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6.2 工作表现好 Good Work Performance

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 12:24 已读 131 次  



回答: 📖6 沈阳和平房产局 Heping Housekeeping Bureau 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:29

In October 1994, the manager approached me and said that the bureau had taken care of the fact that I was from the countryside and my family was in difficulty and had decided to put me on the list for the next housing allocation. He also said that to make it easier for the company to change the design drawings, they had programmed me into the bureau's design institute. They also organized me into the Bureau's Relocation and Development Office. Subsequently, I was assigned as the chief engineer for the construction of the Suichuan Tenth Street Commercial and Residential Building (with a total cost of $340 million) project. The bureau set up a bureau works committee for this project; I was appointed secretary of this committee. Soon afterward, they notified me that I had been organized into the Bureau's Accident Investigation and Handling Committee.

One night, my colleague Gao Dexin came to our office with a group of people, saying that they felt so strange about my life that they couldn't sleep at night, so they decided to talk to me.

The first strange thing, Gao Dexin asked me where my personnel file was. I replied that I didn't know. He said to the crowd, "Chief XXX of the Bureau's Personnel Unit said that since Luyan came, all the Bureau Chiefs have asked me for his personnel file. I've been to the district archives five or six times looking for his file. There are records in the archive records of receiving his file, but I just couldn't find it. Later, when I was asked for his file again, I told Luyan to look for it himself. Luyan, how many times did he tell you to find the file?"

I replied, "Three or four times, I can't find it."
Gao Dexin said, "You should not complain! That Bureau Chiefs asked for it, Chief XXX of Personnel Unit can’t be unresponsive, so he had you run for it.”

"The second strange thing, Luyan, the bureau wants to arrange housing for you, let you pay some money, you do not agree. Our manager asked me to do your ideological work. Luyan! We can't say we don't want the house! This matter, you let your brother my face nowhere to put!"
People talk: "It's true that he come from the countryside, he does not even understand this!"

"The third thing," Gao Dexin said: "Luyan, how many positions has the bureau assigned to you?"
I replied: "More than ten! However, those are just temporary names. When the time comes, they will send someone to replace me."

Gao said: "I haven't counted. Your name is all over the wall of the construction site office. Some of the names are temporary, but seven or eight positions are real positions of power and are not temporary. When personnel chief XXX wrote your file, he went to ask the Bureau Chief and our company manager. All those positions you had are real, and everyone felt strange."

Sister Bi said, "Even I feel strange when I hear it! Our Heping Housekeeping Bureau is not a small place, and it ranks just over 100 in the country (this figure comes from the Ministry of Public Security's statistical report). What's going on here? Who exactly is Luyan's backer? They don't care about our Heping Housekeeping Bureau, they're out of control! This whole thing is going to be a disaster!"

Gao said: "You don't have to worry about this, I have discussed this with a few understanding people in our bureau. They gave Luyan two positions, plus a house, this is out of the ordinary. The current situation is two times over the ordinary. That's why Luyan's backer is not afraid of trouble. If something goes wrong, they can stand up to it."

Sister Bi said: "This is nonsense! How can he resist? Besides, how can our Bureau Chief do things like this!"
Gao Dexin said: "My father analyzed that this might be done like this: Luyan's backer asked several people to ask our Bureau Chief to help Luyan with something at the same time. As a result, our Bureau Chief could not ignore each of them. That is what it is now.”

Team Leader Ma said: "The analysis makes sense. Who is Luyan's backer? Why would he do this?"
Gao Dexin said: "This has to ask him! Luyan, how many brothers and sisters are there in your father's family?"

In this way, they asked all my relatives and friends, as well as my father and grandfather, whether they had been in the military, whether they had any comrades in arms, or whether they had saved anyone's life. Finally, Gao Dexin said that they were not responsible for this.

Team Leader Ma asked Gao: "What does your father think of this?"
Finally, Gao Dexin said to me: " I synthesized the opinions of more than 40 sensible people in our bureau. You must consider this from the perspective of marriage ((See Chapter 1 "Children's Marriage Contract")). You are the backup son-in-law of a powerful person, who temporarily fostered you in our Heping Housekeeping Bureau. Just remember what I said! In the future, when you meet the daughter of a high-ranking cadre, all the children of high-ranking cadres have special characteristics, so you should be more tolerant, marry a good wife, and you will have nothing to worry about in your life!"

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_13 22:46:06编辑

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