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6.3 考研究生 Going to Graduate School

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-04-28 12:23 已读 132 次  



回答: 📖6 沈阳和平房产局 Heping Housekeeping Bureau 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:29

Once at a construction site, I was nattering with an older worker. He commented on me, "You're doing pretty well! The whole bureau knows you, but this is the peak of your life, and you will be like this for the rest of your life."
I asked dissatisfiedly: "Why can't I just be a small official or something and work in the bureau?"

He replied, "Your father is not an official, your mom has no money, you are not smart and have no diploma, except for being lovably honest, you are nothing special, how good can you be in the future!?"
I think this is sincere, nothing to do, just want to go to night university, to get a bachelor's degree, or at least to get a diploma.

I returned to Northeastern University to look for a night school and happened to run into Big Sister Wang Gang. She heard that I wanted to continue my schooling and replied, "Yes! It's a good thing. I want to introduce you to a girlfriend. You graduated from a college, so I am too embarrassed to say it, there's no way I can help you. But a bachelor's degree from a night university is still too embarrassed to say; and that would take two or three years of hard work also. I think you'd better go to graduate school."

I didn't have that idea and said, "I can't pass the entrance exam."
Sister Wang said: "You don't understand. Taking the postgraduate entrance exam is different from taking the university entrance exam. You will understand after taking the exam. Trust me! Just prepare for the postgraduate entrance exam!"

Of course, there was no use trusting her; in the spring of 1995, I failed the exam. But she said: "This year there are just a few excellent candidates; next year, the level of those taking the exam may be lower, so you can pass the exam, continue to prepare for next year's exam."

在1995年夏,我决定参加全国统一的研究生考试。大姐听了: “哎呀!我弟弟长志气了;那我这当姐姐的得支持啊!有许多博士研究生在八舍有床位,房租都交了,却很少在那儿住。我给你在那儿找个房间。那儿两个人一个屋,肃静。” 就这样,我住进了东北大学的博士生宿舍。
In the summer of 1995, I decided to take the national unified postgraduate examination. My elder sister Wang heard: "Oops! My younger brother has grown in ambition; then I, as the older sister, should support it! There are many doctoral students who have beds in the eight dormitories, the rent is paid, but they seldom stay there. I'll find you a room there. There are two people in a room there, and it's quiet." In this way, I moved into the doctoral dormitory of Northeastern University.

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坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_17 17:24:50编辑

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