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Firstly, Hitler had the Moon i

送交者: Assets1[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-05-21 16:39 已读 29 次  



回答: 阿道夫的画 由 Lapetus 于 2024-03-25 18:04

n the “bad” 20th station, which the Sumerians called Pabilsag - the commander-in-chief of the army of the king of the underworld - Nergal. People with the Moon in this station are aggressive, warlike and ruthless.
Secondly, the ruler of his chart was the culminating Saturn, as a result of which fate did not give Adolf Aloisievich anything for nothing and deprived him of everything, not even allowing him to enter the art academy. Therefore, all his life he looked for those to blame and tried to squeeze something out of someone.
Thirdly, his DSC was located in the zone of the ominous star Algol, the name of which fate did not give Adolf anything for nothing and deprived him of everything, not even allowing him to enter the art academy. Therefore, all his life he looked for those to blame and tried to squeeze something out of someone. Thirdly, his DSC was located in the zone of the ominous star Algol, whose name translates as “Devil’s Head”.
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