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11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-06-30 16:11 已读 3091 次  



回答: 🌲11 生命之树 Tree of Life 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-06-30 15:49


All sentient beings live by these four foods.
(I) Period Food, formerly known as Combat Food, is the phase of deterioration, which means that in Desire Boundary, that one desires fragrance taste and touch the three dusts can be food matters when deterioration happens.
(II) Touch Food, formerly known as Laugh Food, takes heartland law Touch as its body, and touching environments as its phenomena, the saying is that touching delightful laughable affairs, assimilating delight and laugh etc. can be food matters, as in the case of watching a play, which is not eaten all day long without feeling hunger.

(III) Mean Food, formerly known as Spell Food, and in Bible as Mana food, with heartland law Mean as the body, hope as its phenomenon. The saying is that that Mean and Desire are both revolving, and the hope for lovable environments can be food matter. If a person is hungry or thirsty, and goes to the place of food and drink, he should have the Mean of food and drink, otherwise his health is in danger.

(IV) Sense Food, holding on as its phenomena, is said that unconsciousness’ mutant fruits (cf. 11.6.1) flowing out continuously can hold sentients’ life, can be food matter. As in the Bible, God turns into a pillar of fire at night to warm the migrating beings, and into a great cloud during the day to shade them from the scorching sun, which is the function of God-sense, or unconsciousness, to maintain body temperature and perspiration.

Having previously talked about the food that God-sense feeds Adam-sense and Eve-sense in the mind mechanic fables, the following talks about the four foods that God feeds Adam and Eve after he has clothed them in human skin (e.g., Fig. 11.5.0-2, left; cf. Section 10.9): acorns, pinon nuts, seaweed seeds, and maize. This legend is derived from the Legend of the Fifth Sun in the Mexican Codex (see Figure 2, right; see Chapter 18 of this book).

世界之初,根据墨西哥神话,造物主阿弥陀生来就是一对儿,名作自在男和自在女。那夫妻俩生了四个儿子,红藏、黑藏、白藏、和蓝藏,分别主宰东、北、西、和南方。600年后儿子们创造了世界万物,包括太阳(神)奥林·托纳修(Ollin Tonatiuh)。奥林·托纳修就是插图11.5.0-2右图中间的那张脸,本义为 “奥林运动的冠军上前来发光” 。古墨西哥人认为太阳(神)每天东升西降,经历风霜雨雪,损耗很大,需要定期予以补充或重造。再造太阳(神)就是再次举办奥林运动,赛出冠军成为新的太阳(神)。但是举办奥林运动需要神和人为之牺牲。
In the beginning, according to Mexican mythology, the creator Ometeotl, who was both male and female, also known as couple of Tonacacihuatl and Tonacateuctli, gave birth to four sons, the Tezcatlipoca-s of the East, North, South, and West. After 600 years, the sons created the world, including the creation of Sun (God), Ollin Tonatiuh. Ollin Tonatiuh is the face in the center right of Illustration 11.5.0-2, which originally meant "Ollin champion comes forth to shine". Ancient Mexicans believed that the Sun (God), which rises and falls every day and undergoes rain and wind, wears out greatly and needs to be replenished or recreated periodically. Re-creation of the Sun (God) is to organize the Ollin Games again, the winner of the race to become the new Sun (God). However, to organize a new Ollin Movement requires Gods and men to be sacrificed for it. They believe that the Ollin Games have been held many times since the beginning of time and that the Sun (God) has been made and remade many times.

1 橡子 Acorns

The Tiger Catastrophe is the first quadrant of the Sun Stone (shown on the right in Illustration 11.5.0-2). Acorns were the food that the Father of Mexico fed the Golden Boy (i.e., Adam) and the Jade Girl (i.e., Eve) during the Tiger Catastrophe. The ancient Mexicans divided the century project of recreating the Sun (God) into four stages, namely, Tiger Catastrophe, Wind Catastrophe, Rain Catastrophe, and Water Catastrophe. The word Tiger means that the sponsor of the Ollin Movement was not an ordinary person; what was so special about him? Around 1285 A.D., Huitzilopochtli of Central America decided to sacrifice himself to launch a new Ollin movement, in which he would give the Mexican Empire to the new Ollin champion. This article follows his will and calls this Chosen One, the Golden Boy, Mexico.

Huitzilopochtli sacrificed 500 baby boys to the ancient god Tlaloc (as in Fig. 11.5.1-3). Figure 2 shows a mother holding Mexico, who suffered from infantile neurodevelopmental disorder because of the sacrifice. Because of the disease, Mexico has something special in his eyes (as in Figure 3, see Chapter 3, "Flesh Eye Through"), which is the first sun created by Huitzilopochtli. Figure 4 is Mexico as a young child. Figure 5 shows Uncle Maize following the order of Huitzilopochtli in feeding acorns to Mexico. Figure 10 shows that when Mexico grew up, just because he ate the acorns turned black and became Black Tezcatlipoca of North. So, what are those acorns?

图6下半幅显示那橡子是由从灵水中生长的橡树结出的果实。图8显示内圈是个可以转动太阳石的密码,所以笔者认为那橡子相当于四大种(参见11.2节)之类的基本理论概念。佛教中,地水火风四大种亦被称作种子字。就学那么几个字,金童就成为北方不空成就佛了?《佛学次第统编》说, “界(即地)这一个字就值一尊佛!”
The bottom half of Figure 6 shows that the acorns are the fruits of an oak tree that grows from spiritual water. Figure 8 shows that the inner circle is a code for turning the Sun Stone, so author me believes that the acorns are equivalent to basic theoretical concepts such as the Four Great Seeds (see Section 11.2). In Buddhism, the four great seeds of earth, water, fire, and wind are also known as four seed words. Just by learning a few words like that, the golden boy became the “Northern Non-Empty Achievement Buddha”? The Compendium of Buddhism says, "The single word of Boundary (i.e., earth) is worth a Buddha!"

2 松子Piñon Nuts

风劫是太阳石(如插图11.5.0-2右所示)的第二象限,讲金童玉女在风风雨雨,不断变化的环境中迅速长大。风字在五蕴世间(俗称阴间)是不断变迁的环境。在风劫中,左翼蜂鸟献祭了6名童女,包括自己的女儿翠玉女(如图11.5.2-3所示)给古代的女神翠玉女(如图4所示)。墨西哥的传说,风劫中神喂松子给人吃;那松子是什么?答:灵丹, 是一个天道轮回(约600太阳历年)中的古代神特拉洛克和女神翠玉女神的灵(如图3,5,6),即他们俩的传说故事。
Wind Catastrophe is the second quadrant of the Sun Stone (shown on the right in Illustration 11.5.0-2), speaks of the Golden Boys and Jade Girls growing up quickly in a windy stormy ever-changing environment. The word Wind in the Five Nodes World (such as the world in Bible’s first chapter) is the ever-changing environment. During the wind catastrophe, Huitzilopochtli sacrificed six young girls, including his own daughter, Chalchiuhtlicue (shown in 11.5.2-2), to the ancient goddess Chalchiuhtlicue (shown in Figure 4). Mexican legend says that God fed Piñon Nuts to humans; what are those Piñon Nuts? Answer: Spiritual Catholicons (see fig. 3, 5, 6), are spirits of ancient God Tlaloc and Goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, are their legendary life stories.

Figure 5 shows that as the golden boy walked along, something like shuttlecocks, called Spiritual Catholicons, fell into his rice bowl. The feather represents the spirits that makeup the soul of Tlaloc. The red balls represent Catholicons. The Spiritual Catholicons are classical juristic cases taken from the stories of ancient Tlaloc. The Spiritual Catholicons were falling from the sky to indicate that Huitzilopochtli had made Golden Boy unknowingly to experience through the real events designed directed and based on the Tlaloc’s juristic cases. Mexico as a teenager had already practiced the fourth meditations (cf. section 12.4); the first-hand experience of this meditation is the Celestial Eye, the second sun made by King Huitzilopochtli. Figure 6 shows that Mexico grew a mouth full of philosopher-stone teeth (i.e., gnostic teeth, wisdom teeth) because of eating the Piñon Nuts, the Spiritual Catholicons.

The Jade Girl in Figure 3 lives on the steps and has a lampshade by her head, indicating that she was raised in an isolated concentration camp. The centralized training made it easier and more effective, and less expensive, for Huitzilopochtli to feed her the Piñon Nuts, the Spiritual Catholicons. The Spiritual Catholicons should be classical juristic cases taken from the stories of ancient Chalchiuhtlicue.

The red dot at the bottom of the bowl in Fig. 3 represents the Bodhi Heart (cf. section 16.1), indicating that Chalchiuhtlicue voluntarily made a vow to voluntarily dedicate herself to the cause of recreating the Sun God. Figure 4 shows that when she became the mother of all beings, that Bodhi Heart had grown into a Bodhi Tree.

Figure 7 shows that the maiden Chalchiuhtlicue can kill a bison herself and carry it back. Figure 8 shows that Chalchiuhtlicue is so glamorous in her woman's skin that she can eliminate gravity and lift the earth (as in Figure 9). The woman's skin is also known as golden armor, and 500 majesties 108,000 charms, see section 16.2.

3 海草籽 Seaweed Seeds

Rain Catastrophe is the third quadrant of the Sun Stone (shown on the right in Illustration 11.5.0-2), which means that it always rains in Mexico's world because he was accompanied by a Misfortune. What is a Misfortune? A happy laughing Jade Girl (Eve) is a Goddess, is a Fortune; a sad weeping Jade Girl is a Misfortune. In Rain Catastrophe, Chalchiuhtlicue was always grouchy toward Mexico because her father Huitzilopochtli died with eyes open. As shown in Figure 11.5.3-3 top, the rain-soaked phoenix represents Chalchiuhtlicue in Mexico's heart.

Years later, Mexico heard that King Huitzilopochtli passed away (As shown in Figure 3; note, ignore the provenance and date of the illustrations and use them as schematics for this story) and became ill (shown in Figure 3). At the bottom of Figure 3 is a lion's face trapped in a fire box, indicating Mexico descent into hell. At this point, Mexico is the reincarnation of Tlaloc's soul, nicknamed Jaguar. On top of the lion's head is a coffin with traces of an explosion and three pieces of Human’s Bones left behind, indicating that he fell ill when he heard of the death of Huitzilopochtli and reacted so violently that an explosion occurred inside his body. In the center of Figure 3 is the body of Mexico, with a cross stapled into the abdomen by Huitzilopochtli, or saying of a sword inserted. At the top is a rain-soaked phoenix, indicating that in Mexico's mind, Chalchiuhtlicue hates him. The goddess of joy is a goddess, and the goddess of weeping is a misfortune, so Mexico encountered a misfortune, he can not heal himself.

图4显示地狱中的墨西哥抱着个生病的孩子,表示他回忆起了自己幼时左翼蜂鸟为他做肉眼通时曾对他说:“你是我的教子,我会把我女儿翠玉女许配给你,并且让你继承我的王位,成为墨西哥帝国的开国皇帝。” 图5显示过去的墨西哥死了;十字架成为了新墨西哥的身体,他复活了。胸前挂着个小女孩儿的画像,表示他接受了左翼蜂鸟的安排,愿意作为左翼蜂鸟的教子,接受翠玉女成为自己的妻子了。
Figure 4 shows Mexico in Hell holding a sick child, signifying that he recalled what Huitzilopochtli had said to him when he was a young boy when he made “Flesh Eye Through” to him, "You are my godson, and I will betroth my daughter, Chalchiuhtlicue, to you, and will make you the successor to my throne as the founding emperor of the Mexican empire." Figure 5 shows that the past Mexico died; the cross became the body of the new Mexico and he was resurrected. The portrait of a little girl hanging on his chest indicates that he has accepted Huitzilopochtli's arrangement and is willing to be his godson, accepting Chalchiuhtlicue as his wife now.

The seaweed seeds are saying that the Gnostic Eye of Mexico (shown on the top of Mexico's head in Figure 5) was opened and he could diagnose the debris of those ruined civilizations, so knowledges are like seaweed seeds, are available everywhere. This Gnostic Eye is the third sun that Huitzilopochtli created.

根据左翼蜂鸟的遗嘱,墨西哥和翠玉女要在欢迎墨西哥从地狱里荣誉归来的游行集会上,当众裸体结婚,如图6至13所示。两只灵龙喷出了火焰烧毁了世界(如图8),把俩人熔合了(如图9、10和11所示)。在俩人性交的过程中一个新的奥林·托纳修(Ollin Tonatiuh)和一个新的阿弥陀(Ometeotl)形成了,如图6上部所示。灵龙是什么?
According to Huitzilopochtli's will, Mexico and Chalchiuhtlicue were to be consummated in the nude amongst the processional assembly welcoming Mexico's honorable return from hell, as shown in Figure 6 to 13. Two Quetzalcoatls were bursting into flames that burned the world and fused the two together, as shown in Figures 9, 10, and 11. During the sexual intercourse between the two a new Ollin Tonatiuh and a new Ometeotl are formed, as shown in the upper part of Fig. 6. What are the Quetzalcoatls?

Those are memories of the two of them before they were three years old (as in Figure 13 below). That memory is like “along thoughts ego” in mind mechanism, is called Fortune in Chinese Culture, also known as Big Strength God, which is so powerful that there is no mundane match for it. The Fortune is known as Juvenile in Buddhism, Brahmin in Hinduism, Abel in Christianity Islam and Ancient Egyptian culture, and Magni in Germanic culture.

4 玉米穗 Maize Cob

The Water Catastrophe is the fourth quadrant of the Sun Stone (shown on the right in Illustration 11.5.0-2), and it is said that when Chalchiuhtlicue became the Mother of All Livings, she aroused the big flood, which destroyed the old world and created a new world called Mexico. In the new world, Mexicans eat Maize Cobs; so, what are those, Maize Cobs?

Figure 2 indicates that after seven days and seven nights of a hectic wedding, Mexico and Chalchiuhtlicue finally had some time to themselves and exchanged gifts with each other. Figures 3 and 4 are portraits of Mexico (i.e., Tlaloc). Figure 4 shows him performing a rain (i.e., a sermon) and then handing out a briefcase that is his autobiography and the Epitaph he wrote for Huitzilopochtli's Wordless Tombstone, also known as Book of Death, aka Proclamation of Investiture Gods. Mexico, as Doomsday Judgement, a guardian of Mexican world, abolished all previous gods and goddesses in the land of Mexico, and ordained Huitzilopochtli as Sun God, Chalchiuhtlicue as Mother of All Livings, his mentoring teacher Uncle Maize as Maize God, Coatlicue as Mother of Rebirth.

插图5、6、7是翠玉女的肖像。图7中,她头顶的两本书就是《墨西哥法典》,一本是墨西哥的回忆录,另一本是她自己的回忆录,亦作《生命之书》。生命之书的最后一章是《到达方舟》,即圣经中的诺亚方舟,如图9所示,是个出尘的工具,可以用来进行洗礼和割礼。方舟中,翠玉女运用无意识与空相应(如图10-4)和净识害有的心理学原理,系统地梳理了生命之树。文中用了很多矩阵,读者读时需要前后上下反复地看,像似啃玉米棒子似的,所以墨西哥人就称之为玉米穗了。所以笔者认为墨西哥的玉米一词还有佛教中的 “意思食” 的含义。翠玉女的这种法眼的能力就是左翼蜂鸟造的第四颗太阳。
Illustrations 5, 6, and 7 are portraits of Chalchiuhtlicue. In Figure 7, the two books above her head are the Mexican Codex, one book is Mexico’s Memoir and the another is her own memoir, also known as the Book of Life. The last chapter of her memoir is Arrival Ark, the biblical Noah's Ark, shown in Figure 9, which is an ousting dusts vessel, can be used to baptise and circumcise. In Arrival Ark, Chalchiuhtlicue systematically combs the Tree of Life by the psychological principles of the unconscious corresponding to emptiness (as in Figure 10-4) and those immaculate senses harm haves. The text uses many matrixes, readers need to read back and forth, up and down repeatedly, like nibbling on a corn cob, so the Mexicans call it corns on the cob. Therefore, author me believes that the word Maize in Mexico has the meaning of Mana Food in English. This power of the juristic eye of Chalchiuhtlicue is the fourth sun made by Huitzilopochtli.

Illustration 11.5.5, the picture on the left shows the Great Floating-Paints Tower in Mexico City; the two tombs at the top of the tower, one of Huitzilopochtli and the another of Mexico. The picture on the right shows Mexico (i.e., Tlaloc). The eagle or phoenix on the Mexican flag represents Chalchiuhtlicue.


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