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4.2 禅的故事 Stories of Meditation

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 12:03 已读 131 次  



回答: 📖4 少青年 Youth 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:33

1975年9月的一天,崔凤龙回家探亲,又来我家给我讲故事。从前,有一个人,不知什么原因,她总是能听见许多怪声音;她就听。听听地,她甚至能听到蝴蝶飞的声音。在入睡前,她能听见自己心跳的声音,还能听到口哨声,嘶嘶声,嘀嘀声,呜呜声等。后来,她能听到,有人跟她说话,有人喊她,告诉她些什么,有人在像开会似的讨论问题,鸟叫声,水流声,蛙叫,风吹洞穴,下雨的声音,雷声,什么声音都能听到了。这时她就像疯了似的,总能听见各种声音,但她继续听。听听地,她就听明白了,练成了天耳通,修成了正果(参见15.2节的四沙门果 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3469609)。
One day in September 1975, Uncle Dragon went home to visit his family and came to our house again to tell me a story. Once upon a time, there was a person who, for some unknown reason, could always hear many strange sounds; and she listened. she could even hear the sound of butterflies flying. Before going to sleep, she could hear her heart beating, and she could hear whistling, hissing, ticking, whimpering, and so on. Later, she could hear, someone talking to her, someone calling out to her, telling her something, someone discussing a problem like a meeting, birds chirping, water running, frogs calling, the wind blowing in the caves, the sound of rain, thunder, anything. At this point she was like crazy, always hearing all kinds of sounds, but she continued to listen. Listening and listening, she understood, and obtained Celestial Ear Through (i.e., Clairaudience) and achieved the correct fruit (i.e., the four shamanic fruits: cf. section 15.2).

崔凤龙还给我讲了许多练气功的方法,什么盯着燃香看、莲花观想、拳井,等。 我虽然对这些练习气功的方法着迷,却没练出来什么。大约在上小学四年级时,我自己买了一本名为《真气运行法》的气功书,开始按照书中说的练习,很快就有了真气的感觉,开始真正地练习气功了,直到19岁。本书,我把自己练习气功的心得体会集中编辑在了第12章《禅 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3408353》。
Uncle Dragon also told me many methods of practicing meditation, such as staring at burning incense, lotus flower contemplation, fisting well, and so on. Although I was fascinated by these methods of practicing meditation, I did not practice anything out. About the time I was in the fourth grade of elementary school (12 years old), I bought myself a meditation book called "The Method of Operating True Air," and began to practice according to what was said in the book, and soon I had the feeling of true air and began to really practice meditation until I was 19 years old. In this book, I have concentrated and edited my experiences of practicing meditation in Chapter 12.

2014年,我写完回忆录后,知道了崔凤龙给我讲故事是被刘团长指使的,这些故事都是佛教中著名法案;而且我也知道了刘团长从我一岁时就知道我是 “图像思维型人” 。前文 “观音” (如图4.2-1) 类型的禅定修习对我的禅定修习不很实用,为什么他却选择了这个对我来说是障碍的练习方法来诱导我练习气功?
In 2014, after I wrote my memoirs, I learned that Uncle Dragon had been instructed by Troupe Leader Liu to tell me stories, all of which were famous juristic cases in Buddhism; and I also learned that Troupe Leader Liu had known that I was an "image-thinking type of person" since I was one year old. The previous "Guanyin" (i.e., View Sound; see fig. 4.2-1) type of meditation practice was not very practical for my meditation practice, so why did he choose this practice method, which was an obstacle for me, to induce me to practice meditation?

So, I consulted the archetype of the Goddess of Guanyin, the Sumerian Queen Kubaba (as in Illustration 4.2-2). She has auspicious clouds under her feet, indicating that she is a Migration Sky, i.e., she is a word-thinking person, i.e., a voice-thinking person. She has two sunflowers on her hat, indicating that she is Eve, as shown in the right illustration of the two sets of godly Trinities that the author I devised. She holds a mirror in her left hand, as if to say, "Take bronze as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes; take people as a mirror, you can understand the gains and losses; take history as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall; take God as a mirror, you can know sky, earth, the past life, and the present life."

前段最后一句是什么意思?笔者认为她的丈夫就是图1中的那只狮子,即亚当,名字,别人称呼他为(Sumeru),佛经中译作须弥颅(山)。他们还自称为黑头人,为什么?因为在切分无意识(即神识)时,定义了纯净部分,即没有记忆没有感知的部分,为神识,为天,为白色;无意识中有记忆,有感觉的部分为身土,为地,黑色,所以亚当,即佛,即觉,是黑色。 “可以知前世”义为苦芭芭知道自己是夏娃转世。(注,灵魂转世的本质参见本书的10.10节 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3585243)。
What does the last sentence of the previous paragraph mean? The author me believes that her husband is the lion in Figure 1, Adam, name, who is called Sumeru by others, which is translated as “Sumer Head Mountain” in the Buddhist scriptures. They also call themselves the Black Heads, why? Because in cutting up the unconscious (aka. God-sense), the pure part is defined, i.e., the part with no memory and no perception, as God-sense, as sky, as white; the part of the unconscious that has memory and has perception is the body-soil, as earth, as black, so that Adam, i.e., Buddha, i.e., perception, is black. The meaning of "can know past lives" is that Kubaba knows that she is the reincarnation of Eve. (Note, for the nature of the reincarnation of souls see section 10.10 of this book).

What does the fact that she is holding a large poppy gourd in her hand indicate? The fact that there are many seeds in the gourd indicates that religion is the seed of many kinds of wisdom and art. The fact that the gourd is poisonous means that religion is poisonous. The fact that Kubaba has a horn on her forehead means that she is a unicorn and is pure and can purify religious teachings.

Later, I designed the Eve in Figure 3 based on the Jade Girl in Chapter 18 and Eve Liu later in this book.

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