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6.7 饿鬼趣 Hungry Ghost Interest

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 12:15 已读 186 次  



回答: 📖6 沈阳和平房产局 Heping Housekeeping Bureau 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:29

在前文《贼窝会议 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3586275》几天之后的一个早上,到处都有很厚的霜。我看见工地南边遂川十里早市上人山人海的,非常热闹,就又过去逛早市儿了,却走进了另一个世界:我看见到处都有小偷在偷东西。
One morning a few days after the "Meeting in the Den of Thieves" talked in section 6.4 above, there was thick frost everywhere. I saw that the morning market in Suichuan, south of the construction site, was crowded with people. It was very lively, so I went there to visit the morning market again, but I entered another world: I saw thieves stealing things everywhere.

A group of thieves crowded on one side of a seafood selling truck. The thieves in the front pretend to buy fresh shrimp, where they physically block the ones behind them. The thieves at the back stood in rows, as if in a queue, and passed the shrimp outward, bag by bag. The thieves elsewhere, too, were cooperating in groups of three or five. Their facial expressions and hand and foot movements were very different, and they used different tricks. No one could see me, as if I, the audience, is a transparent ghost. I looked around, feeling surprised everywhere, and it felt like the end of the world. I suddenly realized that my eyes were dull and might cause some trouble, so I stopped looking. I lowered my head and walked quickly to the place where I often eat.

卖筋饼豆腐脑的老板和伙计都是以前熟悉的人,可是当时在我眼里,他们对我像是对待陌生人。我问:“今天你们是怎么了?怎么这么不友好呢!” 那个老板冷漠地回答:“怎么了!你不是常来这儿吗!” 我注意到:在这里所有的人都对我表现出麻木情绪,对我不感兴趣,不欢迎我;不像往日,都有说有笑的。
The owner and the man selling bean curd dumplings were people I used to know well, but at that time, in my eyes, they treated me as if I were a stranger. I asked, "What's wrong with you guys today? Why are you so unfriendly!" That boss replied indifferently, "Why! Don't you come here often!" I noticed: all the people here showed numbness towards me, disinterested and unwelcoming; unlike in the old days, when we all talked and laughed.

After breakfast, I took a detour back to where I was staying, the site office. The atmosphere was still the same as before, lots of people eating seafood: crabs raw and shrimp live. I then tried a live shrimp: it was like water; I couldn't taste anything. The group talked happily. Surprisingly, those who engage in seafood wholesale like our small market, so we'll have seafood to eat from now on. The vendors in this small morning market are several times more than before.

After eight o'clock, Little Ma from our engineering section suddenly came to the site and told me that the red line would be put in on this day (Note, the red line is the datum line on which the building outline is based and is given by the Survey Bureau). Little Ma said to me: "You are the civil construction technician at this site. I am the plumbing technician. This is your job. I'm here to help you."

The bus from Survey Bureau arrived, but the personnel didn't get out. Little Ma and I went over and knocked on the door. It was only after a long time that the people in the bus opened the door but expressed two complaints. First, there were a few places where the designs do not match the actual, with a difference of up to one meter. Secondly, the construction had started at our site without the red line, and they had to report it to their superiors. They asked me to discuss it with Little Ma.

I followed Little Ma to the side, and he said: "This is an old city zone, how many times have the survey maps been updated, so the data are always not matching, not a big deal."
I replied: "It's not like they have anything to do with our early construction!"

Little Ma said, "Right! This is that they are asking tips for getting off their bus.”
I felt strange when I heard, "What! Money for getting off the bus! Are we welcoming Bride? Must pay for bride getting off the bus! How much do we have to pay?"

小马说:“我不知道,看他们这个架势,我看四千元差不多。” (注,那时我的月薪是330元)
Little Ma said: "I don't know, look at their posture, I think 4,000 RMB at least.” (Note, at that time, my salary is 330 RMB/Month).
I said: "4,000 RMB! No one told me, I can't decide. Let's wait for our section chief Fu and manager to come and let them handle it."

Little Ma said: "Wait for them to come, don't be silly! If we don't finish this, they won't come. If we finish the job, they'll be here right away. We'll do the work, and make the mistakes, they'll get the credit. Money! Are you going to pay or not?"

I realized that my colleagues were screwing with me to see me lose face, so I argued with Little Ma. At this point, the people from the Survey Bureau opened the windows and doors to get some air, listen to us and watch the fun.

I said loudly, "Didn't the mayor's son and Police Bureau director's son dig this foundation pit!? If they report our early construction to the mayor. That's a good thing to say, but not a good thing to hear! The mayor will not be happy to hear this."

Little ma said: "What's the point?"
I replied: "What's the point! They don't dare to report us!"

Little Ma said: "Keep your voice down! Their doors are open, and they can hear us."
I yelled: "You think I'm talking to you! No one in the city hall and the Public Security Bureau listens to them!"

Little Ma asked: "What do you want to do?"
I replied: "This is screwing me! Who's so mean? Fighting will solve the problem! We're not afraid of trouble, they are! They're looking for the wrong place to get into trouble!"

Little Ma said: "If we fight with them, their Bureau Chief will have to quickly suppress the affair. Before the mayor finds out, he'll have solved all the problems at our construction site. However, isn't this also causing trouble for our Bureau Chief? Our Bureau Chief will have to go to the mayor tonight to apologize."

我回答:“没事儿,咱局长哪有机会去见市长,巴结人家!他上礼拜还骂咱们科呢:就窝里斗能耐!见着外面的人,连个响屁都不敢放。今天,咱俩就放个响屁给咱局长听听。” 我说着,就开始到处看,找棒子,假装要去砸他们的车窗玻璃。
I replied: "No issue. Our Bureau Chief doesn't have a chance to meet the mayor and flatter him! Last week, he scolded our section for being so good at fighting among ourselves! Dare not to fart when dealing with outsiders. Today, we're going to have a sounding fart for our Bureau Chief to listen." I said, began to look around, looking for a stick, pretending to smash their bus windows.

Little Ma got anxious and said: "Stop! Don't move! They asked me to help you so that you could learn from me. If something goes wrong, it's my fault. Who can blame you, a student who just graduated a few months ago? You stand here, don't move. I'll talk to Old Ma (i.e. Team Leader Ma, site production manager)."


坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_03_24 8:17:59编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_06 23:52:09编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2024_04_28 12:17:39编辑

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