, "Troupe Leader Liu asked you to ask."

Mom asked, "What? Ah! What's wrong? Tell mom, what's going on?"
I just, “Woo, woo!” gesticulated and couldn't speak.

妈妈气愤地嘟囔:“就是吓得!这连话都不会说了! 摸摸毛,吓不着!告诉妈,你看见啥啦?”
Mom muttered angrily, "Just scared! This can't even speak anymore!” Mom stroked my head, and continually said, “All right! Ok! Tell mom, what did you see?”
I replied, "Man! Woo! Woo!”, gesturing with my hands.
Mom said to me, "Ah! A man came in and then went out again. It's okay, your dad and I know about it!"

1-4 订婚 Engagement

Dad went to the kitchen, came back a while later, and said to mom, "Troupe Leader Liu went out and asked us to discuss the two children's affairs."
Mom said, "Like you said, it's not a big deal. How much does he want?"

Dad said, “He didn't say anything about money! It isn’t about money, is it?”
Mom said, "It's better to ask."

The three of them were talking in the kitchen. Troupe Leader Liu said, "Then the marriage is settled! There's no need for any money. This matter also concerns my girl! It's also my business, so I'll make the law (do the magic)."
Dad asked, "What should we do then?"

Troupe Leader Liu said, "I'll tell you later. While you were discussing this matter, I did something outside. Now, half of their Fates have been broken. The rest of the “Making Laws” (western similar words: to do magic) will be done outside somewhere in the future, might not in your house."
Dad said, "It's great that little Luyan will be able to get married in the future! Good Job! It’s all thanks to big brother's hard work!”

5 视力测试 Vision Test

一些天后,爸爸刚下班回来,跟妈妈说话。我家的卧室开间大约是6.5米×3.3米;但是,我被白雾包围着,看不见他们。妈妈说: “刘健君送给卢岩的!快让卢岩看看!” 。
Some days later, my dad had just returned from work and was talking to my mom. The bedroom opening in my house is about 6.5 meters by 3.3 meters; however, I was surrounded by white fog and couldn't see them. Mom said: "Eve Liu gives gift to Luyan! Quickly let him have a look!”.

When I crawled very close to my dad, saw the two toys he brought back: a yellow plastic gyro and a red ornate stick with spots of various colors. As I recall now, at that time, I could see a place 0.5m away and 0.9m in diameter, surrounded by white fog (note 5, this is a symptom of children neurodevelopmental disorder). I could only see half the width of my dad's body, not my mom. It is now estimated that I can't be more than 1.4m away from mom.
Mom said to Dad, "Looks like the kid has an eye problem! Getting down that close to see!"

6 刘健君 Eve Liu

Another day, I was sitting on the bed in our bedroom, and my father said to my mother with a smile, “The other guy, that who, went to Shenyang and saw the Troupe Leader Liu. His family is doing well. I even asked him about his big girl (i.e., Eve Liu). How old is she!? She runs around, is not afraid of strangers, talks to people when she sees them, recites poems, sings songs, and can-do arithmetic within 100.”

妈妈回答:“你还记着呢! 她上托儿所或者幼儿园吧!我听说那地方,人家都教。那孩子长得啥样?”
Mom replied, “You still remember! She goes to a daycare center or kindergarten! I've heard that's where people are taught. What does that kid look like?”
Dad replied, "That I didn't ask."

妈妈笑着说:“你瞒着我吧!” 转头对我说:“这么点儿个小人儿,还有个媳妇儿在大城市。以后咱上学,也好好学习,比她学习好,咱还看不上她呢!咱可不攀那高枝儿!”
Mom laughed and said, “You hid it from me!" Turning to me and said, "This little man, has a wife in the big city. In the future, after we go to school, we'll study hard and be better than her, we look down her! We're not going to climb up that high branch!”
Dad said, “Why don't you know? I couldn't ask. All he said was that the little girl was so smart, not afraid of strangers, and ran around the front and back yards. Such a little girl! Who can say she looks ugly!?”

Mom went into the inner room and stopped talking. At that time, I really wanted to listen. Mom noticed and said to Dad, “Little Luyan probably understands this! As soon as we talked Eve Liu, he stared and concentrated, listening very carefully!"
It seems that by this time, my eyesight had returned to near normal.

↪️卢岩回忆录的目录↪️Catalog of Layan’s Memoirs-https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&bbsid=2176&tid=4334755
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