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送交者: znr0901[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-07-08 22:03 已读 289 次  



回答: 重创!伊朗最新海军护卫舰沉没 由 青年游民 于 2024-07-08 21:50

State-owned news outlet IRNA has confirmed the capsizing. In a brief statement, the agency said that the Sahand "lost its balance due to water ingress" while she was under repair alongside the wharf. Several people were reportedly injured and taken to the hospital. IRNA added that "the vessel is being returned to balance quickly."
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可能是按照潜水艇的圗纸设计的 (无内容) - 青年游民 (0 bytes) 07/08/24

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