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4.5 真人医学实验的报纸新闻 News of Real-Life Medical Experiments

送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 12:00 已读 195 次  



回答: 📖4 少青年 Youth 由 Adam_Luyan 于 2024-04-27 9:33

One day in 1982, my mom was telling me about a news story she had gotten from a half-piece old newspapers talking about scientists dedicating their lives to science.

A military unit in Shenyang cooperated with China Medical University to conduct a real-life medical experiment. It was said that an ancient story contained a detailed description of the main character's personal life experiences, illnesses, pathologies, and treatments in the first half of his life. Modern doctors, however, could not make a definitive diagnosis of his illness because there were no relevant cases. However, what happened in the story was man-made and not encountered in real life for a hundred years. In order to study how the ancients diagnosed the disease, they decided to redesign a medical experiment based on the story and create a real-life case for the modern doctors to refer to, also to study the reincarnation of souls. The experiment is mainly to observe human behavior, may last for sixty or seventy years; the duration of the experiment is determined by how long the person being experimented on can live.

A group of boys and a group of girls are selected from the community. The group of boys is kept secret, they are each brought up in the natural environment of their own homes. The researchers work on the study in close quarters and observe. There are boys in the girls' group as well, and it is an open and centralized training. When they grow up, one person from each of the boy and girl groups is then selected for the next phase of the experiment.

The newspapers say that the State has also established laws for this experimental research, and a kind of secret police to defend the work of this experiment. This police could direct individual citizens to say whatever they were told to say, and to do whatever they were told to do. For example, if the boys in the boys' group did not know that they themselves were subjects of the experiment, and if someone close to him knew about it, he could not pretend that he did not know, the secret police could relocate the knower. It was said that if not, this experiment could not be completed. The experiment initiator also said: “everything in the experiment must be true, and falsehood is definitely not an option. Whoever breaks the law in this experiment will go to jail; whoever dares to reveal information and talk nonsense will go to jail for at least ten years.”

The first phase of the experiment had been successfully completed. It was time for the next phase of the experiment, which involved three main characters, a father, his daughter, and another boy. It was said that once the experiment began, that father would become ill from the experiment and would eventually die of the disease, would not see the full results of his experiment. During the experiment, the initiator and his daughter volunteered to give their lives for scientific research. His daughter vowed to volunteer as a subject for the experiment and to participate in the training of the girls' group; she would continue the experiment after her father passed away. She also vowed to study medicine in the future and take care of the boy for the rest of his life. By then, they were both adults.

The newspaper also said that the boy would also get sick, even very sick, and die because of this experiment. It said that, on the bad side, the boy would be sick all over, if not sick and die. It is also possible that the boy will not get sick. The initiator of the experiment also said: “at the end of the experiment, public affairs will be publicly done, private affairs should be privately to solve, no one should go to court to fight the case.”

When my mother and I were talking about what illness they got, I remember my mother saying that both that father and the boy who was ultimately chosen would get sick from the experiment, that people are different, so their illnesses wouldn't be the same; but the causes of their illnesses were a series of events in the experiment, in this respect to say that they got the same illnesses (note 1).

Note 4.5-1, In 2014, when I was writing my memoirs, I noted that the statement "both suffered from the same disease" constituted a common {annoyance} shared by the initiator and the chosen boy. And the boy learns a variety of things from the series of events of the experiment. According to Buddhist Variation Nature, "{variation nature} is {annoyance} and {know}" (for Variation Nature see section; and in this way the initiator passes on his {annoyance} and {know} to the chosen boy. So, the initiator becomes the godfather of the chosen boy, and the boy becomes the initiator's godson, or what is called the reincarnation of the soul.

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_12_04 15:45:11编辑

坛主:Adam_Luyan于2023_12_04 15:49:53编辑

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