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6.7.2 强取豪夺 Robbery

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 12:19 已读 134 次  



回答: 6.7 饿鬼趣 Hungry Ghost Interest 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-28 12:15

After a while, Little Ma happily pulled me to the side of the people from Survey Bureau and told me to listen and watch and not to speak. He said to Old Cao: "What gifts you want, you must buy quickly; this morning market should be dispersed, or buy a few pounds of seafood first?"

Old Cao said, "If you want to buy seafood in this place, you have to have someone who understands it. Otherwise, buy five pounds, it is good that you can get four and a half pounds. When you go back, you still must pick; in the end you can eat two pounds even if it is good. It's one thing to waste a few dollars; we can't afford to waste time."

Little Ma said: "I just want you to experience it. You go and buy it yourself, and I will find someone to follow you. If you buy five kilograms, they will give you ten kilograms. Moreover, the price is fair, and the quality of the seafood is still good."

Old Cao then said: "This is something new, I'm living this old, I've never heard of it. If you fool me, you will feel sorry for me! We see each other unavoidably."
Little Ma said: "I don't dare to feel ashamed of you! I just want to open your eyes and let you see!"

Old Cao said: "I've never seen this before! If I go and buy five pounds, they can give me seven pounds of good ones. Today, we people don't want anything else; let's do this job and make sure it's done in two hours. What if you lose?"
Little Ma said: "I lose! After we finish the job, we will go to Kailai Hotel. You guys can eat whatever you want and play whatever you want."

老曹说:“我还真就不信邪!一言为定!” 他下车就往市场里走,走了几步,站住了,说:“别说我出鬼!买哪家的,谁告诉我?”
小马说:“你想买什么就买什么;但是人家要是不卖给你,你就不能买。” 又对我说:“小卢!跟上,跟着去!”
Old Cao said: "I really don't believe it! It's a deal!" He got out of the bus and walked toward the market, but after a few steps, he stopped and said: "Don't say I'm tricky! Who's going to tell me which one to buy?"
Little Ma said: "You can buy whatever you want. But you can't buy it if they don't sell it to you. And to me he said, "Little Luyan! Follow, follow up!"

I chattered loudly as I walked: "That's your trick! Buying five pounds to give ten pounds, that's seeing ghost alive indeed! These many people go to the Kailai Hotel, can four thousand dollars enough!"

Little Ma ran over to me and whispered: "I told you not to talk! You just go along. Quickly! Stay close!"
Old Cao and I quickly bought the stuff. The weighing result was seven and a half pounds, and the weigher asked: "What kind of bet did you make? Is it better to have more? Or less?"

老曹走过来对我和小马说:“今天,我可是被你们俩给整瞢了。这到底是怎么回事儿?” 他瞪了我一眼之后,对小马说:“是不是你事先安排好了?”
Old Cao came to Little Ma and I and said: "Today, I've been blindsided by the two of you. What the hell is going on here?" After glaring at me, he said to Little Ma: "Did you arrange this beforehand?"
Little Ma said: "Didn't I tell you! Luyan is the boss here! He's got a lot of face!"

Old Cao glared at me again and said: "He's the boss! I'm still the emperor! I really don't understand what's going on with you guys! If you dare to screw me, you're not afraid of trouble in the future!"
At that moment, a kid came over to talk to me. We both just took a few steps to the side and said to him, "Just talk! It's okay!"

The kid then spoke to me in a slow, loud voice: "Little Luyan, you've run into trouble! Do you need help?"
I reacted for a moment and said: "No trouble! I'm at work, working!"

小孩儿问:“你是在上班?干活呢?你就是这样干活的呀! 怎么像似在打架!”
The kid asked: "Are you at work? Working? That's how you work! Why does it look like you're fighting!"
I said: "Ah! My work is to chatter! This is discussing how to put the red line."

The kid said: "In the past days, you've been the only one watching us work. You've been here for two months, and we haven't seen you work. Today, we're not going to work, and we're going to see how you work. Ah! You work just like this, just chattering away. What a job you have!"
I was in a hurry, so I said: "Watch if you want. I've got to get back."

The kid said: "Well, I'll just stand here and watch!"
I walked back and noticed the kid just standing frozen in the middle of the road, so I went back and said: "You can't stand in the middle of the road, it's not safe to stand here, you have to stand back."

The kid said: "Well, I'll stand with our people."
I then noticed the crowd of people watching from the other side of the road, perhaps more than a hundred people, and asked: "Are these all your people?"
The kid said: "Yeah! I'm just standing here watching."


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_24 8:19:18编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_05 23:01:46编辑

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